giovedì, Marzo 13, 2025


Problemi per i diritti umani e ambientali nel sistema di arbitrato internazionale sugli investimenti. Gilliam Moon per East Asia ForumProtecting human and environmental rights in international investment agreements

Pandemia e processo decisionale collettivo. Luigi Zingales per Project-SyndicateThe Political Lessons of COVID-19

Cina, riflessione sullo Shanghai Stock Exchange and Technology Innovation Board (STAR). Roselyn Hsueh per East Asia ForumReconciling China’s drive for global ascendency and its desire for state control

Cina, Nord Corea e gli arsenali di missili balistici. Jaganath Sankaran per East Asia ForumCountering China and North Korea’s mad dash for missiles

Competizione globale e sfide all’intelligence americana. Jake Harrington e Riley McCabe per CSISModernizing Intelligence, Reconnaissance, and Surveillance to ‘Find’ in the Era of Security Competition

Manifestazioni in Iran.

Mordechai Kedar per BESA CenterDismantle Iran Now

Raz Zimmt per INSSIran: No Electricity, No Water, New President

Israel e Iran dopo la fine della Presidenza Netanyahu. Reza Parchizadeh per BESA CenterIsrael’s Approach to Iran: The Netanyahu Revolution

850 lavoratori giordani nella Moschea di al-Aqsa. Edy Cohen per BESA CenterJordan’s “Incitement Force” on the Temple Mount

Il futuro degli USA in Iraq. Anthony H. Cordesman per CSISIraq, the United States, and the “New” Middle East

Rapporti geostrategici in Asia centrale. Emil Advaliani per BESA CenterRussia, China, and the Prospect of US Military Bases in Central Asia

Criticità nel ritiro degli USA dall’Afghanistan. Atlantic CouncilDon’t lose Afghanistan

Le sfide delle prossime elezioni in Nicaragua. Ryan C. Berg per CSISNicaragua’s Upcoming Election Highlights Need for Long-Term Forms of Pressure on the Ortega Regime




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