domenica, Settembre 8, 2024

Mondi in Progress 30-12-2020


BESA Center: ANTISEMITISM – Achievements in 2020 in the Battle Against Antisemitism (Manfred Gerstenfeld, BESA Center) – The Global Eye

Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank

East Asia Forum: AIIB – The AIIB’s 2030 strategic agenda (Chris Legg, East Asia Forum) – The Global Eye

Attori Non Statali-Medio Oriente

Russian International Affairs Council: NON STATE ACTORS/MIDDLE EAST – Non-state actors in the Middle East: towards a new typology (Vitaly Naumkin, Vasily Kuznetsov, RIAC) – The Global Eye


Council on Foreign Relations: BREXIT – What’s in the EU-UK Brexit Deal? (Matthias Matthijs, CFR) – The Global Eye


East Asia Forum: CHINA – Financing innovation in China (Xun Wang, East Asia Forum) – The Global Eye

East Asia Forum: CHINA – How digital technology is transforming China’s economy (Yiping Huang, East Asia Forum) – The Global Eye


Russia International Affairs Council: EUROPE/RUSSIA – AEB International Webinar “EU-Russia: Allies? Partners? Rivals?” (RIAC) – The Global Eye


BESA Center: ISRAEL – Israel’s “West Point” Increasingly Shapes the IDF Ground Forces (Yaakov Lappin, BESA Center) – The Global Eye


JCPA: ISRAEL/PALESTINE/USA – Can Israel-Palestinian Negotiations Begin when Joe Biden Takes Office? (Pinhas Inbari, JCPA) – The Global Eye

La sfida del clima

Project-Syndicate: CLIMATE ACTION – Climate Hope Is Back (Jules Kortenhorst, Andreas Kuhlmann, Project-Syndicate) – The Global Eye

Mondo Arabo

Valdai Discussion Club: ARAB WORLD – ‘Atomised’ Society and Politics in the Arab World (Nourhan ElSheikh, Valdai Discussion Club) – The Global Eye

Nord Korea-USA

East Asia Institute: NORTH KOREA/USA – Keeping North Korea at the Negotiation Table (Kyungyon Moon, EAI) – The Global Eye

Pandemia, migrazioni e capitale umano

Russian International Affairs Council: PANDEMIC/MIGRATION/HUMAN CAPITAL – International Migration and Human Capital in the Context of COVID-19 Conference (RIAC) – The Global Eye

Pandemia e minacce cyber

Brookings: PANDEMIC/CYBER THREATS – Experts discuss the growth of cyber threats amid the pandemic (Eun DuBois, Brookings) – The Global Eye


Valdai Discussion Club: RUSSIA – Russia and Its Near Abroad (Timofei Bordachev, Valdai Discussion Club) – The Global Eye


East Asia Forum: TAIWAN – The year of unexpected successes in Taiwan (Lev Nachman, East Asia Forum) – The Global Eye


Project-Syndicate: USA – For a Post-Nationalist Biden (Kaushik Basu, Project-Syndicate) – The Global Eye

Project-Syndicate: USA – The Stampede from Silicon Valley (John B. Taylor, Project-Syndicate) – The Global Eye

Project-Syndicate: USA – Living and Dying in America in 2021 (Anne Case, Angus Deaton, Project-Syndicate) – The Global Eye


Al Arabiya: USA/IRAN – Biden needs to build on Trump success to aid Iranian people (Mariam Memarsadeghi, Al Arabiya) – The Global Eye


BESA Center: USA/RUSSIA – Biden and Russia: Pressure, But Not Too Much (Emil Avdaliani, BESA Center) – The Global Eye

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