venerdì, Ottobre 18, 2024

Mondi in Progress 11-12-2020

Africa e Biometric ID Systems

Al Jazeera, 10 dicembre 2020: Activists sound alarm over African biometric ID projects (Madeleine Speed, Al Jazeera) – The Global Eye

Americani in Polonia

The Jamestown Foundation, 9 dicembre 2020: US Army’s V Corps Forward Command Inaugurated in Poland (Jakub Bornio, The Jamestown Foundation) – The Global Eye

Arabia Saudita. Dopo il G20

Gateway House, 3 dicembre 2020: G20: What all did Riyadh achieve? (Rajiv Bhatia, Gateway House) – The Global Eye

Arabia Saudita e Causa Palestinese

Al Arabiya, 9 dicembre 2020: Saudi Arabia stands with the Palestinian cause (Bakir Oweida, Al Arabiya) – The Global Eye

Banche centrali e transizione verde

Project-Syndicate, 8 dicembre 2020: Central Banking’s Green Mission (Mariana Mazzucato, Josh Ryan-Collins, Asker Voldsgaard, Project-Syndicate) – The Global Eye

Città e SDGs

Brookings, 8 dicembre 2020: City playbook for advancing the SDGs (Brookings) – The Global Eye

Complessità mediterranee

Brookings, 9 dicembre 2020: Is there a new window of opportunity in the Eastern Mediterranean crisis? (Galip Dalay, Brookings) – The Global Eye

Coté transatlantico, Cina, Tecnologia

CEPA, 10 dicembre 2020: A Transatlantic Effort to Take on China Starts with Technology (Alina Polyakova, Eileen Donahoe, CEPA) – The Global Eye

Crescita dell’Africa

Brookings, 8 dicembre 2020: How to reignite Africa’s growth and avoid the need for future debt jubilee (Rabah Arezki and Aitor Erce, Brookings) – The Global Eye

Debito pubblico da pandemia

Project-Syndicate, 8 dicembre 2020: The Pandemic Public-Debt Dilemma (Michael Spence, Danny Leipziger, Project-Syndicate) – The Global Eye

Due Americhe ?

Brookings, 8 dicembre 2020: The ‘rural-urban divide’ furthers myths about race and poverty—concealing effective policy solutions (Hanna Love and Tracy Hadden Loh, Brookings) – The Global Eye

Europa e Brexit

Project-Syndicate, 8 dicembre 2020: The EU Must Break the Brexit Deadlock (Marcel Fratzscher, Project-Syndicate) – The Global Eye

In Bielorussia

The Jamestown Foundation, 9 dicembre 2020: Belarusian Crisis Through the Prism of Virtual Realities (Grigory Ioffe, The Jamestown Foundation) – The Global Eye

In Cina

East Asia Forum, 9 dicembre 2020: Social cohesion boosts rural China’s COVID-19 response (Xiao Tan, Mark Yaoling Wang, Yao Song, Tianyang Liu, East Asia Forum) – The Global Eye

East Asia Forum, 9 dicembre 2020: Seeking balance between fintech innovation and regulation in China (Yang Ji, East Asia Forum) – The Global Eye

Al Jazeera, 9 dicembre 2020: China uses big data to select Muslims for arrest in Xinjiang: HRW (Al Jazeera) – The Global Eye

In Etiopia

Al Jazeera, 9 dicembre 2020: Ethiopia rejects independent probes into Tigray conflict (Al Jazeera) – The Global Eye

In Ghana

Al Jazeera, 10 dicembre 2020: Ghana’s opposition rejects election results (Al Jazeera) – The Global Eye

In Indonesia

East Asia Forum, 8 dicembre 2020: Indonesian Ulema Council edges closer to the centre of power (Alexander R Arifianto, East Asia Forum) – The Global Eye

In Nigeria

Al Jazeera, 10 dicembre 2020: Global activists slam Nigeria for crackdown on protesters (Al Jazeera) – The Global Eye

Al Jazeera, 10 dicembre 2020: The wealthy Nigerians buying citizenship overseas (Ollie Williams, Al Jazeera) – The Global Eye

Al Jazeera, 9 dicembre 2020: It is time to end impunity in Nigeria (Olamide Samuel, Al Jazeera) – The Global Eye

In Yemen

Al Jazeera, 10 dicembre 2020: In Yemen, journalism can be a capital offence (Afrah Nasser, Al Jazeera) – The Global Eye

Israele e Iran

Al Jazeera, 9 dicembre 2020: What is Israel’s secret weapon against Iran? (Hamid Dabashi, Al Jazeera) – The Global Eye

Israele e Marocco

Al Arabiya, 11 dicembre 2020: Israelis welcome Morocco deal recognizing ties (Al Arabiya) – The Global Eye

NATO futura

Project-Syndicate, 8 dicembre 2020: Getting NATO Back on Track (Melvyn Krauss, Project-Syndicate) – The Global Eye

Russia e Iraq

The Jamestown Foundation, 9 dicembre 2020: Russia and Iraq Deepen Energy, Military Ties (John C. K. Daly, The Jamestown Foundation) – The Global Eye

Russia e Nord Stream 2

CEPA, 9 dicembre 2020: Back to December: Exposing Nord Stream 2 Spin (Benjamin Schmitt, CEPA) – The Global Eye

Sfollati a causa di guerre

Al Jazeera, 9 dicembre 2020: Number of displaced people globally tops 80 million in 2020: UN (Al Jazeera) – The Global Eye

Top 10 Tech 2020

World Economic Forum, 9 dicembre 2020: Our podcast with Scientific American (Robin Pomeroy, WEF) – The Global Eye

USA in Afghanistan

USI, 7 dicembre 2020: The US War in Afghanistan : The Way Ahead (Gaurav Kumar, USI) – The Global Eye

USA e commercio globale

East Asia Forum, 7 dicembre 2020: First steps for the Biden administration on the global trade regime (Wendy Cutler, East Asia Forum) – The Global Eye

USA e Giordania

Arab Center Washington DC, 8 dicembre 2020: Will Biden Help to Restore Jordan’s Position in the Middle East? (Curtis R. Ryan, Arab Center Washington DC) – The Global Eye

USA e immigrazione

Brookings, 8 dicembre 2020: The road to fix America’s broken immigration system begins abroad (Dany Bahar, Brookings) – The Global Eye

USA e Iran

Al Arabiya, 9 dicembre 2020: Is negotiating with Iran on its nuclear program worth it? (Reza Behrouz and Amin Sophiamehr, Al Arabiya) – The Global Eye

USA e Libano

Arab Center Washington DC, 8 dicembre 2020: Lebanon and the Biden Administration: Détente or More Sanctions? (Diana Moukalled, Arab Center Washington DC) – The Global Eye

USA e politica sul clima

Brookings, 9 dicembre 2020: Making climate policy stick (David G. Victor, Sadie Frank, and Eric Gesick, Brookings) – The Global Eye

USA e Siria

Arab Center Washington DC, 7 dicembre 2020: Biden Has a New Opportunity in Syria (Radwan Ziadeh, Arab Center Washington DC) – The Global Eye

USA e Southeast Asia

East Asia Forum, 10 dicembre 2020: The challenges in resetting US–Southeast Asia relations (Ja Ian Chong, East Asia Forum) – The Global Eye

USA e Turchia

Arab Center Washington DC, 9 dicembre 2020: What Awaits US-Turkey Relations in the Biden Era? (Mustafa Gurbuz, Arab Center Washington DC) – The Global Eye

Vittime in Siria

Al Arabiya, 9 dicembre 2020: Total dead in Syria War reaches 387,000 in slowest annual increase: Monitor (Al Arabiya) – The Global Eye

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