giovedì, Marzo 13, 2025










  • May 17, 2022. By Yvette To, East Asia Forum. Pursuing ‘common prosperity’ is one of the latest strategic goals of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). This new initiative aims to reduce social inequality through primary income distribution, government-led redistribution efforts such as regulation, and social philanthropy. While the concept is not new, some of the necessary policies are. Should the CCP target China’s richest 1 per cent?
  • May 16, 2022. By Briana Boland, Jude Blanchette, CSIS. How will the strengths and weaknesses of China’s human capital impact national competitiveness? China’s efforts to maintain economic growth, strengthen supply chains, develop strategic science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) sectors, and secure a modern military edge hinges on the ability to cultivate and utilize human capital. As the United States and other countries increasingly engage in multidomain competition with China, it is critical to start from a clear-eyed understanding of China’s human capital and Beijing’s strategy for nurturing national talent. Investments in higher education, strategic STEM sectors, and military talent demonstrate key areas in which Beijing is focusing on cultivating human capital. However, China must overcome significant obstacles to innovate as it faces substantial demographic pressures, socio-economic inequalities, and challenges to attracting and retaining top talent both domestically and internationally. How China’s Human Capital Impacts Its National Competitiveness

China – Pakistan

  • May 17, 2022. By Cui Fandi and Wan Hengyi. On the same day that Chinese Premier Li Keqiang emphasized their cooperation against terrorism in a phone call with Pakistani Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif, Pakistan’s counterterrorism authorities arrested a woman who tried to launch a suicide attack against a Chinese convoy. The woman is a member of the group that carried out the terrorist attack that killed three Chinese teachers outside the University of Karachi in April. Pakistan busts fresh terrorist attack on Chinese convoy, as leaders vow joint counterterrorism efforts

China – UAE


  • May 17, 2022. By Zhang Hui, Xu Yelu, Global Times. The Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) leaders met in Moscow on Monday for the first time since 2019 amid the Ukraine crisis that unnerved the post-Soviet Russia-led security bloc, with Chinese analysts saying that Putin will use the summit to further strengthen the organization to deal with the emerging threats of terrorism and “color revolution” and the Russia-led bloc is also likely to deliver a consistent message to the West which has been sowing discord between Moscow and other CSTO members. CSTO leaders meet in Moscow to tackle threats of terrorism and ‘color revolution’




  • May 17, 2022. By Reuters. Hundreds of Indonesian smallholder farmers on Tuesday staged a protest in the capital Jakarta and in other parts of the world’s fourth most populous country, demanding the government end a palm oil export ban that has slashed their income. Indonesian farmers stage protests against palm oil export ban


Italy – Libya



  • May 17, 2022. By Reuters. Clashes erupted in Libya’s capital on Tuesday as the parliament-appointed prime minister, Fathi Bashagha, tried to take over government there but was forced back by a rival administration that refuses to cede power. Clashes rock Tripoli as Bashagha forced from capital
  • May 17, 2022. By Hamza Mekouar, AFP, Al-Monitor. Fighting broke out Tuesday in the capital of war-battered Libya between backers of two rival administrations, threatening renewed chaos in the oil-rich North African country. Fighting erupts in Libya capital after rival PM enters city
  • May 16, 2022. By The Libya Observer. Vice President of the Presidential Council (PC), Abdullah Al-Lafi, received Sunday dignitaries and officials from Tarhuna to discuss the file of the missing and unidentified bodies. Tarhuna victims discussed at PC meeting with city’s key figures
  • May 16, 2022. By The Libya Observer. Time is running out, and the Libyan people are eager for stability that can only be realized with the holding of national elections based on a sound and consensual constitutional framework, the UN Special Adviser, Stephanie Williams said at the opening of a new round of UN-facilitated talks between members of the joint committee consisting of the House of Representatives and the High Council of the State in Cairo. Williams: Libyan people want stability, which will only be achieved through elections


New Zealand – China

North Korea


  • May 16, 2022. By Kseniya Kirillova, The Jamestown Foundation.  Moscow’s attempts to change the policies of other countries in its favor are not limited to military actions in Ukraine. Against the background of the war, the Kremlin is working to win the support of non-Western states in its stand-off with the United States and Europe. And at the same time, it still hopes to split the collective West and identify countries therein that can serve as agents of Russian interests. Not Only War: How the Kremlin Tries to Influence the Policies of Other Countries

Russia – Iran

  • May 16, 2022. By  Vali Kaleji, The Jamestown Foundation. The Russo-Ukrainian war has had a direct impact on the status of the various China–Central Asia–Russia–Europe transit corridors that traverse Eurasia. The Northern Corridor branch of China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), in particular, has faced serious challenges and limitations, forcing a halt to the so-called “New Eurasian Land Bridge” project, linking Russia, Ukraine, Poland and Belarus with East Asia. This has given new impetus to developing the so-called Middle Corridor—more formally known as the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route (TITR)—which starts from Southeast Asia and China, and, bypassing Russia, runs through Kazakhstan, the Caspian Sea, Azerbaijan, Georgia and further to European countries (see EDM, April 181920). Another budding option, particularly for the land-locked Central Asian region, is to build north-south linkages to Iran’s overland transit network, which offers further connections to Turkey, the Middle East and Europe, as well as to Iranian seaports on the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of ​​Oman (see EDM, May 5). Will Russia Complete Iran’s Rasht–Astara Railway?

Russia – Ukraine

  • May 17, 2022. By  , Reuters. Ukraine’s military said on Tuesday it was working to evacuate all remaining troops from their last stronghold in the besieged port of Mariupol, ceding control of the city to Russia after months of bombardment. Ukrainian troops evacuate from Mariupol, ceding control to Russia
  • May 16, 2022. By Ross Buckley, Mia Trzecinski, East Asia Forum. Since the invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, the United States, European Union and their allies have imposed extraordinary financial sanctions on Russia. They have frozen US$300 billion of Russia’s foreign currency reserves, removed Russian institutions from SWIFT — the messaging service that facilitates international payments — and banned most foreign investment into the country. The price of the sanctions on Russia for the West
  • May 16, 2022. By Tara Copp, Defense One. Russia fired long-range missiles at Lviv on Sunday, hitting Ukraine’s international military training center in strikes that were likely fired from one or more Black Sea submarines, the Ukraine’s Air Command said in a post to FacebookRussian Sub Fired Missiles at Lviv Training Center, Ukraine Says
  • May 16, 2022. By Kateryna Stepanenko, Karolina Hird, and Frederick W. Kagan, ISW. Russian forces conducted limited and largely unsuccessful ground offensives along the front line in Ukraine on May 16. The Russian grouping around Kharkiv City is notably trying to hold the border and prevent Ukrainian troops from advancing further north. This activity is different from previous Russian withdrawals from around Kyiv, Chernihiv, and Sumy earlier in the war when the Russians pulled completely back to Russian territory. Russian troops may seek to retain positions in Ukraine and continue artillery strikes on Ukrainian positions in order to prevent Ukrainian forces from getting into tube or rocket-artillery range of the outskirts of Belgorod, a major city in Russia and a key hub of the Russian military effort. The Russians might alternatively hope to conduct a counter-counter-offensive to push back south toward Kharkiv, although such an effort is highly unlikely to succeed. Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment, May 16
  • May 16, 2022. By
  • May 16, 2022. By Brookings. On May 9, Brookings experts James Goldgeier, Amy J. Nelson, Steven Pifer, and Angela Stent discussed the current state of the Russia-Ukraine war and what could be coming following Victory Day celebrations in both countries. Goldgeier moderated the Twitter Spaces conversation. A Victory Day update on the Russia-Ukraine war

Southeast Asia – China – USA

Sri Lanka




  • May 16, 2022. By Brookings. Every day, the federal government enacts impactful policy changes through the executive branch and its agencies. The Brookings Center on Regulation and Markets Regulatory Tracker (“Reg Tracker”) provides background information and status updates on a curated selection of particularly important regulatory changes. Using our tracker, you can learn more about the background of different rules, discover the impact of potential regulations, and monitor a regulation’s progress through rulemaking. We include standard rules as well as guidance documents, executive orders, and other actions across ten key policy areas. While the relaunched Reg Tracker focuses on regulatory changes enacted under Biden, our previous entries tracking regulatory changes during the Trump administration can be accessed through the “Trump archives” checkbox. Tracking regulatory changes in the Biden era
  • May 16, 2022. By Phillip LevineKristin F. Butcher, and Coura Fall, Brookings. Afour-year college degree continues to be the best bet for an economically secure future for young people in the United States. However, for most families and prospective college students, understanding which colleges are accessible and affordable is a real struggle. On May 9, 2022, the Center on Children and Families at Brookings hosted an event analyzing some of the thorniest issues in higher education and what to do about them. Phillip Levine, Katharine Coman and A. Barton Hepburn Professor of Economics at Wellesley College, author of A Problem of Fit: How the Complexity of College Pricing Hurts Students – and Universities, and founder and CEO of (a quick-cost estimator for college) discussed how much college really costs for students from families with different incomes and assets, and how to make college more affordable for students from lower-income backgrounds.   A problem of fit: Tackling affordability and pricing in higher education
  • May 13, 2022. By Harry J. Holzer, Barron’s. What has happened to the notion that tight labor markets and worker shortages drive wages higher? Is that still true? And can it last, while the Federal Reserve Board is raising interest rates and trying to engineer a “soft landing” of the economy that minimizes the chance of recession? Inflation is Outpacing Wage Growth. But There’s Still Hope for Workers


  • May 16, 2022. By Craig Singleton, FDD. President Joe Biden hosted an in-person summit last week with leaders from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), a bloc of 10 countries with a total annual GDP of approximately $3 trillion. While the Biden administration billed the summit as an opportunity to signal its renewed commitment to the region, the White House gathering resulted in few tangible outcomes and received scant media coverage, likely compounding regional concerns that Washington has no clear agenda for the Indo-Pacific. President Biden’s Missed Opportunities at U.S.-ASEAN Summit

USA – China

  • May 16, 2022. By Michael Jonathan Green, Scott Kennedy, CSIS. It is no exaggeration to conclude that U.S.-China ties have deteriorated to depths not seen since the late 1960s, when the two had no diplomatic ties and were actually shooting at each other in Vietnam. China has long since stopped fomenting revolutionary wars, but from Washington’s perspective (which is increasingly shared by others in Europe and Asia) Beijing’s promotion of state capitalism, disregard for human rights, irredentist claims, and support for Putin collectively represent a deeply dangerous challenge to the existing world order. To Beijing, a declining United States is trying to use every tool in its toolkit to undermine and isolate Beijing and keep China from achieving its rightful resumption as a world power, which is driving China’s approach increasingly in a zero-sum direction. U.S. Business Leaders Not Ready for the Next U.S.-China Crisis

USA – South Korea


  • May 17, 2022. By Reuters.  Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Tuesday that Finland and Sweden joining NATO would probably make “not much difference” as the two countries had long participated in the alliance’s military drills. Russia’s Lavrov says Finland, Sweden joining NATO makes ‘no big difference’
  • May 17, 2022. By Pierluigi Paganini, Security Affairs. Malwarebytes experts uncovered a campaign that targets German users with custom PowerShell RAT targeting. The threat actors attempt to trick victims into opening weaponized documents by using the current situation in Ukraine as bait. A custom PowerShell RAT targets Germany using crisis in Ukraine as bait
  • May 17, 2022. By Naval News. UK Ministry of Defence (MoD) contracts of over £2 billion have been awarded to begin the third major phase of the Dreadnought submarine nuclear deterrent programme. UK invests more than £2 billion to boost Dreadnought submarine programme
  • May 16, 2022. By Valerie Insinna, Breaking Defense. The Pentagon has awarded a Lockheed Martin-Raytheon joint venture $309 million in contracts for the Javelin program, funding a total of 1,300 anti-tank missiles that will backfill US stocks that have been provided to the Ukrainian military, the companies announced today. Amid Ukraine crisis, Lockheed-Raytheon partnership gets $309M for Javelins
  • May 16, 2022. By Andrew Eversden, Breaking Defense. Lockheed Martin has integrated a Spike Non-Line-Of-Sight missile system onto a Joint Light Tactical Vehicle and delivered it to US Special Operations Command, giving special operators a new capability in the field. SOCOM receives first Spike NLOS system integrated on a JLTV
  • May 16, 2022. By Marcus Weisgerber. A Lockheed Martin-made missile flew five times the speed of sound on Saturday, the U.S. Air Force said Monday, bringing to three the number of U.S. hypersonic weapons that have achieved successful test flights. The AGM-183A Air-launched Rapid Response Weapon, or ARRW (pronounced: arrow) found success in its unpublicized Saturday test over the Pacific Ocean after failing in three earlier test flights. Another US Hypersonic Missile Hits Mach 5 in Test, Air Force Says
  • May 16, 2022. By Patrick Tucker, Defense One. NATO leaders expect to process Sweden and Finland’s formal applications for alliance membership quickly, according to the organization’s deputy secretary general.  Since Thursday, Finnish and Swedish leaders have announced their states’ formal intentions to join the military alliance, which would greatly expand NATO’s frontier directly bordering Russia. Sweden and Finland’s NATO Membership Coming ‘As Soon as Possible,’ Deputy Secretary General Says
  • May 16, 2022. By Pavel K. Baev, The Jamestown Foundation. Russia’s aggression against Ukraine has energized the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in every possible way, reviving the alliance’s purpose and unity, and granting it new attractiveness in Europe as well as greater prominence in the Indo-Pacific. The prospect of Finland and Sweden joining the 30-member bloc was hypothetical at best last autumn, when Moscow issued an ultimatum, demanding that NATO curtail its activities in Central Eastern Europe. But it became increasingly realistic as public opinion in both Nordic countries reacted to the onset of a major war in the middle of the continent. Finally, it has become practical, as the two governments finalize their accession applications, to be submitted over the coming days. President Vladimir Putin reflected on his failed posturing in the May 9 Victory Day speech addressing the military parade on Red Square. And last Friday (May 13), he put the issue of NATO enlargement on the agenda of the virtual session of Russia’s Security Council (Izvestia, May 13). Could Annexation Be Putin’s Response to NATO Enlargement?
  • May 16, 2022. By
  • May 16, 2022. By Courtney Albon, Defense News. A little-known military construction funding policy will likely prevent Congress from granting most of the Pentagon’s $5.7 billion unfunded priorities list for lab and testing infrastructure projects, many of which are too early in the planning and design process for lawmakers to consider. Most projects on Pentagon’s $5.7B lab ‘wish list’ likely to stay unfunded
  • May 16, 2022. By
  • May 16, 2022. By


Global Economy

  • May 16, 2022. By Julie McCarthy, Brookings. In October 2021, G-20 leaders finalized a new global tax deal aimed at curbing tax avoidance by large multinational enterprises (MNEs). The deal—brokered by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and endorsed by 137 countries and jurisdictions (collectively this group is referred to as the Inclusive Framework or IF)—represents the most significant global tax reform in decades. Among other features, the “IF deal” introduces new taxing rights irrespective of an MNE’s physical location and a new global minimum corporate income tax of 15 percent on the largest MNEs. The new global tax deal is bad for development

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