mercoledì, Marzo 12, 2025



Michela Finizio (Il Sole 24 Ore, 23 maggio 2022) scrive che l’Italia smart ancora non decolla: Italia al 18° posto su 22 Paesi per capacità di generare valore economico dall’innovazione. La grande distanza dagli altri grandi Stati Europei, come Germania e Francia, emerge dall’aggiornamento dell’Ambrosetti InnoSystem Index che misura quanto l’ecosistema nazionale sia favorevole allo sviluppo delle attività innovative.

Pur collocandosi sul podio per eccellenza scientifica, il Bel Paese non riesce a rendere il suo talento un fattore economico e di sviluppo. Male antico, si dirà, ma con il quale occorre fare i conti nel tempo della rivoluzione digitale. In sostanza, scrive l’articolo, va rafforzato il processo di trasferimento tecnologico in modo da aumentare le possibilità di portare l’eccellenza scientifica sul mercato.

Michela Finizio nota, guardando al mondo: A maggio 2022 si contano 1.100 unicorni in tutto il mondo: i primi tre Paesi sono Stati Uniti, con 584 unicorni (il 53% del totale), la Cina con 174 unicorni (il 15,8% del totale mondiale) e l’India con 66 unicorni (il 6% del totale mondiale). Solo una start up italiana, invece, ha superato il valore di 1 miliardo di dollari (Scalapay), un risultato davvero esiguo se confrontato con i 42 unicorni del Regno Unito, i 29 della Germania e i 24 della Francia.

Tutto questo è un fattore che ha a che fare con il ri-pensamento di un pensiero strategico adeguato ai tempi. E’ venuto il tempo di cambiare se vogliamo restituire senso all’espressione interesse nazionale. Se non ora, quando ?



  • May 23, 2022. By Klaus Schwab, Adrian Monck, Taha Bawa, Miguel A Rozo, Taylor Hawkins, Kamal Ahmed, Olga Bezverkha. The rise of youth protests around the world reflects increasing anger towards the generation in power for its perceived failings on climate change, social justice, inequality and conflict. What will it take to win back the trust of young people, safeguard their future and close the widening generational divide? World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2022, Davos
  • May 23, 2022. By David M. Rubenstein, Bill Keating, Yulia Klymenko, Paula J. Dobriansky, Mohammed Shahriar Alam, WEF. The invasion of Ukraine triggered an unexpectedly united and forceful response, from the United States, the European Union and the United Kingdom in particular. After years of hand-wringing about fragmentation and decline, has the eruption of war revealed that the West remains stronger than may have been assumed? World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2022, Davos
  • May 23, 2022. By Mauricio Rodas, Mike Haigh, Maimunah Mohd Sharif, Sheela Patel, Ivan Duque, WEF. Biodiversity and nature loss places 44% of GDP in cities at risk of disruption, rendering business-as-usual urban planning and infrastructure development unsustainable.  How are leaders, infrastructure companies and innovators jointly redesigning cities to improve environmental and human health? World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2022, Davos
  • May 23, 2022. By Pranjal Sharma, Brett Solomon, Julie Inman Grant, Petra De Sutter, Timo Harakka, WEF. With 4.8 billion internet users globally, all forms of harmful content online need to be tackled. Pervasive issues such as health misinformation, terrorist content and state-sponsored informational campaigns contribute to a complex environment where long-standing problems, including online exploitation and abuse, also persist. What principles and practices can government and industry align on to reduce the risk of online harms and build safer digital spaces? World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2022, Davos
  • May 23, 2022. By Carlo Ratti, K T Rama Rao, Coen van Oostrom, Takayuki Morita, Angela Oduor Lungati, WEF. As social unrest and organized retail crime have spiked over the last year, many governments and businesses have turned to artificial intelligence (AI), including facial recognition, to bolster law enforcement. The expanding scope of this technology has led to public concern and calls for regulation, but investment growth looks set to continue. How can we ensure that the use of AI in public services and spaces does not conflict with the public interest? World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2022, Davos
  • May 23, 2022. By Manuela Kasper-Claridge, Ivanna Klympush-Tsintsadze, Michael McCaul, Kishore Mahbubani, Ian Bremmer, WEF. The West has united against Russia following its invasion of Ukraine and strategic rivalry between the United States and China continues to deepen. Is a new Cold War taking shape and what can be done to minimize the risks of conflict? World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2022, Davos
  • May 23, 2022. By Karen Tso, Chander Prakash Gurnani, Jürgen Stock, Josephine Teo, Robert M. Lee, WEF. The World Economic Forum’s Global Cybersecurity Outlook report indicates that cyberattacks increased 125% globally in 2021, with evidence suggesting a continued uptick through 2022. In this fast-changing landscape it is vital for leaders to take a strategic approach to cyber risks. How can leaders better prepare for future cyber shocks? What individual and collective actions will foster a more secure and resilient digital ecosystem? World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2022, Davos
  • May 23, 2022. By Matthew K. Kaminski, Seth F. Berkley, Gabriela Bucher, Jeremy Farrar, Stéphane Bancel, WEF. From testing to treatments and vaccines, we have the tools to bring the pandemic under control but only if we use them properly and share them fairly. How can leaders ensure equitable supply of these tools to boost population immunity, protect health systems and enable economies to reopen? World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2022, Davos
  • May 23, 2022. By Le Minh Khai, Julia Chatterley, Philip Isdor Mpango, David Beasley, J. Erik Fyrwald, Mariam Mohammed Saeed Al Mheiri, WEF. The world may be facing the worst food crisis in decades, driven by the compounded effects of COVID-19, climate change and conflicts such as the war in Ukraine, exacerbating already skyrocketing food and energy prices and severe hunger. What global priorities and business action are imperative to mitigate these global shocks and address the interrelated risks threatening food systems everywhere?  World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2022, Davos
  • May 23, 2022. By Magdalena Skipper, Maria Leptin, Fabiola Gianotti, Sarah Al Amiri, Dan Vahdat, WEF. COVID-19 vaccines were developed in record time thanks to robust international scientific collaboration across disciplines, geographies and sectors. Against a backdrop of threats to research funding and a retreat from multilateralism, how can leaders safeguard scientific collaboration for tackling global challenges? World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2022, Davos
  • May 23, 2022. By Alok Sharma, David G. Victor, Bill Winters, Suzanne DiBianca, Bahlil Lahadalia, M. Sanjayan, WEF. With oil prices rising, transitioning to a net-zero economy becomes an economic and ecological imperative. Carbon markets can funnel finance into clean technology and nature-based solutions at scale. What is needed today for carbon financing to accelerate the transition to a net-zero, nature-positive economy?  World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2022, Davos
  • May 23, 2022. By Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Klaus Schwab, WEF. World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2022, Davos
  • May 23, 2022. By Kevin Delaney, Fatima-Zahra Ma-el-ainin, Heidi Larson, Amit Paley, WEF. Increasing numbers of individuals – and particularly young people – are experiencing mental health challenges due to rising economic and social insecurity and existential threats such as war and climate change. How can leaders integrate mental health into their recovery plans as a key pillar and strengthen mental health systems for decades to come? World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2022, Davos
  • May 23, 2022. By Karen Tso, Margaritis Schinas, Sharon Thorne, Jeroo Billimoria, WEF. In Europe alone, over 2.8 million social and eco-enterprises generate 6%-12% of employment in the region, more than finance and other industry sectors. As these enterprises drive inclusive, sustainable and local outcomes, how can governments around the world advance policies that unlock the full potential to grow a social economy? World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2022, Davos
  • May 23, 2022. By Xin Li, John Tuttle, Jonathan Krane, Marcos Troyjo, Zhu Ning, Gong Yingying, WEF. While lockdowns and sweeping new regulations have severely impacted some sectors, China has also seen a net foreign inflow of over $440 billion. Against this rapidly shifting investment landscape, how will the world’s second-largest economy’s outlook evolve in 2022? World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2022, Davos
  • May 23, 2022. By  Hadley Gamble, Stephen P. MacMillan, Jonas Prising, Stephanie Trautman, Gabriela Bucher, WEF. The disruptions of the past two years have revealed the fragility of progress on closing the gender gap as the expected time to parity has risen from 100 to 136 years. Can a renewed sense of urgency hardwire gender parity into the post-pandemic economic recovery and what investments are needed? World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2022, Davos
  • May 23, 2022. By  Heba Aly, Yevheniia Kravchuk, Fedir Serdiuk, Roksolana Pidlasa, WEF. Since Russia’s invasion on 24 February, the humanitarian needs in Ukraine have risen to unprecedented levels. The intense military escalation has resulted in loss of life, forced displacement of the civilian population, severe destruction of infrastructure, and disruption of national trade and food production. How is the humanitarian community responding to the immediate needs and what is the long-term plan? World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2022, Davos
  • May 23, 2022. By Jason Bordoff, Hardeep Singh Puri, Catherine MacGregor, Vicki Hollub, Robert Habeck, Fatih Birol, WEF. The global energy landscape and markets are being radically reshaped as governments and businesses respond to the crisis and reduce dependence on Russian energy. To halt the energy crisis and provide greater energy security and sustainability, what priority issues require action by governments and companies? World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2022, Davos
  • May 23, 2022. By Adam Tooze, Eric Cantor, Yuliia Svyrydenko, Ann Wagner, John Morrison, WEF. In Iran, and now Russia, extensive economic sanctions are being used as a primary tool for achieving geo-security objectives. How effective are sanctions as a source of leverage and what will the short- and long-term economic implications, as well as the unintended side effects be, for leaders to consider? World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2022, Davos
  • May 23, 2022. By Wiebe Draijer, Kjerstin Braathen, Patrick Odier, Carlos Eduardo Correa Escaf, Elizabeth Mrema, WEF. With over 50% of the world’s total GDP highly or moderately dependent on nature and its services, economies face increasing risks from inaction in the face of looming tipping points. What global actions should government and business prioritize to accelerate nature-positive progress? World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2022, Davos
  • May 23, 2022. By Nicholas Carlson, Natan Linder, Barbara Frei, Andreas Koenig, Sharan Burrow, Eric Holcomb, WEF. An estimated 87% of manufacturing companies have accelerated their digitalization over the past year. However, only a few are leveraging technology to ensure they are prepared for the future of advanced manufacturing.
    How can companies and governments scale the use of technologies to augment, empower and upskill the factory workforce? World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2022, Davos
  • May 23, 2022. By Ben Fajzullin, John W. Hickenlooper, Cheryl L. Dorsey, Amy Weaver, WEF. World leaders face a crisis of trust, with government, business and civil society leaders losing the faith of citizens, consumers and communities at a time when social cohesion and multilateral agreements are crucial to a global recovery. What actions must leaders take to turn words into action while placing people and planet above all else? World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2022, Davos
  • May 23, 2022. By Nzinga Qunta, Y S Jaganmohan Reddy, Leif Johansson, Jayasree K. Iyer, Catherine Russell, Kezevino Aram, WEF. The global context of the pandemic and the mounting migration crisis is testing already stressed health systems, with disruptions to essential services and care reported in over 90% of countries. How can policies, practices and partnerships be adapted and scaled in health systems globally to build resilience and ensure uninterrupted care, even in times of shocks and crisis? World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2022, Davos
  • May 23, 2022. By Saadia Zahidi, Rana Foroohar, Robert E. Moritz, Lady Mariéme Jamme, Salil S. Parekh, Jeff Maggioncalda, Najla Bouden, WEF. With labour markets in flux from the fallout of the pandemic, technological shifts and the green transition, up to 1 billion people will need reskilling, training and lifelong learning by 2030. How much progress has been made and what needs to happen next to reach this target? World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2022, Davos



  • May 23, 2022. By Jen Patja Howell, Lawfare. The Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction, known by its initials as SIGAR, released an interim report last week on the reasons for the collapse of the Afghan army. To break down the report’s findings, Bryce Klehm spoke with Dr. Jonathan Schroden, the research program director at the Center for Naval Analysis. Dr. Schroden is a longtime analyst of the Afghan military and has deployed or traveled to Afghanistan 13 times since 2003. He is quoted and cited several times in the latest report. They spoke about a range of topics covered in the report, including the U.S.’s efforts to build an Afghan army, the Afghan government’s decisions that contributed to the collapse and the Taliban’s highly effective military campaign. The Lawfare Podcast: The Collapse of the Afghan Security Forces

Afghanistan – India – Pakistan

  • May 23, 2022. By Kabir Taneja, ORF. The recent visit of Dr Abdullah Abdullah to Delhi from Kabul has highlighted a level of developing outreach between the Taliban and India. There have been other examples as well, such as India’s delivery of wheat aid to Afghanistan which was welcomed in Jalalabad with Indian and Taliban flags side by side, and recent reports suggesting that New Delhi may be looking to re-open its mission in Kabul in a limited manner to facilitate aid and consular services in the future. These manoeuvres come as the reality of the Islamic Emirate as it is absorbed by regional powers around South Asia, Central Asia, and the Persian Gulf, and they cautiously develop policy postures towards the same. Strategic challenges for the Taliban around Afghanistan


  • May 23, 2022. By Sam Roggeveen, The Interpreter. On Saturday Australian voters threw out the centre-right government led by Scott Morrison and elected the centre-left Labor Party, led by Anthony Albanese.  China: The Morrison legacy and beyond
  • May 23, 2022. By  and , The Strategist. Life is tough at the top. As Australia’s new prime minister, Anthony Albanese will have barely recuperated from election night celebrations as he boards the plane to Tokyo for his first Quad summit, accompanied by Foreign Minister Penny Wong. And the stakes couldn’t be much higher: Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has strained Quad solidarity while China expands its influence in the Indo-Pacific. Albanese’s chance to make the right first impression at the Quad
  • May 23, 2022. By , The Strategist. Australia has a new government and the climate war draws to a close. The voters have delivered a realignment of politics as well as power. Labor has crept back into office with a historically low primary vote. Only one third of electors made the party their first choice. A new Labor government, and the Liberals face an identity crisis


China – Solomon Islands – Pacific States

  • May 23, 2022. By Patrick Kaiku, The Interpreter. Reactions to the security agreement between Solomon Islands and China were swift and relentless. Much of the rhetoric is creating needless anxieties. It demonstrates that an unwritten rule exists in the practice of Pacific diplomacy. Supposedly sovereign Pacific states must choose wisely who they do business with. Their relationships must also not be disruptive to stability and peace in the region – read here as the geostrategic influence of traditional powers in the Pacific. PNG and the Solomon Islands-China security agreement

China – Vietnam

  • May 23, 2022. By Global Times. Apple Inc told some of its contract manufacturers that it wants to boost production outside China, with Vietnam and India among the countries listed as alternatives to China, The Wall Street Journal reported on Saturday, citing people familiar with the matter. GT Voice: China-Vietnam industrial chain defined by close cooperation


  • May 23, 2022. By HRW. The Democratic Republic of Congo authorities have not meaningfully investigated the role of security forces in the killing of at least eight people in ethnic violence outside Goma in April 2021, Human Rights Watch said today. Police commanders and officers implicated in at least three extrajudicial executions and other killings should be suspended, fully investigated, and appropriately prosecuted. On April 11 and 12, 2021, ethnic Kumu men who were later joined by local police and military police, raided the Buhene district in Congo’s eastern North Kivu province, killing at least eight ethnic Nande, leaving scores more wounded, and looting Nande-owned houses and businesses. Seven women and ten children were among the wounded. DR Congo: No Inquiry into Police Role in Ethnic Killings



  • May 23, 2022. By HRW. The European Union (EU) and its member states should take concrete steps to strengthen the international justice system, including through national prosecutions of crimes under international law, 8 human rights groups said today. Member states should expand the reach of justice by adopting necessary laws, creating or reinforcing specialized war crimes units, strengthening cooperation among states, and providing greater financial and political support to the International Criminal Court (ICC) and other accountability mechanisms so they can impartially carry out their work. EU: Bolster Justice Efforts Worldwide

Europe – Iran 

  • May 23, 2022. By Cinzia Bianco, RUSI. When the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) – or the Iran nuclear deal – was first signed in 2015, it was quickly described as the first success in global diplomacy for the EU. The EU’s High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy has a formal role as the Coordinator of the JCPOA’s Joint Commission, in acknowledgement of the EU doing the diplomatic heavy lifting on negotiating the deal within the P5+1 format, and with Iran. Certainly, there has long been a sense in several European capitals – especially Brussels – that Europeans have a special responsibility to preserve the deal, including by keeping it on life support as former US President Donald Trump withdrew from it. A revived JCPOA now hangs in the balance, but the Europeans are still working towards it. The decision to spend this much political capital on the JCPOA is a sign that the deal is viewed in Europe as being valuable in itself. Why Has Europe Stuck Behind the JCPOA?


  • May 23, 2022. By Manjushree Banerjee, ORF. India ranks fourth in the world for overall installed renewable capacities. The total installed capacity of renewable energy (only wind) in the year 2000 was 1,155 MW, about 1.2 percent of the total installed capacities. In the year 2022, the installed generation capacity of wind, solar and other renewable energy sources stand at 105,854 MW, about 27 percent of the total installed generation capacities. India witnessed considerable growth in renewable-based installed capacities, especially in the last decade. Renewable Energy in Union Budgets—A narrative from 2000 to 2022

Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity

  • May 23, 2022. By Binoj Basnyat, ORF. The US recently released the Indo-Pacific strategy, indicating its continued interest in the region and allaying the fears of its allies in South Asia. Indo-Pacific Strategy 2022: An Analysis
  • May 23, 2022. By US Department of Commerce. Today, Commerce Secretary Gina M. Raimondo released the below statement following the launch of the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity: “Today’s launch of the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity is a clear demonstration of the Biden administration’s commitment to pursuing economic engagement that benefits American workers, families, and businesses. This framework will enable the United States to expand its economic leadership in the Indo-Pacific and work with our allies and partners in the region to secure our supply chains, increase clean energy production, and cooperate on the development and regulation of emerging technologies. Nearly one billion people in the Indo-Pacific will enter the middle class over the next decade. Deepening our ties to the region is good for American workers and businesses ​and that of our partners in the region, and it is crucial to our ability to stay competitive.”. “Launching this framework would not be possible without the steadfast leadership of President Biden and the tireless work of U.S. Trade Representative Tai. This administration has spent months engaging with our allies in the region, Members of Congress from both parties, as well as leaders from the labor and business communities. We’re committed to ensuring that this framework advances U.S. interests, benefits all , and helps us tackle the economic challenges before us. I look forward to working with our partners to ensure this framework creates a more secure, fair, and prosperous America.”
  • May 22, 2022. By Global Times. Though the US is expected to launch its so-called Indo-Pacific Economic Framework, aiming to isolate China from key technology supply chains such as semiconductors and electric vehicle (EV) batteries, Chinese analysts said that the move will fail to shake China’s crucial role in the global supply chain. US seeks to rope in South Korean EV firms during Biden’s visit

Iran – Oman 

  • May 23, 2022. By Agence France-Press. Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi arrived in Oman on Monday as the two countries signed a string of trade deals and as international talks on Tehran’s nuclear programme hang in the balance, leaving the Islamic republic under sanctions. Oman, Iran sign trade deals during president visit



  • May 23, 2022. By The Libya Observer. Electricity generation in Libya is set to reach an all-time high thanks to the newly installed power stations and those undergoing maintenance work, says the state-run electricity company (GECOL). GECOL to boost power production to more than 7,000 megawatts
  • May 23, 2022. By The Libya Observer. Libya’s National Center for Disease Control (NCDC) has confirmed that Libya is free of monkeypox disease, a viral infection that is more common in West and Central Africa but has recently appeared in some European countries as well. NCDC: Libya is free of monkeypox
  • May 23, 2022. By The Libya Observer. The Supreme Judicial Council announced the voting results for council members at the level of appeal courts and administrations across Libya. Supreme Judicial Council elects new members to the Council of Appeal Courts

Pakistan – Afghanistan 

  • May 23, 2022. By Anwesha Ghosh, VIF. The picture of former ISI chief Lt Gen Faiz Hameed and Pakistani Ambassador to Afghanistan, Mansour Ahmed Khan enjoying tea at Kabul’s Serena Hotel in a relaxed mood just before the announcement of Taliban’s ‘interim’ government in September 2021 sparked debates about Pakistan’s control over the Afghan Taliban. By then, it was widely known how many in Islamabad had cheered when the Taliban seized Kabul on August 15. The collapse of the Western-backed Afghan Republic was seen as an opportunity for Pakistan to reset its strained relations with Kabul by installing a proxy regime. Subsequently, Islamabad became one of the principal supporters and extensively lobbied for the formal recognition of Taliban’s ‘government’ and financial assistance from the International community. Expect a Recalibration in the Pakistan- Taliban Relationship


Russia – Ukraine (on the ground, impact, reactions, consequences)

  • May 23, 2022. By Matt Bowen, Paul Dabbar, Columbia SIPA. The Russian invasion of Ukraine has led to considerable sanctions being levied against Russia.[1] The nation is a major energy supplier to the world—including of oil, gas, coal, and nuclear fuel and reactors—and its energy sector is one area that has already been targeted. Since the war began, some members of the US Congress have called for banning imports of enriched uranium from Russia as soon as 2022 or as late as 2026.[2] This commentary discusses Russian involvement in the Western[3] nuclear power supply chain, particularly in the United States, as well as policy options to reduce—or end—that involvement. Reducing Russian Involvement in Western Nuclear Power Markets
  • May 23, 2022. By Air Marshal Diptendu Choudhury (Retd), PVSM, AVSM, VM, VSM – VIF. The fog of war continues to hangover Ukraine even after eighty days, especially with facts difficult to discern amongst the information war running in parallel, biased reportage, and contradictory narratives based on the wide swath of international political agendas. In this war of shifting objectives and seemingly endless attrition, showcased in destruction, death and human misery, it is extremely difficult to discern cogent military lessons with a significant degree of certainty. As much analysis continues on the larger Russian strategic goals, miscalculations, shifting military aims, and the conduct of warfare, this follow-up piece retains its focus on the air operations. It hopes to address some of the larger structural and doctrinal aspects of the Russian Aerospace Force (VKS) which has affected the war aims and put to question the efficacy of the Russian military strategy. The focus here is to fit some of the larger visible pieces, amongst the many missing ones, as they slowly emerge on the broad mosaic of air power employment. The less than expected demonstrated performance of the Russian Army, the unclear operational employment concepts of the Air Force and the evident dissonance in integration between the two, has led to some analysts to lay the blame on the VKS for its inability to ‘support’ ground operations, and even question the very need of an independent Air Force. This is a deeply concerning trend of thought which underscores the absence of a deeper understanding of air power in some quarters. Russia’s Military Understanding of Air Power: Structural & Doctrinal Aspects
  • May 23, 2022. By Wang Yi, Global Times. German and Italian companies, which are approaching imminent deadlines to pay for their gas supplies from Russia, were told they could open ruble accounts to keep buying Russian gas without breaching sanctions against Moscow, Reuters reported on Friday. On the same day, the Russian ruble rallied to its strongest levels against the euro and dollar since June 2015, and March 2018, respectively. Ruble gains vs dollar, euro show Western sanctions are counterproductive
  • May 23, 2022. By East Asia Forum. No matter what their diplomatic stances over Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the countries of the Asia Pacific have an urgent interest in seeing the conflict in Europe halted but that won’t see them signing on to the western agenda of economic sanctions and diplomatic censure of Russia. Asia’s role in framing the global economic response to war in Europe


Syria – Bulgaria

Syria – Oman

  • May 23, 2022. By The Syrian Observer. Minister of Culture, Dr. Lubana Mushawah, discussed on Sunday with Oman’s Foreign Minister Badr bin Hamad al-Busaidi ways to enhance cooperation in cultural fields between Syria and the Sultanate of Oman. Syria and Oman Discuss Culture Cooperation

Syria – Russia – Israel – Iran 

  • May 23, 2022. By The Syrian Observer. Each wave of Israeli raids on Syria in the past years had been weighty. But the latest attacks, which occurred on Friday night, had an additional significance. Syria, in fact, has turned into a “letterbox” between Russia and Israel, as a result of tension over Ukraine on the one hand, and Iran’s efforts to “fill the vacuum” in Syria, on the other. Russia, Israel Exchange ‘Ukrainian Letters’ in Syria


  • May 23, 2022. By HRW. Thai authorities should immediately drop the charges and release pro-democracy activists detained for insulting the monarchy, Human Rights Watch said today. Tantawan “Tawan” Tuatulanon, who has been on a hunger strike since April 20, 2022, to protest her pre-trial detention, should be transferred to a hospital for urgent medical supervision. Thailand: Free Detained Monarchy Reform Activists

Turkey – Israel

  • May 23, 2022. By Fulya Ozerkan, Al-Monitor. Turkey is ready for energy cooperation with Israel after years of enmity, reviving a project to pipe Israeli gas to Europe as Ankara seeks to reduce its dependence on Russia. Turkey dreams of far-fetched gas pipeline with Israel

Turkey – NATO – Syria

USA – Middle East 


  • May 23, 2022. By Naval News. OSI Maritime Systems (OSI) announced that it has been selected by ARCHE Systeme GmbH (ARCHE) to provide an Integrated Navigation System (INS) upgrade to the Federal German Navy’s K-130 Batch I Corvettes Program, powered by ECPINS. The contract includes INS for the corvettes and land-based test and training sites (Landanlage). OSI to Provide German K130 Batch 1 Corvettes with Integrated Navigation Systems
  • May 23, 2022. By Naval News. Northrop Grumman Corporation’s (NYSE: NOC) MQ-8C Fire Scout, the U.S. Navy’s autonomous, runway-independent helicopter system, made its second operational deployment, and first deployment to the Indo-Pacific Area of Responsibility aboard USS Jackson (LCS-6) providing military commanders greater maritime intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance and targeting (ISR&T) capability. US Navy Deploys MQ-8C Fire Scout to Indo-Pacific
  • May 23, 2022. By Ben Watson, Jennifer Hlad, Defense One. We’re nearly 90 days into Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and Kyiv’s leaders are increasingly emboldened in their war aims, including not giving away any territory—like Crimea—while Ukraine’s military intelligence chief says he’s ready to fight until the last Russian has gone home.  Today’s D Brief: Ukraine’s growing confidence; DepSecDef in Europe; Biden’s Asia trip; Taiwan’s defense; And a bit more
  • May 23, 2022. By The Libya Observer. Niger plans to build a base for armed drones to strengthen its defence and security capabilities in combating terrorism and for closely monitoring the security situation across its borders with Libya and Mali. Niger builds drone base to enhance border security with Libya
  • May 23, 2022. By Naval News. Royal Malaysian Navy ship KD LEKIR live-fired Exocet missile during the 21st edition of the country’s largest exercise, Taming Sari 21/2022, which took place between May 16 and 20, 2022, in the north of the Strait of Malacca. Royal Malaysian Navy Corvette Fires Exocet Missile
  • May 23, 2022. By Naval News. The U.S. Navy commissioned its newest littoral combat ship USS Minneapolis-Saint Paul (LCS 21) in Duluth, Minnesota, May 21, 2022. US Navy Commissions its 21st Littoral Combat Ship
  • May 23, 2022. By Benjamin Felton, Naval News. The competition for Australia’s new Independent Littoral Maneuver Vessel (ILMV) known as Land 8710 Phase 1A heated up during INDO PACIFIC 2022, with several competitors showcasing their designs and concepts to replace the Army’s ancient fleet of LCM-8s.  Contractors Team Up for Australian Landing Craft Requirement
  • May 23, 2022. By Bryant Harris, Defense News. Congress has repeatedly authorized multimillion-dollar sell-offs of the U.S. strategic minerals stockpile over the past several decades, but Washington’s increased anxiety over Chinese domination of resources critical to the defense industrial base has prompted lawmakers to reverse course and shore up the reserve. Congress and Pentagon seek to shore up strategic mineral stockpile dominated by China
  • May 22, 2022. By Henrik Larsen, Lawfare. NATO’s main task in the foreseeable security environment is to adapt to the threat posed by Russia while also trying to reach a precise understanding of the challenge posed by China. At the planned Madrid Summit in June 2022, NATO will adopt a new Strategic Concept to guide the alliance’s future political and military development, which is the right starting point for a new strategy to manage renewed great power competition. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has prompted NATO to eliminate any doubts about its ability and resolve to defend its eastern territory against a Russian attack. NATO Must Get Resilience Right to Withstand Russia and China
  • May 19, 2022. By Chatham House. Malicious state-sponsored cyber activities are prolific, both in war zones like Ukraine and in peacetime contexts such as elections. They can cripple markets, paralyze critical infrastructure such as hospitals, energy supplies and transport, and compromise national security. The UK was one of the first countries to set out its views on how international law applies in cyberspace in a speech by former UK attorney general Jeremy Wright at Chatham House in 2018. International law in future frontiers



Displaced People

  • May 23, 2022. By Agence France-Press, Al-Monitor. Russia’s war in Ukraine has pushed the number of forcibly displaced people around the world above 100 million for the first time ever, the United Nations said Monday. More than 100 million people forcibly displaced: UN

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