giovedì, Marzo 13, 2025



L’invasione russa dell’Ucraina ha portato una rinnovata attenzione sul fatto che la popolazione civile di Taiwan sarebbe pronta a difendere la democrazia dell’isola se mai dovesse affrontare una forza d’invasione dalla Cina. Ne scrive Erin Hale per Voice of America



Europe – Tunisia

  • Europe can show it cares for democracy by helping Tunisia, April 11. By Lorenzo Marsili, Al Jazeera. Barely two months after US President Joe Biden convened a “democracy summit” to rally the world’s democracies against rising authoritarianism, authoritarian Russia invaded democratic Ukraine. Since then, talk of a new cold war became ubiquitous. Many claim a new, global struggle between democracy and authoritarianism is under way, and demand everyone take a side. Such talk is dangerous – the scale of planetary challenges facing humanity does not afford us the luxury of such ideological fanaticism. (read more)


Nigeria: VP Yemi Osinbajo to run for president in 2023, April 11. By Al Jazeera. Nigerian Vice President Yemi Osinbajo has declared he will run for the country’s top job next year, when incumbent President Muhammadu Buhari is scheduled to step down. Osinbajo becomes the latest figure from the two main parties to join the race to lead Africa’s most populous country and biggest economy. (read more)




  • In north Syria, business hub hopes to drive recovery from war, April 11. By  , Reuters. In an industrial zone in northern Syria’s rebel-held city of Al-Bab, Abu Omar al-Shihabi’s smelter churns out iron bars he says can compete with any produced in Syria and beyond. The industrial zone is an unlikely business hub. It is located on the edge of a city which was once occupied by Islamic State and now sits between a Turkish border wall to the north and a frontline with Syrian government forces to the south. (read more)

RUSSIA – UKRAINE (impact, reactions, consequences)

  • Russia looms large before Biden, Modi virtual meet, April 11. By Al Jazeera. United States President Joe Biden is set to meet virtually with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, and is expected to urge New Dehli to take a harder line on Russia following its invasion of Ukraine. India’s neutral stance towards the war has raised concerns in Washington and earned praise from Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, who lauded India this month for judging “the situation in its entirety, not just in a one-sided way”. (read more)
  • Russia says it struck S-300 systems given to Ukraine by EU state, April 11. By Al Jazeera. Russia says it had destroyed anti-aircraft missile systems supplied to Ukraine by a European state, without specifying which country provided the equipment. Defence Ministry spokesman Major General Igor Konashenkov said on Monday Russian Kalibr missiles destroyed on Sunday four S-300 launchers concealed in a hangar on the outskirts of the central-eastern Ukrainian city of Dnipro, hitting 25 Ukrainian soldiers in the attack. (read more)

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