domenica, Settembre 8, 2024

Mondi in Progress 09-02-2021


(Africa) Preventing the next pandemic: Addressing antibiotic resistance (Brookings) – The Global Eye

(Africa) Did Africa turn a corner in 2020 or did it just dodge a bullet? (Brookings) – The Global Eye

(Ethiopia) The struggle over political finance in Ethiopia’s transition (Clingendael) – The Global Eye

(Somalia) The UAE Should Be The Model For Somalia (1945) – The Global Eye

(Somalia) Webinar: Somalia’s Elections: Navigating Discord, Standstill and Insecurity (Chatham House) – The Global Eye

(South Africa) South Africa Shows How Cheap Renewable Energy Can Transform the Relationship Between Cities and National Governments (Syndication Bureau) – The Global Eye

(Sub-Saharan Africa) Here’s how the start of the rainy season can help Sub-Saharan Africa prepare for drought (Futurity, WEF) – The Global Eye

(Tunisia) Tunisia: The Pending Goals of the Revolution (Fair Observer) – The Global Eye


(USA) The U.S. Navy’s Iowa-Class: The Best Battleships Ever (1945) – The Global Eye

(USA) How Senator Klobuchar’s proposals will move the antitrust debate forward (Brookings) – The Global Eye

(USA) Rethinking the geography of student-teaching placements in a post-COVID-19 world (Brookings) – The Global Eye

(USA) The quiet revolution: What Congress should know about foreign assistance today (Brookings) – The Global Eye

(USA) Fox News is the Republican Party (Al Jazeera) – The Global Eye

(USA) Biden rescinds Trump’s Muslim ban, pledges to accept more refugees (ORF) – The Global Eye

(USA) The impacts of unemployment benefits on job match quality and labour market functioning (VOXEU) – The Global Eye

(USA) Arms Control Strategies for a New Administration (CSIS) – The Global Eye

(USA) Arms Trade Reform Options for the New Administration and Congress (CSIS) – The Global Eye

(USA) Defense budget lessons (AEI) – The Global Eye

(USA) Around the halls: Brookings experts analyze President Biden’s first foreign policy speech (Brookings) – The Global Eye

(USA) What is reconciliation in Congress? (Brookings) – The Global Eye

(USA) Essential workers comprise about half of all workers in low-paid occupations. They deserve a $15 minimum wage (Brookings) – The Global Eye

(USA) Explaining the economic impact of COVID-19: Core industries and the Hispanic workforce (Brookings) – The Global Eye

(USA) Trump’s future: Nine possibilities (Brookings) – The Global Eye

(USA) The Cyber Maritime envirinment: a shared critical infrastructure and Trump’s maritime cyber security plan (War on the Rocks) – The Global Eye

(USA) The Imperial Presidency Comes Home to Roost (Fair Observer) – The Global Eye


(Asia) The drive for electric vehicles in Asia (East Asia Forum) – The Global Eye

(China/Myanmar) China does not like the coup in Myanmar (East Asia Forum) – The Global Eye

(India) Vaccinating the world: Amidst global shortages, India tries to strike a balance (ORF) – The Global Eye

(India) India’s vaccine diplomacy for the global good (East Asia Forum) – The Global Eye

(India) India’s Defence Budgeting Strives to Chart a New Course (ORF) – The Global Eye

(India) Amid China Concerns, India Boosts Defense Budget (ORF) – The Global Eye

(India) This project wants to bring broadband – and hope – to rural India (WEF) – The Global Eye

(Indonesia) Rizieq’s arrest no progress for Indonesia’s religious minorities (East Asia Forum) – The Global Eye

(Indonesia/China) Indonesia’s Sinovac rollout sets high stakes for China’s vaccine diplomacy (East Asia Forum) – The Global Eye

(Japan/China) A Security Policy for Japan to Deal with China’s Active Strategy (JIIA) – The Global Eye

(Myanmar) A coup in Myanmar, but to what end (East Asia Forum) – The Global Eye

(Myanmar) Ghosts of coups past in Myanmar (East Asia Forum) – The Global Eye

(Myanmar) Don’t Isolate Myanmar (Project-Syndicate) – The Global Eye

(Myanmar/China) China the geopolitical winner of Myanmar’s coup (Asia Times) – The Global Eye


(Europe) Development policy under fire ? The politicization of european external relations (DIE) – The Global Eye

(Europe) Effectiveness of national expenditure rules: Evidence from EU member states (VOXEU) – The Global Eye

(Europe) Millions of Europeans would fall into vulnerability if it were not for COVID-19 unemployment benefits (VOXEU) – The Global Eye

(Europe) Out of place: Why Europe needs a new refugee policy (ECFR) – The Global Eye

(Europe) The EU after Brexit: Renewed Debate about Enlargement and Deepening (SWP) – The Global Eye

(Germany) What Germany’s new cyber security law means for Huawei, Europe, and NATO (ECFR) – The Global Eye

(Poland) The troubling reform of Poland’s Foreign Service (CEPS) – The Global Eye

Mediterraneo/Medio Oriente/Golfo Persico

(Arab States) Conflict by Other Means: Postwar Reconstruction in Arab States (Carnegie Middle East Center) – The Global Eye

(ICC/Israel/Palestine) The International Criminal Court’s Flawed Decision to Recognize ICC Jurisdiction over the Territories (JCPA) – The Global Eye

(Israel) The Plane That Plays a Leading Role in Israel’s Shadow War on Terror (BESA Center) – The Global Eye

(Palestine) Palestinian Elections: Gamble, Potential, or Political Maneuver? (INSS) – The Global Eye

(Palestinians/Israel) We, the Palestinians, are stuck in limbo (Al Jazeera) – The Global Eye

(Turkey) Turkey’s TF-X Stealth Fighter: A Replacement For The F-35? (1945) – The Global Eye

(Yemen) How Severe Is Yemen’s Humanitarian Crisis? (CFR) – The Global Eye


(Russia) Russia’s Only Aircraft Carrier Is Armed To The Teeth (1945) – The Global Eye

United Kingdom

(UK) Wage risk, and government and spousal insurance (VOXEU) – The Global Eye

Temi globali

(Agriculture/Big Tech) The Big Tech takeover of agriculture is dangerous (Al Jazeera) – The Global Eye

(Blockchain) 4 predictions for blockchain in 2021 – from cryptocurrencies to art (CoinDesk, WEF) – The Global Eye

(Capitalism) How we measure stakeholder capitalism will determine our recovery (WEF) – The Global Eye

(Cities/Green Recovery) How cities can lead the green recovery (Thomson Reuters Foundation, WEF) – The Global Eye

(Data Governance) Underserved or Oversurveilled: Can We Strike a Balance When Regulating Tech? (CIGI) – The Global Eye

(Development Cooperation/Inequality) Assessing potential effects of development cooperation on inequality (DIE) – The Global Eye

(Digital Currency) Key takeaways on digital currency from The Davos Agenda (WEF) – The Global Eye

(Environment) Beyond the Beirut explosion: The many dangers of ammonium nitrate (Al Jazeera) – The Global Eye

(Gender-based violence) Gender-based violence in primary schools (Brookings) – The Global Eye

(Global Recovery) The Perils of an Uneven Global Recovery (Project-Syndicate) – The Global Eye

(Grey-Zone Aggression) The defender’s dilemma: Defining, identifying, and deterring gray-zone aggression (AEI) – The Global Eye

(Internet) Shutting down the internet (Brookings) – The Global Eye

(NATO) New Ideas for NATO 2030 (Chatham House) – The Global Eye

(New START) A New Start for Arms Control? (Carnegie Moscow Center) – The Global Eye

(Pandemic/Westphalian Resurgence) Coronavirus: The Spark For A Westphalian Resurgence? (1945) – The Global Eye

(Payment Platforms) Lana Swartz On the Power of Payment Platforms (CIGI) – The Global Eye

(Radicalization) How the Left and the Right Radicalize Each Other (Fair Observer) – The Global Eye

(Space) Space race: UAE, US and Chinese missions prepare to explore Mars (Al Jazeera) – The Global Eye

(Supply Chains) Crisis-proofing Supply Chains: “It’s about Human Rights Too” (SWP) – The Global Eye

(Surveillance Capitalism) Facebook Wants to Read Your Brain (Fair Observer) – The Global Eye

(Tropical Deforestation/Climate Change) Collective action to enable sustainable growth will be critical to end tropical deforestation (WEF) – The Global Eye

(UN/Development/Transparency) The case for greater project-level transparency of the UN’s development work (DIE) – The Global Eye

(Vaccine Nationalism) Vaccine nationalism exacerbates global faultlines (ORF) – The Global Eye

Tra i mondi

(Brexit/Europe/USA) Term Member Discussion on Brexit: What Does the Deal Mean for Europe and the United States? (CFR) – The Global Eye

(Europe/Russia) EU-Russia relations and Europe’s global profile (CEPS) – The Global Eye

(Europe/Syria/Iraq) EU policies and interventions in the Syrian and Iraqi civil wars (Clingendael) – The Global Eye

(Europe/Turkey) No Easy Reset: Time for Europe to Clarify Its Relationship with Turkey (SWP) – The Global Eye

(Europe/Turkey) A new momentum for EU-Turkey cooperation on migration (Clingendael) – The Global Eye

(Iran/India) Analysing Iranian Defence Minister’s visit to India (ORF) – The Global Eye

(Russia/Arctic) Nuclear submarines and central heating (DIIS) – The Global Eye

(USA/China) What Will Biden’s China Policy Look Like (KIEP) – The Global Eye

(USA/Iran) Could Joe Biden’s New Iran Strategy Work? (1945) – The Global Eye

(USA/Japan/China) The United States and Japan should prepare for wat with China (War on the Rocks) – The Global Eye

(USA/Korean Peninsula) Biden urged to end Korean War (Asia Times) – The Global Eye

(USA/Russia) Dealing With Biden’s America (Carnegie Moscow Center) – The Global Eye

(USA/Russia) Managing the Great-Power Competition Between Russia and the U.S. (Carnegie Moscow Center) – The Global Eye

(USA/Russia) Will the US and Russia Start Over? (Fair Observer) – The Global Eye

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