mercoledì, Marzo 12, 2025


ESA (Sentinel-6 returning most precise data ever on sea level) spiega il mestiere del satellite Copernicus Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich che svolge il compito difficile, eppur necessario, di monitorare anche lievi innalzamenti del mare.
Il controllo del livello dei mari, ampiamente discusso durante la COP26 di Glasgow, acquista particolare importanza riguardo al futuro dei Paesi insulari (e non solo).
Craig Donlon, scienziato della missione Copernicus Sentinel-6 spiega: Measurements of sea-level rise provide a unique but integrated view of climate change since a warming ocean expands and increased melting of ice on land both lead to an increase in sea level.  Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich securely brings a new synthetic aperture radar measurement technique into the reference altimeter time series for the first time. This allows Sentinel-6 to provide improved sea state and wind speed measurements, enhanced capabilities for river and lake hydrology applications while maintaining the stability of sea-level rise estimates. These measurements provide evidence that is critical to develop and implement robust societal policy for our future.

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