venerdì, Ottobre 18, 2024



L’industria dei semiconduttori è strategica. Brookings ne scrive in merito alle scelte dell’Amministrazione USA, in un quadro geopolitico di competizione con la Cina (guardando a Taiwan). 




  • The Reshuffling Report. April 7. By Cheng Li, China-US Focus. If the 19th Congress of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in 2017 presented the coming-of-age of the post-1960s generation (6G) at the ministerial and provincial levels of the Chinese leadership, the forthcoming 20th Party Congress will witness the rise to predominance of this age cohort in the top national leadership. Although Xi Jinping and a few other post-1950s generation (5G) leaders will remain in a few top positions, the post-1960s age cohort is expected to become a majority of the 25-member Politburo and other prominent leadership bodies. (read more)



Sri Lanka


  • Institutionalizing inclusive growth: Rewiring systems to rebuild local economies, April 7. By Joseph ParillaRyan Donahue, and Sarena Martinez, Brookings. Leaders in America’s cities and regions are grappling with the fallout of a severe pandemic, historic economic crisis, and social and racial reckoning. In this post-crisis moment, a wide range of local government, business, civic, and community organizations—which in the past tended to operate in isolation, if not at cross purposes—are navigating their disparate narratives and goals, rethinking their missions to drive economic and racial inclusion, and forming new systemic alliances that will enable them to improve and scale their efforts. Drawing inspiration from case studies profiling efforts to “rewire systems” in five older industrial cities (Akron, Ohio; Birmingham, Ala.; Cincinnati, Ohio; St. Paul, Minn., and Syracuse, N.Y.), this report provides a framework and practical examples that can guide local action and state, federal, corporate, and philanthropic investment in cities across the nation.(read more)

USA – China

  • Hicks: Today’s Russia Problem Mustn’t Distract from Tomorrow’s China Problem, April 7. By Patrick Tucker, Defense One. As terrible as Russia’s war in Ukraine is, it pales in comparison to a potential fight against China, the Pentagon’s No. 2 civilian said. The Ukrainian conflict “is not the degree of difficulty that we are looking at in terms of what we need to have to fight in the future,” Deputy Defense Secretary Kathleen Hicks told reporters traveling with her to visit startups and technology partners in California this week. “You even see the Ukrainians asking for more and more advanced systems themselves. But, the [United States], we’re very focused on how to make sure we have a really combat credible capability,” to deter China. (read more)


  • DoD seeks ‘huge jump’ in budget for hypersonic test facilities, April 7. By Joe Gould, Defense News. The Pentagon’s fiscal 2023 budget request includes a “huge jump” for hypersonic weapons testing and facilities, something the defense industry has sought, according to the department’s head of research and development. “If you look at this particular test asset ― facilities ― there’s a huge jump in the budget for equipment and test ranges,” the undersecretary of defense for research and engineering, Heidi Shyu, told Defense News on Wednesday. (read more)
  • MBDA boss rallies European governments to spend locally, April 7. By Andrew Chuter, Defense News. MBDA chief executive Eric Beranger has urged European governments to direct new spending aimed at rebuilding military capabilities to be spent in the region rather than procuring foreign-made equipment. Speaking at an April 6 press conference in Paris, he argued Russia’s invasion of the Ukraine should be a wake-up call for European efforts to achieve greater defense independence. “The Ukrainian drama is emphasizing again the importance of sovereignty,” he said. “Suddenly, Europe is harshly reminded that enjoying the way we live requires us to be protected, defended with military action.”. (read more)

RUSSIA – UKRAINE (impact, reactions, consequences)

  • Russia, Ukraine, and the Misuse of History, April 7. By Gian Gentile, Raphael S. Cohen, Defense One. In the five weeks since Russia invaded Ukraine, scores of articles have drawn upon history to explain Moscow’s actions and intent. Some point to the Soviet suppression of a democracy movement in Hungary in 1956, while others draw lessons from the Russian Federation’s assault on the Chechen city of Grozny in 1999. The idea seems to be to fit Russia’s actions in Ukraine into a “playbook” that might tell us what happens next. But this approach, whether applied to the current conflict or others, often obscures the uniqueness of given historical events. The 20th-century philosopher George Santayana said that those who do not understand the past are condemned to repeat it. Notice that Santayana chose the word “past” and not the word “history.” That is because history constructs a story of the past;  history itself is not repeatable. (read more)
  • US Cyber Command reinforces Ukraine and allies amid Russian onslaught, April 7. By U.S. Cyber Command has played a pivotal role in shielding networks and critical infrastructure stateside and abroad in the run up to and during Russia’s attack on Ukraine, its leader told Congress this week. Along with tasking teams with identifying cyber vulnerabilities and threats — operations that have since “bolstered the resilience of Ukraine” and others — the command has gleaned and shared intelligence, worked hand-in-glove with U.S. government and industry, and pursued extensive contingency planning, Gen. Paul Nakasone said April 5. (read more)
  • Putin’s ‘probably given up’ on Kyiv as Ukraine war enters new phase, April 7. By Joe Gould, Defense News. U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said Russian President Vladimir Putin has “probably given up” on trying to capture the capital city of Kyiv, as Russia has shifted its focus to eastern and southern Ukraine. “Putin thought he could really rapidly take over the country of Ukraine, very rapidly take over the capital city; he was wrong,” Austin said at a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing Thursday. (read more)
  • Missile Defense Ukraine, April 7. By CSIS. CSIS director of the Missile Defense Project, Tom Karako joins the podcast to discuss missile use in Ukraine by Russia, the anti-tank and anti-aircraft defenses Ukraine is utilizing, and a discussion of what escalation might look like. (read more)
  • Further Targeting Russian State-Owned Enterprises, April 7. By US Department of State. The United States and over 30 allies and partners across the world have levied the most impactful, coordinated, and wide-ranging economic restrictions in history in response to the Russian government’s war against Ukraine. (read more)
  • Poland Ready to Discontinue All Imports of Russian Energy by End of 2022, April 7. By Mateusz Kubiak, The Jamestown Foundation. On March 29, the Polish government announced that it will unilaterally place an embargo on Russian coal imports within two months (Rzeczpospolita, March 29); and a day later, it declared that Polish refineries will “do whatever they can” to terminate Russian crude supplies by the end of 2022 (PAP, March 30). Also this year, Poland intends to eliminate its traditional dependency on natural gas purchases from Russian Gazprom (see EDM, March 7). Yet despite these ambitious-sounding pledges, the Polish authorities admit that they need other European countries to take similar decisions to ensure that the de-russification of the continent’s energy sector is, indeed, effective and does not simply lead to a loss of Poland’s regional market share in refined petroleum products. (read more)
  • Moscow Using Central Asian Migrants to Fight in Ukraine, April 7. By Paul Globe, The Jamestown Foundation. Moscow has opened a new front in its effort to find enough soldiers to fight in Ukraine (see EDM, March 16): it is ordering Central Asian immigrants in Russia who have taken Russian citizenship to appear for induction, and it is offering citizenship and high pay to other Central Asians now living in the Russian Federation.  Up to now, this effort does not appear to have involved large numbers of Central Asians—and experts in Central Asia have serious doubts that it ever will. But the fact that Moscow has adopted this tactic highlights the difficulties Russia clearly has finding and deploying enough troops in Ukraine to continue the war in the directions it hopes for. Indeed, as the brutal conflict grinds on, it seems probable that the Russian government will expand its effort to use Central Asians and perhaps others to fill the gaps left by losses in the field, overcome problems associated with using its own draftees, as well as resolve other, perhaps even more serious complications arising from shifting Russian forces from other places to fight in Ukraine (see EDM, March, April 7). (read more)
  • In Southern Ukraine, Russian Occupation Policy Takes Shape (Part One), April 7. By Vladimir Socor, The Jamestown Foundation. Russian forces invaded southern Ukraine on February 24, 2022, from two convergent directions, Crimea and Donetsk, both already occupied since 2014 (see EDM, April 6). Russia’s second invasion resulted, by mid-March 2022, in the capture of Ukraine’s entire Kherson province, a considerable part of the Zaporyzhzhia province, and the littoral portion of the Donetsk province, cumulatively forming a compact area of occupation along Ukraine’s Azov Sea littoral and extending deep inland (see EDM, March 17). (read more)

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