giovedì, Marzo 13, 2025


FOCUS – May 16, 2022. By , The Strategist. The impact of the Russia–Ukraine war on global food supplies is being magnified by nations imposing bans on food and fertiliser exports to preserve stocks for their domestic needs. Since the invasion, 15 nations have imposed restrictions on food and fertiliser exports, including new bans imposed last week by India on wheat exports and Indonesia on sales of palm oil. Food supplies squeezed by Ukraine war and trade bans



  • TECH



Australia – China

Burkina Faso

  • May 16, 2022. By HRW. Armed Islamist groups and government security forces and militia in Burkina Faso are committing increased abuses against civilians as the conflict there intensifies and widens, Human Rights Watch said today. The Burkina Faso government, which took power in a January 2022 coup, should better protect civilians from attack and ensure that government forces respect human rights. Burkina Faso: Armed Islamists Kill, Rape Civilians


  • May 16, 2022. By Global Times. China’s largest integrated refining-petrochemical project was officially put into operation on Monday, and the facility is expected to reduce the imports of chemical raw materials by up to 10 percent. China’s refining-petrochemical project to cut imports of chemical raw materials
  • May 16, 2022. By Global Times. A total of 36 Chinese cities introduced policies to support the property market within the first 15 days in May, according to incomplete statistics, indicative of policy relaxation to shore up home sales. But analysts said that the downturn in real estate is significant, and it can only be solved by addressing the sector’s financial structure and curbing the pandemic. Dawn appears for real estate sector after government’s policy relaxation, but analysts says improving financial structure is key to real estate recovery
  • May 16, 2022. By Global Times. Shanghai port, the world largest container port and major transportation hub, has seen its container throughput in April recovering to 80 percent of last year’s levels as the city moves toward a gradual and steady resumption of business after the epidemic situation eased with no new positive infections reported at the community level for two consecutive days as of Monday. Shanghai port sees 80% recovery in container throughput despite epidemic drag; port efficiency edges over US
  • May 16, 2022. By Kalpit A. Mankikar, ORF. Nearly a century ago the notion that ideology could triumph over nature was formulated by the Soviet biologist Trofim Lysenko. Lysenko claimed that he could alter seeds to make them immune to the vagaries of nature, in effect growing fruits in the sub-zero terrain of Siberia. Eager to revolutionise agriculture in the USSR, Joseph Stalin put Lysenko at the helm. Lysenko’s radical ideas along with a policy of forcing millions into state-run farms led to disastrous harvests and famine. When Lysenko’s ideas ran counter to the principles of genetics, which was a fledgling field of research in the 1930s, he rubbished science. Despite Lysenko’s failures, Stalin backed Russia’s star scientist because the latter had promised to boost crop yields nationwide and transform the barren Russian hinterland into giant farms. The People’s Republic under Mao Zedong later adopted his methods in the late 1950s and endured even bigger famines. With the passage of time, Lysenkoism entered the lexicon symbolising calculated distortion of facts or theories to favour a political narrative. China’s economy is paying the cost of political Lysenkoism

China – Pakistan

  • May 16, 2022. By Global Times. Chinese Premier Li Keqiang said in a phone call with Pakistani Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif on Monday that China gives priority to its relations with Pakistan in its neighborhood diplomacy, and urged Pakistan to bring the perpetrators of the Karachi terrorist attack, where Chinese nationals were killed, to justice as soon as possible. Chinese premier urges bringing Karachi terrorist attackers to justice


  • May 16, 2022. By Reuters. Cuban lawmakers on Sunday approved a new penal code for the country that is being critiqued by some rights groups who say its clause on foreign funding may be used to unjustly stifle dissent and independent journalism in the wake of widespread anti-government protests last July. Cuban lawmakers pass new penal code critiqued by rights, media groups

Ethiopia – Tigray

Europe – USA


France – Africa


India – G20

  • May 16, 2022. By Shruti Jain, ORF. As India gears up to officially assume the G20 presidency this year, it must recognise and address the core challenges it is likely to face. There are several aspects that India will need to consider while setting up its agenda—how can it take forward the work done by the past presidencies? Which issues should it prioritise? How can it pursue its own agenda in the global context? Challenges for India’s upcoming G20 presidency

Iran – UAE

  • May 16, 2022. By Reuters. Iran’s top diplomat is expected to visit the United Arab Emirates on Monday, the Iranian foreign ministry spokesperson said, welcoming the appointment of Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed al-Nahyan as the Gulf state’s president last week. Iran’s foreign minister to visit UAE on Monday – spokesperson




  • May 15, 2022. By The Libya Observer.  Foreign ministers from the G7 group of industrialized nations called for the rapid identification of the legal basis for holding free, fair, and inclusive elections as soon as possible in Libya. G7 urges swift adoption of voting rules in Libya
  • May 15, 2022. By The Libyan Observer. The Chairman of the National Oil Corporation (NOC), Mustafa Sanallah, has confirmed that Libya has the potential to develop hydrocarbon resources and then provide Europe with safe supplies of oil and natural gas using the existing pipelines in the sea. Sanallah: Libya is the appropriate place to invest in natural gas
  • May 15, 2022. By The Libya Observer. Washington has reiterated support for the temporary freezing of oil revenues in the National Oil Corporation (NOC) account at the Libyan Foreign Bank until reaching an agreement on a revenue management mechanism. US supports temporary freezing of NOC revenues at LFB


  • May 15, 2022. By Francis E Hutchinson, East Asia Forum. Long characterised by ‘stability’ and excessive concentration of power, Malaysia’s politics have become fluid and unpredictable. With elite compacts and agreements hammered out behind closed doors, the country now has public plot twists worthy of a Netflix series. Malaysian politics now a three-legged race


  • May 16, 2022. By Anoulak Kittikhoun, The Interpreter. Milton Osborne mischaracterises the Mekong River Commission when writing last month in The Interpreter that the regional organisation “ignores reality”. To say we were “celebrating” the health of the river at our Mekong Day event on 5 April overlooks the fact that on that day I continued to “sound the alarm” about the Mekong’s perilous condition nowadays. Diplomacy is indispensable to manage the Mekong


Pakistan – China

  • May 16, 2022. By Syed Fazl-e-Haider, The Interpreter. In Pakistan’s southwest region of Balochistan – the country’s largest province by area but least populous and least developed despite having huge mineral and energy resources – there is a battle being waged for independence. The Baloch have grievances against the Pakistan government, which has historically exploited the province’s resources and neglected its development needs. Military handling of unrest in the region by Islamabad has deepened the sense of alienation and frustration felt in Balochistan, spawning several separatist groups, including the Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA), the Baloch Republican Army (BRA) and the Baloch Liberation Front (BLF). Pakistani separatists turn their sights on China


  • May 16, 2022. By East Asia Forum. The last time a Marcos claimed victory in a Philippine presidential election, it was on the back of a victory so tainted by fraud it sparked a democratic revolution. Thirty-six years later, voters in Southeast Asia’s second-biggest democracy have delivered Ferdinand ‘Bongbong’ Marcos Jr to the presidential palace from which he fled along with his father into exile. Those who fought for democracy in the 1986 ‘people power’ revolution, and who fought to protect the achievements of the movement since then, are understandably shellshocked. Marcos victory in the Philippines reflects a new arc of old politics in Southeast Asia

Russia – Finland – Sweden – NATO

  • May 16, 2022. By Yang Sheng, Zhang Changyue, Global Times. NATO expansion continues despite the Russia-Ukraine conflict as the US-led military alliance could include two more European countries, Finland and Sweden, which previously held a military neutrality stance between NATO and Russia. Chinese analysts said that this could add new uncertainty to the security of Europe, but it does not mean there will be new military conflicts in the continent as they believe Russia can solve its concerns with these two countries in political ways, otherwise they will fall into a US trap to further worsen the security situation of Europe. NATO expansion with Finland, Sweden’s bid tips balance, adds uncertainty to Europe
  • May 16, 2022. By Aaron Mehta, Breaking Defense. Sweden’s ruling party today announced plans to apply for NATO membership, a dramatic turnaround from decades of Swedish policy — and a change tied directly into Russia’s decision to invade Ukraine. Sweden applying for NATO membership; other Nordic nations pledge security support
  • May 16, 2022. By , Reuters. President Vladimir Putin warned the West on Monday that Russia would respond if NATO began to bolster the military infrastructure of Sweden and Finland which have both decided to join the U.S. military alliance after the invasion of Ukraine. Putin says Russia will respond if NATO bolsters Sweden, Finland militarily

Russia – Ukraine (impact, reactions, consequences)


Sweden – Turkey – NATO

  • May 16, 2022. By Reuters. Sweden will send diplomats to Turkey to try to overcome Ankara’s objections to its plan to join NATO, Defence Minister Peter Hultqvist said, with a formal decision to hand in an application expected on Monday. Sweden to try to overcome Turkish objections to its NATO bid


USA – Middle East




  • May 16, 2022. By , The Strategist. Military lessons from the Ukraine war are being absorbed quickly in Asia. The message for democracies arming against the threat from authoritarian regimes is to select weapons that are simple and available rather than small numbers of expensive and complex ships, aircraft and vehicles that may not survive the first hours of conflict. Australia must learn defence lessons from Ukraine
  • May 15, 2022. By Lauren C. William, Defense One. The Army is in the midst of a significant shift in how it buys, builds and delivers technological capabilities to warfighters. At the crux of those plans is a cloud infrastructure called cArmy that can deliver communications, tools, and sensor data so commanders can have a clear digital picture of the battlespace and make crucial decisions more quickly. US Army Is Battle-Testing Cloud Computing


Climate Finance

  • May 16, 2022. By Mannat Jaspal, Terri Chapman, ORF. Over the last few decades, a global climate finance architecture has emerged to channel domestic and international funds towards climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts. However, mobilising climate capital at scale has been a challenge, particularly in the Global South, since the current financial system is inept at including climate change metrics in its capital allocation and disbursement processes, and applying a climate justice prism in its investment decision-making. This brief aims to analyse and assess the global climate financial flows across a disaggregated set of parameters to lay bare the contextual rea
  • lities of financial inequities that expose a climate financial system intrinsically skewed against a fair and inclusive energy transition in developing nations. Exploring the Inequities of Climate Finance


  • May 16, 2022. By Nicol Turner Lee, Brookings. In this technological age, workforce demands for computer science (CS) skills have evolved and keep evolving. Demand for CS specialists have evolved across all fields, improving job and compensation prospects for those with experience in programming and data science. In turn, states schools have worked to incorporate CS into the K-12 public school curriculum to better prepare students for the workforce of the future. TechTank Podcast Episode 44: Can policymakers level the playing field in the computer sciences?

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