giovedì, Marzo 13, 2025


FOCUS – May 17, 2022. By



  • TECH




  • May 17, 2022. By Sahar Fetrat, HRW. Conflating humanitarian aid and the release of Afghanistan’s assets will only increase suffering. Afghanistan Remains an Open Wound


  • May 17, 2022. By Grigory Ioffe, The Jamestown Foundation. The ninth online poll of 823 urban-based and internet-using Belarusians, conducted by Chatham House during April 8–18 (, May 6), showed that roughly one-third of respondents support Russia’s war and about the same fraction is against it, whereas 57 percent are afraid Belarus may be pulled into that conflict. More respondents prefer some sort of union with Russia over integration into the European Union: 60 percent versus 40 percent (New Belarus, May 13). By and large, the outcome of this survey coincides with more broad-based (not just urban and internet-active) polling conducted by phone (see EDM, May 4). May 9 Celebration in Belarus a Setback to Nationalization of Historical Memory


  • May 18, 2022. By Global Times. China has maintained net inflows in cross-border capital this year, while the yuan has been basically stable against a basket of currencies, Wang Chunying, deputy head and spokesperson of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE), said on Tuesday. China maintains net inflows in cross-border capital

China – India

China – USA

India – Vietnam – Indonesia

  • May 17, 2022. By Matthew P. Goodman, Matthew Reynolds, Julianne Fittipaldi, CSIS. With the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, supply chain resilience has emerged as a policy priority of the United States and its allies. The issue of supply chains has also raised the profile of emerging economies that offer possible alternatives to China as production platforms for multinational firms. This report surveys economic security policy developments in three major emerging economies: India, Vietnam, and Indonesia. It finds that all are attempting to take advantage of this new focus on supply chain resilience, while (to varying degrees) balancing the economic security risks posed by China’s rise. The United States and its allies have an opportunity to work with these emerging economies to shape their decisions about trade, investment, and technology policies in ways that promote mutual economic security and enhance international economic rules and norms. Economic Security in Emerging Markets: A Look at India, Vietnam, and Indonesia


Russia – Ukraine (impact, reactions, consequences)

  • May 18, 2022. By HRW.  Russian forces controlling much of the Kyiv and Chernihiv regions in northeastern Ukraine from late February through March 2022 subjected civilians to summary executions, torture, and other grave abuses that are apparent war crimes, Human Rights Watch said today. Ukraine: Executions, Torture During Russian Occupation
  • May 17, 2022. By Andrew Lohsen, CSIS. True to the opening line of its national anthem, “Ukraine has not yet perished.” Nearly three months after Russia invaded Ukraine, the offensive has stalled. Fears voiced in February that Ukraine may cease to exist as an independent state have receded. Ukrainian democracy will survive. Yet, while the world’s focus has understandably centered on the course of the war, less attention has been paid to the impact the of the war on Ukrainian politics and democratic development. These shifts, outlined in four sections below, have the power to fundamentally change the country and must be critically considered by policymakers planning for Ukraine’s recovery and reconstruction. How the War Could Transform Ukrainian Politics
  • May 17, 2022. By John B. Barranco, Atlantic Council. The stories are harrowing: Children maimed by mines made to look like toys. Farmers killed in unmarked minefields while tending to their crops, years after a conflict has ended. Safe distance: Why Ukraine should embrace land mines
  • May 17, 2022. By Vadim Shtepa, The Jamestown Foundation. At an April 26 meeting in the Kremlin with United Nations Secretary General António Guterres, President Vladimir Putin again defended the “independence” of the Donetsk and Luhansk “people’s republics” in Ukraine’s Donbas. In referring to these puppet formations, backed near-exclusively by Russia’s military and financial support, Putin uttered a remarkable phrase: “One or another territory of any state is not obliged to apply for permission to declare its sovereignty to the central authorities of the country” (, April 26). The Russian leader said something similar following the illegal annexation of Crimea in 2014; but in a dialogue with the UN secretary general, Putin’s statement was especially noteworthy. He appealed to the fact that, in 2010, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) effectively accepted the recognition of Kosovo’s independence, although the Serbian authorities opposed it. At that time, Russia also refused to recognize the independence of Kosovo, but now Moscow appears ready to manipulate this precedent for its own interests. Putin Opens Pandora’s Box for Russian Regionalism
  • May 17, 2022. By Paul Globe, The Jamestown Foundation. Since Russia’s President Vladimir Putin launched his expanded invasion of Ukraine on February 24, fires at military bases and train accidents inside the Russian Federation have increased, military draft offices have been set aflame there, and draft resistance has spiked, as have cases in which soldiers in uniform are refusing to obey orders to deploy to Ukraine. Telephone bomb threats have become more frequent throughout the country, and hackers have posted anti-war messages on Kremlin propaganda sites. Taken together, those developments have led the Ekho Kavkaza portal to conclude that “anti-war protest in Russia” has acquired a powerful, new “underground” dimension, with many Russians opposed to what Putin is doing evidently prepared to take far more radical actions than in the past. This trend is prompting new crackdowns by the authorities (Ekho Kavkaza, May 13). An Anti-War Underground Emerges in Russia
  • May 17, 2022. By IAEA. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) plans to send its next nuclear safety, security and safeguards mission to Ukraine’s Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) in the coming weeks, Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi said today. Update 76 – IAEA Director General Statement on Situation in Ukraine
  • May 17, 2022. By Kateryna Stepanenko, Frederick W. Kagan, and George Barros, ISW. Mariupol defenders trapped in the Azovstal Steel Plant likely surrendered after Ukrainian officials negotiated evacuation measures with the Kremlin. Russian forces began evacuating wounded Ukrainian forces to Russian-occupied settlements in Donetsk Oblast on May 16 after the Russian Defense Ministry proposed the agreement earlier in the day. Ukrainian officials said that they will seek to return the Mariupol defenders to Ukraine in a prisoner exchange and continue to undertake appropriate measures to rescue all Ukrainian servicemen from Azovstal. Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment, May 17


South Korea



  • May 17, 2022. By Laura Pitter, Dreisen Heath, HRW. The tragedy and depravity of the massacre in Buffalo, New York is hard to endure, especially for Black and other marginalized communities. An 18-year-old, white gunman, motivated by white supremacist ideology, is accused of opening fire at a grocery store in a majority-Black neighborhood, killing ten Black people and injuring three more. Eleven of the victims were Black, two were white. Before Mass Shooting, Systemic Racism Affected East Buffalo Community
  • May 17, 2022. By Catrina Doxsee, Seth G. Jones, Jared Thompson, Grace Hwang, Kateryna Halstead, CSIS. There has been a significant rise in the number of domestic terrorist attacks and plots at demonstrations in the United States, according to new CSIS data. The result is escalating violence in U.S. cities between extremists from opposing sides, a major break from historical trends. In 2021, over half of all domestic terrorist incidents occurred in the context of metropolitan demonstrations. In addition, the most frequent targets of attacks were government, military, and law enforcement agencies, who are increasingly at the center of domestic terrorism by extremists of all ideologies. Pushed to Extremes: Domestic Terrorism amid Polarization and Protest
  • May 17, 2022. By Jacqueline Feldscher, Defense One. The bipartisan consensus to financially support Ukraine’s fight against Russia is starting to fracture on Capitol Hill, where the Trump-aligned, isolationist wing of the Republican party is criticizing Biden for funding foreign aid while ignoring domestic issues. Trump Allies Slam Biden For Ukraine Aid Amid Inflation, Supply Chain Shortages
  • May 17, 2022. By World Nuclear News.  The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Plasma Science and Fusion Center (PSFC) is to expand its fusion energy research and education activities under a new five-year agreement with MIT spinout company Commonwealth Fusion Systems (CFS). MIT expands fusion collaboration : New Nuclear

USA – Gulf

  • May 17. By Melissa Horvath, Bilal Y. Saab, Defense One. Relations between Washington and some of its traditional Gulf Arab partners, particularly Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, are at their lowest point in history, which is why the Biden administration on Monday sent a high-level delegation to Abu Dhabi: specifically to pay respects upon the death of former UAE President Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan and to congratulate his successor, Mohamed bin Zayed, but more generally to try to heal those ties.  Could Ukraine Offer a Template for Better US-Gulf Security Relations?



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