mercoledì, Marzo 12, 2025


Il nostro diario ha sempre come inizio uno sguardo sulle tecnologie della “the science of where”: oggi, in particolare, ci concentriamo su biodiversità e “impronta umana”. Oltre ai passaggi nelle tecnologie, nella cybersecurity, nella difesa e nello spazio (e nei relativi mercati), il viaggio nei mondi guarda ancora all’Afghanistan e alle prospettive del regime talebano nonché alle implicazioni che il ritiro degli USA comporta e comporterà a livello regionale e globale. Naturalmente, c’è molto altro ! 

Il nostro approccio è di pensiero critico e complesso perché non basta l’approccio superficiale, lineare e a-critico e perché nulla è separato dal resto. 

The Science of Where

da Esri:

– Canadian Scientists Collaborate to Map Biodiversity and the Human Footprint (Ryan Perkl) 

TechInnovation e dintorni

da Global Times:

– S. China’s Shenzhen to increase penalty for illegal installation of cameras, face-recognition systems

– Chinese smart phone makers ramp up investment in chip industry

– Cloud computing stocks rally after reported local regulatory change (Xie Jun)

da TechCrunch:

– Rugged showcases its layout-printing construction robots (Brian Heater)

– Southeast Asia “omnichannel” health startup Doctor Anywhere gets $88M SGD (Catherine Shu)

– Coral Capital closes third fund with $128M for startups in Japan (Kate Park)

– This Sequoia- and Henry Kravis-backed prediction market wants to turn opinions into money (Connie Loizos)

– Dance launches its e-bike subscription service in Berlin (Romain Dillet)

– Prosus acquires Indian payments giant BillDesk for $4.7B, will merge with its PayU fintech group (Ingrid Lunden, Manish Singh)

– Motional reveals its Hyundai Ioniq 5 electric robotaxi (Kirsten Korosec)

– LoftyInc Capital launches third fund at $10M for a more diverse portfolio of African startups (Tage Kene-Okafor)

– Tiger Global in talks to make Apna India’s fastest unicorn (Manish Singh)

– UK-based Heroes raises $200M to buy up more Amazon merchants for its roll-up play (Ingrid Lunden)

da ZDNet:

– Western Sydney Uni and Intel to jointly develop brain-inspired computer system (Aimee Chanthadavong)

– Southeast Asian consumers intensify online habits, spending 60% more (Eileen Yu)

– IBM’s fastest supercomputer will be used to find better ways to produce green electricity (Daphne Leprince-Ringuet)

– Apple and Google to allow developers to use outside payments under South Korean Bill (Campbell Kwan)

Nella cybersecurity

da Security Affairs (Pierluigi Paganini):

– US DoJ announces the creation of Cyber Fellowship Program

– Microsoft Exchange ProxyToken flaw can allow attackers to read your emails

– Threat actors stole $19 million worth of crypto assets from Cream Finance

– HPE wars customers of Sudo flaw in Aruba AirWave Management Platform

– Threat actors can remotely disable Fortress S03 Wi-Fi Home Security System

– LockFile Ransomware uses a new intermittent encryption technique

da ZDNet:

– Passport info and healthcare data leaked from Indonesia’s COVID-19 test-and-trace app for travelers (Jonathan Greig)

– Singapore government expands bug hunt with hacker rewards scheme (Eileen Yu)

– This phishing attack is using a sneaky trick to steal your passwords, warns Microsoft (Liam Tung)

– FBI, CISA warn of potential cyberattacks over Labor Day weekend (Jonathan Greig)

In difesa

da Defense News:

– Poland readies for short-range air defense deal as trade show approaches (Jaroslaw Adamowski)

– USA. Leader: Electronic warfare soldiers need these 6 things to succeed (Mark Pomerleau)

– USA. Construction, renovation, unit moves solidify Grand Forks AFB’s role as the center of the service’s ISR mission (Todd South)

– Turkey/Ukraine. New Turkish-Ukrainian team aims to win service contracts for Russian-made helos (Burak Ege Bekdil)

– USA. Lawmakers to debate defense hike, Afghanistan at NDAA markup (Joe Gould)

– Nigeria. Nigerian air force Super Tucanos ready to fight against ISIS, with US Air Force training (Todd South)

Spazio chiama Terra

da ESA:

– Satellite data provide valuable support for IPCC climate report 

da Eurasia Review:

– NASA Sets Coverage For Two Russian Spacewalks Outside Space Station

da Global Times:

– Airshow China 2021 to display latest achievements of space technology

da Space News:

– How AWS is opening up space with the cloud

Viaggio nei mondi


da Atlantic Council:

– Why the tragic Afghanistan withdrawal should reassure US allies in Asia (Peter J. Dean)

da Brookings:

– Which will be the top 30 consumer markets of this decade? 5 Asian markets below the radar (Homi Kharas and Wolfgang Fengler)

– Will the Taliban regime survive? (Vanda Felbab-Brown, Brookings) – The Global Eye

da Bruegel:

– Hydrogen development strategies: a global perspective (Alicia Garcia-Herrero, Simone Tagliapietra and Victor Vorsatz)

da CFR:

– Where Iran Stands on the Taliban Takeover in Afghanistan (Ray Takeyh)

da Eurasia Review:

– The Roots Of US Failure In Afghanistan (Ivan Eland)

– How To Use Democracy To Deny Human Rights (Ayush Poolovadoo)

da Foreign Policy Research Institute:

– Dueling Dyads: Conceptualizing Proxy Wars In Strategic Competition (Frank G. Hoffman and Andrew Orner)

da Global Times:

– China’s August manufacturing PMI in expansion range; non manufacturing sector weaker (Qi Xijia)

da IESE Insight:

– What Is Environmental Impact Of Hydraulic Fracturing?

da Project-Syndicate:

– The Electric Vehicle Revolution Goes Global (Reda Cherif, Fuad Hasanov, Min Zhu)




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