venerdì, Gennaio 31, 2025



Un rapporto del U.S.- CHINA | ECONOMIC and SECURITY REVIEW COMMISSION affronta il tema della sicurezza alimentare cinese e degli interessi del Dragone nell’agricoltura USA: The report reviews China’s food security challenges and how these vulnerabilities drive interests in U.S.-China agricultural relations. Specifically, it evaluates the motivations behind China’s agricultural investments, including challenges to food production and relevant CCP efforts to reduce import reliance, conserve farmland, and modernize agricultural technologies. It then examines the main areas of Chinese investment in the United States, including land, livestock, grains, and relevant infrastructure, like agricultural equipment and technology. Finally, the report presents considerations for lawmakers regarding further Chinese integration in the U.S. agriculture sector. China’s Interests in U.S. Agriculture: Augmenting Food Security through Investment Abroad




  • May 26, 2022. By Nick Witney, ECFR. The shock of the Ukraine war, rising national defence budgets, and a European Commission in the driving seat could finally bring about true European defence integration and consolidation. Five reasons driving European defence integration after the Ukraine invasion
  • May 26, 2022. By Yehoshua Kalisky, INSS. “Within a year we will operate a laser interception system” – Thus the Prime Minister Bennett declared at the yearly conference of the INSS. What are the differences between the various laser systems and what are the advantages and disadvantages of these types of air defense systems? High-Power Laser Applications on the Future Battlefield
  • May 26, 2022. By Alexandr Burilkov, RUSI. Much has been made of the political shift in Germany on defence in the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. In reality, the bold rhetoric is now being confronted with significant practical obstacles. The Hundred Billion Euro Man: Olaf Scholz and Germany’s Defence Quagmire
  • May 26, 2022. By RUSI. In a rapidly growing sector such as space, tracking and predicting trends is a necessary, if challenging, task. Episode 12: Beyond the Horizon
  • May 25, 2022. By Chatham House. As the war in Ukraine seems set to become a drawn-out conflict, the UK must shift from crisis management to delivering the medium-term military support that Ukraine will need for the next offensive, as well as thinking longer-term about how the strategy for European security must change. What’s next for Britain’s defence strategy
  • May 25, 2022. By Gregory Sanders, CSIS. The federal government’s use of Other Transaction Authority (OTA) agreements has exploded in recent years, thanks in large part to a surge in popularity within the Department of Defense (DoD). Rather than a contract, grant, or cooperative agreement, OTAs are an acquisition approach that pursues innovation by enabling certain federal agencies to access goods and services outside of the traditional acquisition system. This report examines the notable trends in DoD OTA usage since the DoD’s authority to enter into OTAs was expanded by the statuary changes in the FY 2015 and FY 2016 NDAAs. Trends in Department of Defense Other Transaction Authority Usage




China – Belarus

  • May 26, 2022. By Yin Yeping, Global Times. At the China-Belarus Wood Products Trade Fair, co-hosted by the China Timber and Wood Products Distribution Association (CTWPDA) and the Belarusian Embassy in China, which was held via video link on Thursday, over 70 Chinese and Belarusian timber companies and traders had an open discussion about the possibilities for future timber business, a highly complementary good between the two countries. Chinese, Belarusian firms look to unleash stronger timber trade potentials at fair

China – Germany

  • May 26, 2022. By Wang Yi, Global Times. German Economy Minister Robert Habeck said on Tuesday that the country is changing the way it deals with China and will place higher priority on human rights issues. Habeck said German is reducing its dependency on China, and will conduct closer examination on German companies’ applications to invest in China to rule out “human rights violations” and “forced labor” in the supply chain, according to Reuters. Germany politicizing trade issues brings risks to economic ties with China

China – India

China – NATO

China – Nepal

China – South Korea

  • May 26, 2022. By Global Times. China’s Ambassador to South Korea Xing Haiming said on Thursday that China hopes South Korea will follow its stated principle of openness in joining in the US-led Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity (IPEF), adding that China attaches great importance to the needs of South Korean companies and personnel in China. China pays great importance to S.Korean businesses in Chinese market: ambassador

China – South Pacific Nations

  • May 26, 2022. By Global Times. As Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi embarked on a trip to the South Pacific region, three Chinese provinces — East China’s Shandong and Fujian provinces and South China’s Guangdong — on Wednesday highlighted fruitful results of their cooperation with relevant nations in such fields as the economy, trade, healthcare and education, pledging to further boost cooperation with the Pacific island nations. Chinese provinces highlight cooperation with South Pacific nations amid FM’s visit to region


Democratic Republic of Congo

  • May 25, 2022. By Crisis Group. Fighting in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo is intensifying, with Ugandan and Burundian soldiers in pursuit of rebels and Congolese insurgents on the rebound. With help from its allies, Kinshasa should step up diplomacy lest the country become a regional battleground once more. Easing the Turmoil in the Eastern DR Congo and Great Lakes


Europe – Africa


Israel – Morocco

  • May 26, 2022. By Morr Link, INSS. Since renewing diplomatic relations between Jerusalem and Rabat, the scope of trade indeed has grown between the two countries, but the full potential still has not been realized. How can the economic cooperation be improved, which also entails many policy opportunities for both Israel and Morocco? A Gateway to Africa? Economic Opportunities in Israel-Morocco Relations


  • May 26, 2022. By The Libya Observer. Two men suspected of committing Kidnapping and murder in the western city of Tarhuna are in the army’s hands, the 444 Brigade of the Libyan Army said on Wednesday. Army hunts down two men wanted for links to mass graves in Tarhuna
  • May 26, 2022. By The Libya Observer. Muhammed Menfi, Head of The Presidential Council, in his capacity as the Supreme Commander of the Army, has met the Commander of the Counter-Terrorism Force Muhammad Al-Zein to review the security situation in the country.  PC head reviews security situation with military official
  • May 26, 2022. By The Libya Observer. The Special Adviser to the United Nations Secretary-General on Libya, Stephanie Williams, has emphasized that a fully inclusive Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR) process is an important peacebuilding tool, along with Security Sector Reform (SSR) to achieve a sustainable peace and security in Libya. Williams stresses the importance of DDR program to achieve security in the country
  • May 26, 2022. By The Libya Observer. The Chairman of the National Oil Corporation (NOC), Mustafa Sanallah, has discussed with the General Manager of Eni North Africa, Antonio Bolsari, ways to develop and enhance joint cooperation to invest in the discovered and undeveloped oil and gas fields, in order to increase production rates to support the national economy. Sanallah discusses with Eni the development of oil and gas fields
  • May 26, 2022. By The Libya Observer. The Undersecretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for Consular Affairs, Murad Hemima, has received a Russian delegation to discuss the necessary arrangements to reopen the Russian Embassy in Tripoli, in order to develop relations between the two countries. Russian delegation discusses in Tripoli the reopening of Russian embassy


  • May 25, 2022. By Veerle Nouwens, RUSI. In this episode, Veerle is joined by Julio S Amador III, Founder and CEO of Amador Research Services. Together, they discuss the recent elections in the Philippines, which saw Marcos Jr elected as the new president of the country. Following President Duterte, whose relations with Beijing grew ever closer, what shape will Philippine foreign policy towards the US and China take? And what national defence and security policies are likely to emerge under a new Marcos administration? Finally, to what extent does the ongoing war in Ukraine impact Manila’s foreign and domestic policies? Episode 36: What Foreign and Defence Policy Awaits Under a New Marcos Presidency?

Russia – Ukraine (on the ground, impact) 

  • May 25, 2022. By Mario Boffo, Transform!Italia. Secondo notizie stampa, il piano di pace italiano per l’Ucraina presentato al Segretario Generale delle Nazioni Unite non piacerebbe all’Unione Europea, avrebbe suscitato l’opposizione di Kiev, ma sarebbe allo studio a Mosca. Le motivazioni riportate sono nel senso che a Bruxelles la proposta sarebbe considerata un’iniziativa di politica interna per placare le polemiche sull’invio delle armi, e per il Presidente ucraino i tempi non sono maturi, come avrebbe detto Zelensky a Draghi. Il quale, sempre secondo le succitate notizie, non intenderebbe insistere sul progetto. Il fatto che per ora solo la Russia stia valutando il piano, viene presentato, senza dirlo apertamente, come elemento critico. Il piano di pace italiano per l’Ucraina
  • May 26, 2022. By Chatham House. What was NATO’s original purpose and what is its role in the war in Ukraine? Will Finland and Sweden join NATO and what significance does this have? What is Russia’s historical relationship with NATO and how did it sour? War In Ukraine: The reshaping of the NATO alliance
  • May 25, 2022. By  Brian Whitmore, Atlantic Council. Alyaksandr Lukashenka warned the West this week that it was risking World War III by continuing to arm Ukraine, even as he allowed Russia to deploy nuclear-capable missiles on Belarusian territory near the Ukrainian border. Putin deploys nuclear-capable missiles to Belarusian border with Ukraine



  • May 25, 2022. By Simon Rynn, RUSI. While the UK government’s newly published International Development Strategy sets out some laudable aims, there are reasons to be sceptical about its potential impact on global poverty. International Development for a Global Britain?


  • May 25, 2022. By Gabrielle Athanasia, CSIS. The United States’ innovative spirit rests on a complex network of economic rules favoring market-based competition, predictable legal arrangements for patenting and securing intellectual property, and incentives for investors. It also relies on a robust university system that provides the requisite educational training and facilities to carry out research and development (R&D). Maintaining this network fundamentally requires a focus on early education, especially in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). A more inclusive innovation economy also demands greater attention to communities of color, who are often poorly connected to the innovation economy; women, who are underrepresented in the innovation economy; and those in regions that do not yet share in the prosperity of the United States’ innovation clusters. To build a more inclusive innovation-based economy, policymakers should foster equitable access to early childhood STEM education. They should encourage the expansion of technology transfer programs across universities and colleges, including historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs), and connect them to their regions’ economic growth. Policymakers, academia, and industry leaders should also encourage minorities and women to participate in the patenting and venture systems that support the innovation economy. Renewing American innovation means making opportunity as universal as the talent that seeks it. Untapped Innovation?

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