domenica, Febbraio 23, 2025


Alcuni temi dal diario di oggi:


– L’11 settembre e l’impatto sul controllo delle armi (Chatham House – Stimson Center)

– L’11 settembre e la Cina (Stimson Center)

– Al Qaeda e ISIS dopo l’11 settembre (Crisis Group)

– Dall’Afghanistan al mondo multipolare (Project-Syndicate)

– Afghanistan e Arabia Saudita (Fair Observer)

– Il Canada ha bisogno di una nuova strategia di sicurezza nazionale (CIGI)

– Dopo Suga, cosa succede in Giappone ? (East Asia Forum)

– La questione tra Russia e Ucraina (Carnegie Moscow Center)

– La Cina e la decarbonizzazione (China Dialogue)

– La sfida dell’inclusione digitale (WEF)

– Financial technology: opportunità, rischi e necessità di regolazione (CIGI)

– Il clima globale (Bruegel)

– Democrazia in transito (Freedom House)


Buona lettura ! 


The Science of Where


– A Look Back: How a GIS Team Guided Response and Recovery After 9/11

Esri Italia:

– Relive: traccia i tuoi percorsi a piedi o in bici in 3D

– AQP: l’innovazione digitale per la gestione virtuosa della risorsa idrica

– A2A: innovazione nelle Operation delle reti

– La tecnologia Esri per i danni degli incendi in Sardegna

– Osservatorio Metropolitano – ciclo di incontri sulla qualità urbana (dal 14 settembre 2021)

– Esri Italia alla Conferenza internazionale sul Telerilevamento (13-15 settermbre 2021)

– Esri Italia partner di un corso per Mobility Manager (ottobre 2021)

– Esri Italia alla Urban Mobility Web Conference (16 settembre 2021)

– Esri Italia a Servizi a rete Tour 2021 (22 e 23 settembre 2021)

– Speciale Esri User Conference 2021 in diretta dall’Italia


TechInnovation e dintorni


– USA. Using AI and machine learning to reduce government fraud (Darrell M. West)


– Fintech/Sustainable Development. Fintech for Good: Governance Mechanisms for Sustainable Development (Sep Pashang, Olaf Weber)


– China. The Development of Central Bank Digital Currency in China: An Analysis (Geoffrey Goodell, Hazem Danny Al-Nakib)


– DACH Region. DACH-focused funds primed to invest in decentralised finance (Vsevolod Michalevsky)


– Innovative debt financing could close the digital access gap. Here’s how (Burke Norton, Bill Horton)


Nella cybersecurity


– Digital privacy comes at a price. Here’s how to protect it (Robert Muggah)


In difesa e d’intelligence


– High-Tech Deterrence. “War is interested in you”: Balancing the promise and peril of high-tech deterrence (Melanie W. Sisson)

Foreign Policy Research Institute:

– USA. Where are the Carriers ? U.S. National Strategy and the Choises Ahead (John F. Lehman Jr., Steven Wills)

The Interpreter:

– Australia-South Korea. Small hints of a bigger opportunity in Australia- South Korea ties (Peter Dean)


Viaggio nei mondi e nelle questioni globali

BESA Center:

– Abraham Accords. The Old Peace Treaties vs. the Abraham Accords (Frank Musmar)


– 9/11. How 9/11 changed the policy world (Madiha Afzal, Scott R. Anderson, John Hudak, Elaine Kamarck, Suzanne Maloney, Bruce Riedel, and Fred Dews)

– Afghanistan/USA. The evacuation of Afghan refugees is over. Now what? (Elizabeth Ferris)


– Europe/India. EU-India trade relations: assessment and perspectives (Suman Bery, Sonali Chowdhry, Alicia Garcia-Herrero and Niclas Poitiers)

– Global Climate Action. Conditions are ideal for a new climate club (Simone Tagliapietra and Guntram B. Wolff)

Business Standard:

– India. Reforming PSBs most important task ahead for govt: Montek Singh Ahluwalia

Carnegie Endowment for International Peace:

– Afghanistan/USA. Corruption and Self-Dealing in Afghanistan and Other U.S.-Backed Security Sectors (Jodi Vittori)

– Lebanon. Najib Mikati Has Formed a New Lebanese Government (Michael Young)

– North Korea. What the Restarting of North Korea’s Yongbyon Reactor Means (Ankit Panda)

Carnegie Moscow Center:

– Russia/Ukraine. How Russia Could Recalibrate Its Relationship With Ukraine (Dmitri Trenin)


– 9/11/War on Terror/USA. Who Won the War on Terror?

Chatham House:

– 9/11. Out of Africa: Exploring the roots of the 9/11 attacks (Alex Vines OBE)

– 9/11/Arms Control. The dangerous impact of 9/11 on arms control measures (Patricia Lewis)

– 9/11/Russia. Russia and 9/11: Roads not taken (James Nixey)

– Afghanistan. Why Afghan nation-building was always destined to fail (Gareth Price)

China Dialogue:

– Brazil. The Brazil nut gatherers of the Amazon (Flávia Milhorance)

– China. China’s shifting overseas energy footprint (Ma Xinyue)

– China. How did Chinese media cover the Henan flood? (Yao Zhe)

– China. China’s decarbonising power system: out with the old, in with the new (Jiang Li)


– Canada. It’s Been 20 Years Since 9/11: Canada Needs a New National Security Policy (Aaron Shull)

Crisis Group:

– 9/11-Africa. Escaping 9/11’s Long Shadow

– 9/11-Al Qaeda-ISIS. Al-Qaeda and ISIS twenty years after 9/11

– Afghanistan. Who Will Run the Taliban Government?


– India. Leveraging India’s Northeast Region for Regional Connectivity (Riya Sinha)

– India-Afghanistan. India’s Failure to Help Afghan Friends is a Strategic Liability (Constantino Xavier)


– China/Europe. Wind Wars. China is running full steam ahead in pursuit of leadership in the 21st century’s most important global industries. Can Europe keep pace? (Luke Patey)

East Asia Forum:

– Japan. Suga’s resignation opens up Japan’s leadership race (Jeff Kingston)

– Japan. Kishida goes all out for Japan’s top job (Aurelia George Mulgan)

– Japan. After Suga’s exit what comes next for Japan (Rikki Kersten)

– Japan. No escape from COVID-19 at Japan’s ballot box (Editorial Board, ANU)

– Nepal. Fifth time lucky? Deuba’s last chance for a legacy in Nepal (Michael Hutt)


– Germany/China. The China factor in the German election (Janka Oertel)

Environmental Defense Fund:

– USA. New York Takes Bold Stand Against Air Pollution with Proposed Rule on Trucks (Mary Barber)

– USA. California Senate Fails to Pass Net-Zero Bill as Dangerous Climate Impacts Mount (Katelyn Roedner Sutter)

Fair Observer:

– 9/11-War on Terror. How 9/11 and the War on Terror Shaped the World (Atul Singh & Anna Pivovarchuk)

– 9/11-War on Terror-Turkey. The War on Terror Was Never Turkey’s Fight (Nathaniel Handy)

– 9/11-USA-Enduring Freedom-War on Terror. Is Operation Enduring Freedom Doomed to Endure Forever? (S. Suresh)

– Afghanistan. The Media Embrace the Martyrdom of Afghan Women (Peter Isackson)

– Afghanistan/Middle East. The Middle East Weighs Up the Taliban Triumph

– Afghanistan/Saudi Arabia. The Aftershocks of the Saudi and American Debacle in Afghanistan (Hugh Miles and Arab Digest)

– Afghanistan/USA. After Afghanistan, How Probable Is Peace? (Peter Isackson)

– Canada. What Is “White Multiculturalism” in Canada?

– Climate Change/Human Impact. Welcome to Our Extreme World (Tom Engelhardt)

– India. Liberalizing India’s Economy Is Critical for Global Stability (Surya Kanegaonkar)

– USA/South Korea. US and South Korea Renew Commitment to Promoting Democracy (James Park)

Foreign Policy Research Institute:

– USA/China. Domestic Challenges in the U.S.-China Competition (Robert D. Kaplan, J. Stapleton Roy)

Freedom House:

– Democracy in transit. The Antidemocratic Turn (Zselyke Csaky)


– Education. Results Report 2021: Looking back on five years of progress and challenges (Élisé Miningou)

– Sierra Leone. Ministry of Basic and Senior Secondary Education of Sierra Leone, the Global Partnership for Education and UNICEF complete construction of 30 early childhood education classroom blocks

– Zimbabwe. Applying a whole school approach: Strengthening education systems to address gender violence in schools (Jenny Parkes, Sujata Bordoloi)


– Afghanistan/USA. Remembering the Gains of the Afghanistan War (Daniel Byman, Benjamin Wittes)


– Climate Risk-Macroeconomic Management. Time for central banks to stop dithering over climate (Urjit Patel)

– COP26. Public investors look to COP26 for climate progress (Marsha Vande Berg)

– Europe. Three ways to fix European banking union (Ignazio Angeloni)

– Europe/Sustainable Finance. Transparency and disclosures only first step in climate change battle (Kate Fowler)


– Afghanistan/Future World. Three Lessons from a Two-Decade Failure (Javier Solana)

– SDR. This SDR Allocation Must Be Different (Barry Eichengreen)

– USA. Learning the Right Lessons from US Economic Experimentation (Dani Rodrik)

Stimson Center:

– 9/11-Arms Control. Control A New Paradigm for Terrorism: September 11 and Strategic Trade Controls to Prevent the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction (Richard Cupitt)

– 9/11-China. China’s Rise Post-9/11 (Yun Sun)

– India-South Asia. India’s New Consulates and Subnational Diplomacy in South Asia (Constantino Xavier, Nitika Nayar)

– MENA Region-Water Crisis. Water Crisis in the MENA region (Farwa Aamer)

The Hindu:

– India. Is monetising public assets a good idea?

The Interpreter:

– 9/11-War on Terror. The many consequences of a clear blue day on 11 September, 2001 (Lydia Khalil)

– Australia. Risks versus opportunities in national security thinking (Albert Palazzo, The Interpreter) – The Global Eye

– Indonesia/USA. The right climate for Indonesia- United States cooperation (Eko NM Saputro)

– Iran. Iran’s energy diplomacy (Roger Shanahan)


– Africa. Study: African forests hold more carbon than we thought (Phil Platts, Martin Sullivan, Aida Cuní Sanchez)

– COP26. How can the world measure progress on the Paris Agreement? (Steven Lam, Sherilee Harper, Warren Dodd)

– Sustainable Development. Investing in nature gives industry and business a competitive advantage. Here’s why (André Hoffmann, Katell Le Goulven)


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