domenica, Settembre 8, 2024

Mondi in Progress 21-12-2021

Brasile, Amapa, cambiamenti climatici

Al Jazeera: BRAZIL/AMAPA/CLIMATE CHANGE – The crisis in Brazil’s Amapa state is a warning for the world (Alnoor Ladha, Felipe Viveros, Raissa Galvao, Al Jazeera) – The Global Eye


Project-Syndicate: BREXIT/EUROPE – Brexit and the Brussels Effect (Paul De Grauwe, Project-Syndicate) – The Global Eye

Cina, USA, guerra commerciale e multilateralismo

Project-Syndicate: CHINA/USA – China’s Green Gambit (Minxin Pei, Project-Syndicate) – The Global Eye

East Asia Forum: CHINA/USA/MULTILATERALISM – Multilateralism under stress in Sino-US trade conflict (Song Hong, East Asia Forum) – The Global Eye

Conflitto Israelo-Palestinese

Brookings: ISRAELI-PALESTINIAN CONFLICT – On the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, practical steps are more important than grand visions (Tamara Cofman Wittes, Brookings) – The Global Eye

Densità di popolazione e qualità della terra

VOXEU: POPULATION DENSITY/LAND QUALITY – Adjusting population density to account for land quality (Vernon Henderson, Adam Storeygard, David Weil, VOXEU) – The Global Eye

Dentro la globalizzazione

VOXEU: GLOBALISATION – Where globalisation was hiding, and how far it might go (James Anderson, Yoto Yotov, WEF) – The Global Eye


ORF: FUTURE – On the Cusp of Digital History: Nine Lessons for the Future (Samir Saran, Trisha Ray, ORF) – The Global Eye

Il futuro della Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità

CFR: WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION – What’s Next for the World Health Organization? (CFR) – The Global Eye

In Cina

East Asia Forum: CHINA – Xi Jinping’s Chinese Communist Party (Jude Blanchette, East Asia Forum) – The Global Eye

In India

Al Jazeera: INDIA/ACADEMIC FREEDOM – Academic freedom is under attack in Modi’s India (Aman Abhishek, Al Jazeera) – The Global Eye

The Interpreter: INDIA – Can Modi calm the farm? A “crash or crash through” approach has served India’s PM well, but India’s farmers are proving a bigger obstacle (Aarti Betigeri, The Interpreter) – The Global Eye

In Italia

VOXEU: ITALY/LOCAL INEQUALITIES/PANDEMIC – Local inequalities of the COVID-19 crisis (Augusto Cerqua, Marco Letta, VOXEU) – The Global Eye

In Libano

Al Arabiya: LEBANON – Lebanon’s rule of law proves arbitrary as Beirut port explosion probe stalls (Rami Rayess, Al Arabiya) – The Global Eye

Al Arabiya: LEBANON – Why Hezbollah is losing the support of Lebanon’s Shia community (Hanin Ghaddar, Al Arabiya) – The Global Eye

In Mozambico

Al Jazeera: MOZAMBIQUE – UN appeals for $254m to help Mozambique conflict victims (Al Jazeera) – The Global Eye

Internet dallo spazio

Al Jazeera: INTERNET FROM SPACE/UK/INDIA – OneWeb sat launch signals UK-India space partnership, says Mittal (Thomas Seal, Al Jazeera) – The Global Eye


Brookings: USA/INEQUALITY/PANDEMIC – Housing inequality gets worse as the COVID-19 pandemic is prolonged (Yung Chun and Michal Grinstein-Weiss, Brookings) – The Global Eye

Brookings: USA/WAR POWERS – War powers in the era of Joe Biden and Lloyd Austin (Amy McGrath and Michael E. O’Hanlon, Brookings) – The Global Eye

Brookings: USA/COMMUNITY SCHOOLS – Open letter to the incoming Biden administration on Next Generation Community Schools (Rebecca Winthrop, Brookings) – The Global Eye

Brookings: USA/DEB HAALAND – What Deb Haaland’s historic nomination as interior secretary means for Indigenous peoples (Robert Maxim and Randall Akee, Brookings) – The Global Eye

Mondo 2021

Council of Councils: WORLD 2021 – Blueprint for 2021: Six Paths to a More Resilient World (Global Memo by Chatham House, SWP, RSIS, SVOP, EAI, and ISS, CFR) – The Global Eye

Naufragi invisibili

Al Jazeera: MIGRATION/INVISIBLE SHIPWRECKS – ‘Invisible shipwrecks’ belie falling migrant deaths: UN (Al Jazeera) – The Global Eye

Organizzazione Mondiale del Commercio

East Asia Forum: WTO – The opportunity to resuscitate the WTO (Bernard Hoekman, East Asia Forum) – The Global Eye

Pandemia e contact tracing apps

VOXEU: PANDEMIC/CONTACT TRACING APPS – Economic incentives and regulation to increase COVID-19 app effectiveness (Nathan Sussman, VOXEU) – The Global Eye

Pandemia e rifugiati

Al Jazeera: COVID19/REFUGEES – What we got wrong about COVID-19 and refugees (Jan Egeland, Al Jazeera) – The Global Eye

Primavera Araba

Al Jazeera, ARAB SPRING – Ten years after the Arab Spring (Al Jazeera) – The Global Eye

Al Jazeera: ARAB SPRING/TUNISIA – Moncef Marzouki: Has the Tunisian revolution succeeded? (Al Jazeera) – The Global Eye

Al Jazeera: ARAB SPRING/TUNISIA – How the West hollowed out the Tunisian revolution (Haythem Guesmi, Al Jazeera) – The Global Eye


Al Jazeera: ROHINGYA – Sesame Street unveils Rohingya Muppets to help refugee children (Al Jazeera) – The Global Eye

Al Jazeera: ROHINGYA – Rohingya refugees are being displaced, again (Al Jazeera) – The Global Eye

Tendenze autoritarie

Al Jazeera: AUTHORITARIANISM – How Huntington and Fukuyama got the 21st century wrong (Howard Brasted, Shafi Mostofa, Al Jazeera) – The Global Eye


East Asia Forum: TPP 2 – To TPP-2 or not to TPP-2, that is the question (Phil Levy, East Asia Forum) – The Global Eye

USA, Asia

BESA Center: ASIA/USA – Asia Is Waiting for Biden (Alon Levkowitz, BESA Center) – The Global Eye

USA, Indonesia, diritti umani

Al Jazeera: USA/INDONESIA/HUMAN RIGHTS – The US can no longer turn a blind eye to abuses in Papua (Joanne Lin, Usman Hamid, Al Jazeera) – The Global Eye

USA, Italia e incertezza politica

Brookings: USA/ITALY/POLITICAL UNCERTAINTY – How political uncertainty hurts the US economy: Lessons from Italy (Carlo Bastasin, Brookings) – The Global Eye

USA, Yemen

Atlantic Council: USA/YEMEN – President-elect Joe Biden can help end the war in Yemen (Khaled H. Alyemany, Atlantic Council) – The Global Eye

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