domenica, Settembre 8, 2024

Mondi in Progress 28-12-2020


Atlantic Council: GLOBAL ECONOMY 2020 – The global economy in 2020, by the numbers (Atlantic Council) – The Global Eye


Atlantic Council: RISKS AND OPPORTUNITIES 2021 – The top ten risks and opportunities for 2021 (Mathew J. Burrows, Robert A. Manning, Atlantic Council) – The Global Eye

CSIS: 2021 – Five Things to Watch in 2021 (Matthew P. Goodman, Stephanie Segal, Jonathan E. Hillman, CSIS) – The Global Eye

International Rescue Committee: CRISIS 2021 – The top 10 crises the world should be watching in 2021 (International Rescue Committee) – The Global Eye


BREXIT – What the Brexit deal solves—and what it doesn’t (Hung Tran, Atlantic Council) – The Global Eye

Cina in Cambogia

East Asia Forum: CHINA/CAMBODIA – No simple solution to China’s dominance in Cambodia (Heimkhemra Suy, East Asia Forum) – The Global Eye

Competizione Cina-USA

Al Jazeera: CHINA/USA – China to leapfrog US as world’s biggest economy by 2028: Report (Al Jazeera) – The Global Eye

Criminalità transnazionale e pandemia

SWP: TRANSNATIONAL ORGANISED CRIME/PANDEMIC – A Gangster’s Paradise? Transnational Organised Crime in the Covid-19 Pandemic (Maria Dellasega, Judith Vorrath, SWP) – The Global Eye

Europa e Russia

SWP: EUROPE/RUSSIA – A More Robust Russia Policy for the EU (Susan Stewart, SWP) – The Global Eye

In Iran

Atlantic Council: IRAN – Zam: The family that picked their son over the revolution (Arash Azizi, Atlantic Council) – The Global Eye

In Siria

Atlantic Council: SYRIA – Five decades of Baathism survived because of nationalism (Rahaf Aldoughli, Atlantic Council) – The Global Eye

In Thailandia

East Asia Forum: THAILAND – Government no match for Thai demonstrators online (James Ockey, East Asia Forum) – The Global Eye

East Asia Forum: THAILAND – Thai youth protests undercut political establishment (Kevin Hewison, East Asia Forum) – The Global Eye

East Asia Forum: THAILAND – Thailand needs normal politics (East Asia Forum) – The Global Eye


Atlantic Council: MOROCCO/ISRAEL – How Moroccans reacted to normalization with Israel (Zineb Riboua, Atlantic Council) – The Global Eye

Partnership Georgia-USA

SWP: GEORGIA/USA – The Strategic Partnership between Georgia and the United States: Vision Wanted (Franziska Smolnik, SWP) – The Global Eye


BESA Center: RCEP/ASIA – Will RCEP Change the Game in Asia? (Alon Levkowitz, BESA Center) – The Global Eye

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