venerdì, Marzo 14, 2025


Diario geostrategico,  25 ottobre 2021

Buona lettura ! 


The Science of Where Magazine’s interviews:

– Inside the ethics of artificial intelligence: for a decentralized approach. The Science of Where Magazine meets James Brusseau

– L’intelligenza artificiale contro le discriminazioni sul lavoro. The Science of Where Magazine incontra Keith Sonderling, Commissioner del U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

– Per Italia e Germania, il futuro è nelle nuove tecnologie. Intervista esclusiva con l’Ambasciatore d’Italia a Berlino, Armando Varricchio

– Gathering strenght, gathering storms. Visions on artificial intelligence. The Science of Where Magazine meets Michael Littman and Peter Stone

Today’s Choice:

– East Asia Forum writes: When the G20 leaders first met in November 2008, they recognised that a recovery from the global financial crisis could not be orchestrated by rich economies alone. The composition of the G20 reflected the shift in the world’s economic centre of gravity, towards Asia and the emerging economies around the world. Its agenda back in 2008 reflected the fact that a global recovery could only be achieved with truly global cooperation – The G20 and the road to recovery from the COVID-19 crisis


– Shahar Hameiri writes for The Interpreter: The Australian government’s decision to finance Telstra’s takeover of the Pacific’s biggest telecommunications provider, Digicel, via a $1.33 billion loan from Export Finance Australia, is the clearest indication yet that competing with China is changing government-firm relations in Australia in profound and potentially lasting ways – Australia and Digicel: Hands-off no more?

Burkina Faso:

– Sam Mednick writes for Al Jazeera: Lying concealed atop his bus while watching armed men murder people below, the only thought that brought Abdoulaye Diallo some comfort was the hope that if he died on a Friday, a holy day in Islam, he would go to heaven. “I knew I’d be killed…[but] if I died on a Friday my paradise was guaranteed,” Diallo tells Al Jazeera, sitting in Dori, Burkina Faso, a town in the country’s Sahel region to which he fled. “So, I recited some Quranic verses while on top of the bus awaiting my death.” – ‘Kill them all, don’t spare anyone’: A massacre in Burkina Faso


– Global Times writes: China will modify its current energy structure with measures including establishing a carbon dioxide emissions scale control system and restricting coal-fired power projects, He Lifeng, chairman of National Development and Reform Commission, said in an article published in the People’s Daily on Monday – China to deepen reforms on energy structure, restrict coal consumption, official says – Global Times


– Leng Shumei writes for Global Times: Chinese legislators passed a decision to temporarily adjust the application of relevant statutory provisions during the reform of the national defense mobilization system, which expert said is not only an important part of China’s military reform, but a necessary move given the increasingly tense military environment China faces, especially the strained China-US ties – Chinese legislators adjust national defense mobilization laws amid tense China-US ties

– Liu Xuanzun writes for Global Times: In the first of its kind in China, the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) recently conducted an underwater explosion test which simulated an attack on a hostile high-piled wharf. The test gathered a large amount of data that can be used in future combat for attacking enemy ports, which can contribute to cutoff of enemy supply lines, military experts said on Sunday – PLA conducts 1st underwater port demolition test providing data for future combat – Global Times

– Global Times writes: A Chinese-Russian naval flotilla tackled external challenges, including close-in reconnaissance by Japanese forces, during the fleets’ first joint sea patrol over the past week. The seven-day patrol saw the warships circumnavigate Japan by traversing the Sea of Japan, the West Pacific and the East China Sea, transiting several strategically important straits in the process, with Chinese experts saying on Sunday that it displays China and Russia’s firm determination to safeguard international and regional strategic stability and the high confidence in their capabilities of doing so – Chinese, Russian warships tackle Japanese close-in recon, ‘display confidence’ in 1st joint sea patrol – Global Times

– Corey Lee Bell writes for The Strategist: A problem in recent public commentary on tensions between China and Taiwan has been a conflation of what we know and what we fear. Nowhere is this more evident than on the topic of incursions by Chinese military aircraft into Taiwan’s air defence identification zone, or ADIZ. This month saw a shift from a pattern of incremental increases in the number of People’s Liberation Army Air Force aircraft participating in coordinated incursions into Taiwanese airspace to an exponential explosion. The campaign peaked at 56 aircraft on 4 October, with 159 over the four-day period of 1–4 October. The increase has prompted concerns that the threat of war across the Taiwan Strait is escalating – What’s behind the spike in Chinese incursions into Taiwan’s air defence zone?

– Peter Briggs writes for The Strategist: The agreement for Australia to acquire nuclear-powered attack submarines (SSNs) is the most significant part of the recent AUKUS announcement. The offer of assistance from the United Kingdom and the United States to acquire this capability places us at an excellent starting point for what will be a challenging national journey. Such a combination of support was inconceivable five years ago when I began publicly agitating for SSNs. Today it is the right strategic decision to meet the changing circumstances facing Australia and its Western allies. It will ensure that our submarine crews have safer, more survivable and hugely more effective submarines – Making the shift to nuclear-powered submarines: safety first


– Al Jazeera writes: Air attacks against the Tigrayan People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) are increasing – and so too is the humanitarian cost. It has been described as the world’s worst hunger crisis in a decade. And it is feared the situation in Ethiopia’s northern region of Tigray will become even bleaker – Ethiopia: The ongoing humanitarian crisis in Tigray | News | Al Jazeera

Global Topics-Climate Change-Ecological Transition:

– Anthony Burke writes for The Interpreter: In a little over a week, the most consequential climate meeting in human history begins in Glasgow, Scotland. The Earth has warmed by up to 1.3°C since 1880. Devastating fires, cyclones and weather are wreaking havoc around the world. And current emissions trends put the world on a path toward 3°C of catastrophic heating by 2100, which would trigger tipping points such as the melting of the poles, the loss of the Amazon rainforest, and a drastic slowdown in the Atlantic ocean circulation – Glasgow: a tipping point for serious action

Global Topics-G20:

– Adam Triggs writes for East Asia Forum: The world economy is facing a two-speed recovery. The rich world is overheating. The poor world is stagnating, with Asia’s developing countries at its centre. Left to fester, both worlds will soon start exporting problems to each other, creating a dangerous feedback loop – The G20 needs to do more than recycle the G7’s agenda


– Kazuhiko Togo writes for East Asia Forum: Shortly after his victory in the contest for the position of Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) President, and being sworn in as Japan’s new prime minister, Fumio Kishida dissolved the lower house and called a national election for 31 October. If the LDP retains sufficient power in this election and the July 2022 upper house election, Kishida could lead Japan for at least several years. An important question then for Japan’s future is whether Kishida will remain a dove or follow former prime minister Shinzo Abe’s more hawkish line – Is Kishida a dove or a hawk?


– Rifat Fareed writes for Al Jazeera: A 19-year-old civilian has been shot dead in Indian-administered Kashmir in what his family called “cold-blooded murder” by Indian forces. It was the 12th civilian killing this month in the region either by rebel fighters or security forces – Civilian shot dead in Kashmir as India’s home minister visits


– Anil Sigdel writes for East Asia Forum: The alliance between the Communist Party of Nepal (Unified Marxist and Leninist) (CPN-UML) and the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist Centre) (CPN-MC), which won a landslide victory in the elections three years ago, has now fractured into three different political parties. The merger between the CPN-UML, led by then prime minister KP Sharma Oli, and the CPN-MC, led by former rebel leader Pushpa Kamal Dahal (known as Prachanda) — which unified almost all strands of communists in the country into a long-awaited single party — has broken after only three years. The opposition Nepali Congress has now taken government – Personalities split Nepal’s communist parties

Non Alignment Moviment:

– Nina Markovic Khaze writes for The Interpreter: Local observers of international affairs may have missed the Non-Aligned Movement’s 60th anniversary commemorative summit earlier this month. A Cold War relic, NAM, as it is typically known, held a two-day special meeting in Belgrade, Serbia. The guest list boasted Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi, Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, along with delegations from more than 100 countries and several regional institutions – There is life in the Non-Alignment Movement yet


– Ravinder Sidhu writes for East Asia Forum: Maintaining that ‘people are its most precious resource’, Singapore has made a name for itself as a country committed to human resource development. The city-state has invested in research infrastructure and matching budgets to turn itself into an educational and knowledge hub. But the future of international higher education in Singapore is far from guaranteed – Singapore’s aspirations to become an education and knowledge hub

South Korea:

– Stella Jang writes for East Asia Forum: Recent portrayals of South Korean inequality have captivated international audiences. Squid Game is on track to become Netflix’s most watched show ever, with viewers struggling to look away as 456 desperate individuals compete to the death for prize money – Squid Game shines a light on inequality in South Korea

Sri Lanka:

– Dushni Weerakoon writes for East Asia Forum: Sri Lanka recently passed emergency regulations to deal with food shortages and price increases. Such powers are typically invoked to address public security concerns. But in this instance, they are being used to give the government extra powers to seize stocks of essential food items hoarded by traders. This justification sidesteps a fundamental question about the economic policy choices that have created the need for such drastic measures. An artificially maintained ‘official’ exchange rate in an economy hobbled by high debt levels has disincentivised food importers from releasing stocks at controlled domestic prices – Sri Lanka’s rising food prices belies deeper economic issues


– Global Times writes: October 25 marks the 50th anniversary of the restoration of the lawful seat of the People’s Republic of China in the UN. On October 25, 1971, at its 26th session, the UN General Assembly adopted Resolution 2758 with an overwhelming majority where it decided to restore all lawful rights of the People’s Republic of China in the UN and recognize the representatives of its government as the only legitimate UN representatives of China – Chinese expert refutes attack from US and Taiwan politicians against UN Resolution 2758

– Global Times writes: Chinese President Xi Jinping reiterated China’s peaceful development pattern and its role in defending the authority of the United Nations and multilateralism and international order during a speech at the commemorative meeting marking the 50th anniversary of the restoration of the People’s Republic of China’s lawful seat in the United Nations on Monday – Xi reiterates China’s role in defending UN’s central role in intl affairs, upholding true multilateralism

– Erin Hale writes for Al Jazeera: Fifty years ago on October 25, the Republic of China (ROC) – the official name for Taiwan –  was formally expelled from the United Nations by a vote of the General Assembly and replaced by the People’s Republic of China (PRC), which had taken power in Beijing at the end of the country’s civil war in 1949. The ROC government had fled to the island of Taiwan with millions of refugees as the communists took power but continued to hold the seat of “China” at the UN and was a permanent member of the Security Council with veto power. Despite being exiled, officials in Taipei had the support of the US thanks to fears in the West that communism might sweep through Asia – Taiwan taps on United Nations’ door, 50 years after departure


– Mourab Teyeb writes for Al Jazeera: The shock that followed the July 25 power grab by President Kais Saied is gone, and Tunisians now wake up to one of the most dangerous economic crises since independence. Because everything is politicised in Tunisia, people like to harangue about who is responsible for the collapse of the country’s economy rather than understand its real causes and discuss the best solutions to save it – Analysis: How Tunisia reached financial meltdown


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