domenica, Settembre 8, 2024

Mondi in Progress del 25-01-2021


(Africa) Charts of the Week: COVID-19 and Africa (Fred Dews, Brookings) – The Global Eye


(Azerbaijan) Karabakh Victory Transforming Meaning of Black January for Many Azerbaijanis (Paul Goble, The Jamestown Foundation) – The Global Eye

Belt and Road Initiative

(BRI/Southeast Asia) No more easy money: Will BRI projects in Southeast Asia slow and stall? (Muhammad Saad Siddiqui, Think China) – The Global Eye


(China) Beijing’s tech conundrum in 2021: How to bolster tech sector while reining in the digital giants (Wang Yanbo, Think China) – The Global Eye

(China) Chinese manufacturing must grow in strength, not just size (Chen Hongbin, Think China) – The Global Eye

(China) ‘Driving the blade inwards’: Why China may join the CPTPP (Chen Kang, Think China) – The Global Eye

Egitto/Russia/Mar Nero/Turchia

(Egypt/Russia/Black Sea/Turkey) Egyptian-Russian Naval Exercises in the Black Sea: Strategic Balancing against Turkey? (Ridvan Bari Urcosta, The Jamestown Foundation) – The Global Eye


(Europe) The EU’s Digital Services Act Makes a Positive Step Towards Transparency and Accountability, But Also Raises Some Serious Questions (Spandana Singh, New America) – The Global Eye

(Europe) Europe Must Become a Global Climate Power (Josep Borrell, Werner Hoyer, Project-Syndicate) – The Global Eye


(Europe/Libya) Spoiler alert: How Europe can save diplomacy in Libya (Tarek Megerisi, ECFR) – The Global Eye


(Europe/USA) Artificial divide: How Europe and America could clash over AI (Ulrike Esther Franke, ECFR) – The Global Eye


(Europe/China) Europe’s investment initiative with China (Shiro Armstrong and Evgeniia Shannon, East Asia Forum) – The Global Eye

(Europe/USA/China) Europe’s China deal: How not to work with the Biden administration (Andrew Small, ECFR) – The Global Eye


(France/Algeria) Can France move on from colonial past in Algeria without apology? (Al Jazeera) – The Global Eye

Hellenic Countries/Medio Oriente

(Hellenic Countries/Middle East) The Hellenic Countries Are Integrating Into the Middle East (Dmitri Shufutinsky, BESA Center) – The Global Eye


(Indonesia) Indonesia’s MUI Today: Truly Moderate or Merely Pragmatic? (Syafiq Hasyim, ISEAS) – The Global Eye


(UAE/Israel) UAE cabinet approves establishing embassy in Tel Aviv (Al Jazeera) – The Global Eye

(Israel/Arabs) The Arab Public and the Forthcoming Knesset Elections: Between Public Pragmatism and Nationalist Dogmatism (Ephraim Lavie, Meir Elran, Khader Sawaed, Yousef Makladeh, INSS) – The Global Eye

(Israel) Not an “Existential Threat”—A Vital National Interest (Gershon Hacohen, BESA Center) – The Global Eye

(Israel) The Common Israeli Destiny (Hanan Shai, BESA Center) – The Global Eye

(Israel) Arrival of Sa’ar 6 Ships Marks Evolution of Israeli Naval Doctrine (Yaakov Lappin, BESA Center) – The Global Eye


(Israel/Lebanon) What Can Israel Learn from the Descent of Lebanon? (Mordechai Kedar, BESA Center) – The Global Eye


(Kazakhstan) Elections in Kazakhstan Yield Results as Predicted (Annette Bohr, Chatham House) – The Global Eye


(Kyrgyzstan) Challenges amid Kyrgyzstan’s return to presidential politics (Matteo Fumagalli, East Asia Forum) – The Global Eye

Medio Oriente e Nord Africa

(MENA Region) Ferid Belhaj: Is there hope for the economies in the MENA region? (Al Jazeera) – The Global Eye


(Myanmar/China) Is post-election Myanmar moving closer to China? (Enze Han, East Asia Forum) – The Global Eye


(Pakistan/Israel) Will Pakistan Capitalize on a New Opportunity to Work with Israel? (Michael Kugelman, The National Interest) – The Global Eye


(Portugal) Where Portugal can lead Europe in 2021 (Teresa Gouveia, ECFR) – The Global Eye

Quds Force

(Quds Force) Who Is Quds Force Chief Esmail Qaani? (Erfan Fard, BESA Center) – The Global Eye


(Russia) What is Alexey Navalny’s endgame? (Leonid Ragozin, Al Jazeera) – The Global Eye

(Russia) GLONASS Program for 2021–2030 (Pavel Luzin, The Jamestown Foundation) – The Global Eye

(Russia) Growing Presence of Cossacks in 2021 (Richard Arnold, The Jamestown Foundation) – The Global Eye


(Russia/Karabakh) Russian “Peacekeeping” in Karabakh: Old Model, New Features, Mission Creep (Part Two) (Vladimir Socor, The Jamestown Foundation) – The Global Eye

(Russia/Karabakh) Russian ‘Peacekeeping’ in Karabakh: Old Model, New Features, Mission Creep (Part One) (Vladimir Socor, The Jamestown Foundation) – The Global Eye


(Russia/USA) Moscow in Confrontational Mode Reacting to Biden’s Inauguration (Pavel Felgenhauer, The Jamestown Foundation) – The Global Eye


(Russia/West) How Russia and the West try to weaken each other (Nicu Popescu, ECFR) – The Global Eye

Sudafrica(South Africa) South Africa’s Foreign Policy: Reflections on the UN Security Council and the African Union (Chatham House) – The Global Eye


(Thailand) Canals and Land Bridges: Mega-Infrastructure Proposals for Southern Thailand (Termsak Chalermpalanupap, ISEAS) – The Global Eye


(Tunisia) Ten years in, Tunisian democracy remains a work in progress (Sharan Grewal, Brookings) – The Global Eye


(Turkey) The Turkish Air Force: Flying into the Abyss? (Burak Bekdil, BESA Center) – The Global Eye


(Uganda) After another Museveni ‘victory’, Uganda is at a tipping point (Rosebell Kagumire, Al Jazeera) – The Global Eye


(UK) Boris Johnson Must Change His Act (Chris Patten, Project-Syndicate) – The Global Eye


(UK/Russia) The Russia Report: Why Has Nothing Been Done? (Chatham House) – The Global Eye


(USA) Climate Security by Memorandum (Wyatt Scott, New America) – The Global Eye

(USA) Transition 2021 Series: Renewing the U.S. State Department (CFR) – The Global Eye

(USA) What does the day after Section 230 reform look like? (Derek E. Bambauer, Brookings) – The Global Eye

(USA) Trump’s last-minute judicial appointments: Impact on norms and on Biden’s appointment opportunities (Russell Wheeler, Brookings) – The Global Eye

(USA) Who has to leave the Federal Reserve next? (Kadija Yilla and David Wessel, Brookings) – The Global Eye

(USA) What is the Child Tax Credit? And how much of it is refundable? (David Wessel, Brookings) – The Global Eye

(USA) How a new National Recovery Investment Corps can drive a bottom-up, inclusive economic recovery (Mary Jean Ryan and Alan Berube, Brookings) – The Global Eye

(USA) Brookings scholars reflect on the inauguration of Joseph R. Biden, America’s 46th president (Brookings) – The Global Eye

(USA) Three Tensions in Biden’s International Economic Policy (Matthew P. Goodman, CSIS) – The Global Eye

(USA) There is no ‘return to normalcy’ (Nate Hochman, Al Jazeera) – The Global Eye

(USA) Biden’s First Foreign Policy Move: Reentering International Agreements (Lindsay Maizland, CFR) – The Global Eye

(USA) How to counter right-wing armed groups in the United States (Vanda Felbab-Brown, Brookings) – The Global Eye

(USA) With new House rules, more diversity in technology legislation and hearings is possible (Caitlin Chin, Jackson Gode, Nicol Turner Lee, and Molly E. Reynolds, Brookings) – The Global Eye

(USA) Biden-won counties are home to 67 million more Americans than Trump-won counties (William H. Frey, Brookings) – The Global Eye

(USA) Tracking President Joe Biden’s Cabinet and appointees (Kathryn Dunn Tenpas, Brookings) – The Global Eye


(USA/Africa) Biden, democracy, and Africa (Witney Schneidman, Brookings) – The Global Eye

USA/America Latina

(USA/Latin America) The Biden-Harris Agenda for Latin America: What Can We Expect? (Moises Rendon, William Brownfield, CSIS) – The Global Eye


(USA/Asia/China) Biden needs balance and engagement in Asia with China (East Asia Forum) – The Global Eye

(USA/China) The US and China Must Cooperate in Space (Anne-Marie Slaughter, Emily Lawrence, Project-Syndicate) – The Global Eye

(USA/China) Biden Can Pass His China Test (Javier Solana, Eugenio Bregolat, Project-Syndicate) – The Global Eye


(USA/Europe/Artificial Intelligence) 6 developments that will define AI governance in 2021 (Alex Engler, Brookings) – The Global Eye

(USA/Europe/Digital Alliance) Time for a U.S.—EU digital alliance (Tom Wheeler, Brookings) – The Global Eye


(USA/Europe/UK) Deplatforming Trump Puts Big Tech Under Fresh Scrutiny (Harriet Moynihan, Chatham House) – The Global Eye


(USA/Houthis) Why the US is wrong to designate the Houthis as ‘terrorists’ (Sarah Leah Whitson, Al Jazeera) – The Global Eye


(Vietnam) Much to change and remain the same in Vietnam’s leadership (Le Hong Hiep, East Asia Forum) – The Global Eye

(Vietnam) Vietnam’s trade numbers aren’t evidence of currency manipulation (Nguyen Khac Quoc Bao and To Cong Nguyen Bao, East Asia Forum) – The Global Eye

Temi globali

(Application Programming Interface) 5 ways in which APIs are the building blocks of a safer, less hateful internet (Kenneth Kwok, WEF) – The Global Eye

(Circular Economy) Successful circular economy ‘trailblazers’ do these 5 things: Report (Liselore Havermans, Menno van Dijk, WEF) – The Global Eye

(Cybersecurity) These are the top cybersecurity challenges of 2021 (Algirde Pipikaite, Marc Barrachin, Scott Crawford, WEF) – The Global Eye

(Global Risks/Cities) Here’s how rising global risks will change our cities (Emilio Granados Franco, Richard Lukacs, Robert Muggah, WEF) – The Global Eye

(Innovation) We’re witnessing a global surge in innovation. This is how we sustain it (Achim Steiner, WEF) – The Global Eye

(International Development Cooperation) It is time to rethink international development cooperation (Hatice Karahan, Al Jazeera) – The Global Eye

(Liberal Diplomacy) The End of Liberal Diplomacy (Shlomo Ben-Ami, Project-Syndicate) – The Global Eye

(Nuclear Weapons) Nuclear weapons are finally outlawed, next step is disarmament (Robert Mardini, Al Jazeera) – The Global Eye

(Ocean/Climate Change) This chart shows how much the ocean is warming (Katharina Buchholz, WEF) – The Global Eye

(Pandemic) What to Know About the Global COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout So Far (Claire Felter, CFR) – The Global Eye

(Policy Trends/2021) The long year: Top foreign policy trends for 2021 (Mark Leonard, Jeremy Shapiro, ECFR) – The Global Eye

(Populists) All Quiet on the Populist Front? (Jan-Werner Mueller, Project-Syndicate) – The Global Eye

(Resilient Countries) How to build more resilient countries after the COVID-19 pandemic (Saadia Zahidi, Time, WEF) – The Global Eye

(Supply Chains/Climate Change) Supply chains can be a climate game-changer. Here’s why (Rich Lesser, WEF) – The Global Eye

(Trade) 12 trade tasks to prioritize in 2021 (Sean Doherty, Kimberley Botwright, WEF) – The Global Eye

(World/2021) The brave new world of 2021 (Homi Kharas, Brookings) – The Global Eye

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