domenica, Febbraio 23, 2025


La Cina fa progressi nella costruzione del Type 003

Ne scrivono Matthew P. Funaiole e Joseph S. Bermudez Jr. per CSIS.

Notano gli Autori: Recent satellite imagery reveals that China has made considerable progress in the construction of its third aircraft carrier, known as the Type 003, since CSIS reported on the vessel last month.

Progress Report on China’s Type 003 Carrier | Center for Strategic and International Studies (

Cina e Mar Cinese Meridionale

Secondo il think tank RUSI, il recente dispiegamento di 16 aerei dell’Aeronautica militare dell’Esercito di liberazione popolare vicino allo spazio aereo malese potrebbe suggerire una nuova tattica per la Cina per affermare le sue pretese sul Mar Cinese Meridionale.

Scrive Adam Leong Kok Wey: On 31 May 2021, the People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) flew squadron-sized multi-role strategic airlifters, consisting of Ilyushin Il-76 and Xian Y-20 aircraft, over Malaysia’s Exclusive Economic Zone waters and the South Luconia Shoals (Beting Pattingi Ali), and reached about 60 miles off Sarawak’s coast.

Airborne Assault to Occupy South China Sea Features? | Royal United Services Institute (

Progetto del Department of the Air Force degli Stati Uniti in Artico

Il Department of the Air Force, attraverso la US Space Force e l’Air Force Research Laboratory, sta intraprendendo due iniziative con vaste implicazioni per la regione artica.

Scrivono Bill Liguori e Iris Ferguson per Defense News: The Department of the Air Force, through the U.S. Space Force and Air Force Research Laboratory, is embarking on two ventures with sweeping implications for the Arctic region and for how the department does business there. Both projects have the potential to dramatically improve the lives of the region’s residents, and both rely on collaborating outside the U.S. government to adapt and move quickly.

How the US Space Force plans to improve Arctic communication (

Russia, sicurezza nazionale e Regioni Polari

L’ultimo documento sulla sicurezza nazionale di Mosca segnala un cambiamento nelle priorità strategiche della Russia, con l’intenzione di “fare da soli” nel sistema internazionale. Questo potrebbe portare problemi per le regioni polari.

Nota Elizabeth Bucanan per RUSI: In its new national security strategy, Moscow acknowledges the international system has thrown up a ‘new architecture’ which has been ‘accompanied by an increase in geopolitical instability’.

Russia’s 2021 National Security Strategy: Cool Change Forecasted for the Polar Regions | Royal United Services Institute (

Intelligenza artificiale e governance delle organizzazioni

Il think tank Brookings riflette sull’importanza della governance delle organizzazioni laddove l’utilizzo dell’intelligenza artificiale può aumentare le disuguaglianze. Come agire ?

Scrive Joshua A. Kroll: Work long performed by human decision-makers or organizations increasingly happens via computerized automation. This shift creates new gaps within the governance structures that manage the correctness, fairness, and power dynamics of important decision processes. When existing governance systems are unequipped to handle the speed, scale, and sophistication of these new automated systems, any biased, unintended, or incorrect outcomes can go unnoticed or be difficult to correct even when observed. In this article, I examine what drives these gaps by focusing on why the nature of artificial intelligence (AI) creates inherent, fundamental barriers to governance and accountability within systems that rely on automation. The design of automation in systems is not only a technical question for engineers and implementers, but a governance question for policymakers and requirements holders. If system governance acknowledges and responds to the tendencies in AI to create and reinforce inequality, automated systems should be built to support human values as a strategy for limiting harms such as bias, reduction of individual agency, or the inability to redress harmful outcomes.

Why AI is just automation (

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