venerdì, Marzo 14, 2025



  • June 7, 2022. By Ken Heydon, East Asia Forum. Trade is a key multiplier in spreading the technology vital to the climate transition. But protectionist tendencies embedded in the implementation of the climate transition pose a major threat to the global trading system.  Protectionism threatens the climate transition




Arctic Council 


  • June 8, 2022. By , The Strategist. Northern Australia has always been a big place, with much of its diverse social and economic activity unseen from the outside. Even before the ink was dry on Australia’s constitution, translating policy developed in the south into action in this broad and isolated region was challenging. That’s as true today as it was back then. Removing the roadblocks to development in northern Australia

Canada – Russia


  • June 8, 2022. By Kristen Hopewell, East Asia Forum. Beijing’s trade practices have come under intense scrutiny amid its ongoing competition with Washington. Yet with the United States and other rich countries dominating the debate, the effects of China’s trade policies on poorer countries have been largely ignored. The real victims of China’s subsidies

China – Central Asian Countries

China – Solomon Islands

  • June 8, 2022. By Catherine Wilson, The Interpreter. What we know so far about the content of the China-Solomon Islands security pact, announced in April, points to Beijing’s preoccupation with the internal protection of its “interests” in Solomon Islands. This begs closer scrutiny, particularly following Foreign Minister Wang Yi’s whirlwind tour of the Pacific Islands at the end of May and his tenacious drive to secure a region-wide multilateral economic, free trade and security pact – termed the Five-Year Action Plan on Common Development – with ten Pacific Island nations. China-Solomon Islands pact: Reading between the lines


  • June 8, 2022. By Leonardo Tricarico, Formiche. L’attuale situazione di blocco delle vie marittime del Mar Nero potrebbe avere ricadute catastrofiche a livello umanitario, stante il blocco delle esportazioni del grano ucraino. Di fronte a questo scenario la comunità internazionale, e in particolare l’Europa, devono rispondere proponendo, magari in sede Onu, l’avvio di un’operazione internazionale che mette in sicurezza le rotte commerciali del bacino. Così l’Europa può farsi garante della via del grano ucraino


QUAD – North Korea

  • June 8, 2022. By Cherry Hitkari, The Interpreter. North Korea at least waited until US President Joe Biden had left Asia before launching another volley of missiles to splash into the sea. American officials had braced for a potential show of force by Pyongyang as Biden toured the region last month for meetings culminating with the “Quad” nations, India, United States, Japan and Australia. Certainly North Korea was on the minds of the gathered leaders – in a joint statement issued after their summit in Tokyo, the four members condemned Pyongyang’s “destabilising ballistic missile launches” and called on North Korea to engage in substantive dialogue for the complete denuclearisation of the Korean peninsula in line with the United Nations Security Council resolutions. They also emphasised a need to immediately resolve the question of Japanese abductees, which directly involves North Korea. The Pyongyang problem for the Quad


  • June 8, 2022. By Deasy Pane, Bappenas and Krisna Gupta, East Asia Forum. he Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) — the world’s largest trade deal — came into effect in early 2022. Its 15 member countries account for 30 per cent of the world’s population, 29 per cent of global GDP, 27 percent of global trade and 29 per cent of global foreign direct investment. Can RCEP overcome obstacles to trade reform?


Russia – ECHR

Russia – Iran

Russia – Ukraine (on the ground)

Timor-Leste – China – Australia

  • June 8, 2022. By Andrea Fahey, The Interpreter. China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi last week concluded a Pacific tour – featuring some diplomatic gains and losses – with a 24-hour visit to Timor-Leste. The visit marks the island neighbour to Australia’s north as another important player in the regional strategic contest. Timor-Leste, China and Australia, and the influence contest


Ukraine – Europe

Ukraine – Germany

Ukraine – IAEA

Ukraine – Ireland

Ukraine – Russia – BSEC

Ukraine – Russia – Middle East

Ukraine – World Bank 

  • June 8, 2022. By Interfax. The World Bank Board of Executive Directors approved $1.49 billion of additional financing for Ukraine on Tuesday under the Public Expenditures for Administrative Capacity Endurance in Ukraine Project, the bank said in a press release. World Bank approves $1.5 bln for Ukraine



  • June 8, 2022. By , Project-Syndicate, The Strategist. The war in Ukraine has reasserted the relevance of nuclear weapons as a major deterrent in global conflicts. For the first time since the end of the Cold War, a great power has publicly threatened to deploy tactical nuclear weapons. And the threat worked: the West has been carefully calibrating its arms supply to Ukraine in order to avoid giving Russia reason to resort to nuclear escalation. Russia’s unprovoked invasion of Ukraine wouldn’t have happened had Ukraine not surrendered its nuclear arsenal under the 1994 Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances, which included American and Russian guarantees to respect and defend its territorial integrity. Russia’s nuclear threat has worked

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