domenica, Settembre 8, 2024

Mondi in Progress 15-02-2021


(Africa/Global Energy Transition) The effects of the global energy transition in Africa: Disruption and opportunity (Brookings) – The Global Eye

(Asia Pacific/USA) In a polarised Asia Pacific, democracy should be a goal, not a club (East Asia Forum) – The Global Eye

(Australia/Climate Change) Australia’s place in a decarbonising world economy (The Interpreter) – The Global Eye

(Australia/Israel/Palestine) Australia Should Stop Blocking International Justice in Israel and Palestine (HRW) – The Global Eye

(Bangladesh/Extreme Poverty) How an evidence-based program from Bangladesh could scale to end extreme poverty (Brookings) – The Global Eye

(Bangladesh/Female Radicalization and Extremism) Neo-Jama’atul Mujahideen Bangladesh’s Female Members Further Islamic State’s Recruitment and Propaganda (The Jamestown Foundation) – The Global Eye

(BRI/Uzbekistan) Tracking the Digital Component of the BRI in Central Asia, Part One: Exporting “Safe Cities” to Uzbekistan (The Jamestown Foundation) – The Global Eye

(Bulgaria) The end of tit-for-tat politics in Bulgaria (ECFR) – The Global Eye

(China) Xi licenses Chinese coastguard to be ‘wolf warriors’ at sea (The Strategist) – The Global Eye

(China/BBC World News) La Chine interdit BBC World News sur son sol (Portal de l’Intelligence Economique) – The Global Eye

(China/Demography) Chinese Demographic Signals Bode Ill for Future Development (The Jamestown Foundation) – The Global Eye

(China/Globalization) Is China the New Champion of Globalization? (Fair Observer) – The Global Eye

(China/Latin America) An Overlooked Source of Chinese Influence in Latin America (The Jamestown Foundation) – The Global Eye

(China/Media Censorship) Understanding Chinese media censorship: From Ming to Jinping (ORF) – The Global Eye

(China/Muslim World/Uighurs) How China is Wooing the Muslim World (The National Interest) – The Global Eye

(China/PLA) The People’s Liberation Army Attempts to Jump Start Training Reforms (The Jamestown Foundation) – The Global Eye

(China/USA/South China Sea) China’s Use of U.S. Satellite Communications Technology in the South China Sea (The Jamestown Foundation) – The Global Eye

(China/Vaccine) The Vaccine Race: China Expands its Global Influence (INSS) – The Global Eye

(DRC/Free Press) DRC journalist Pius Romain Rolland Ngoie detained since December over criminal defamation complaint (CPJ) – The Global Eye

(East and Southeast Asia/Migrant Workers’ Rigths) Repression and Resilience: COVID-19 Migrant Workers’ Rights in East and Southeast Asia during COVID-19 (The Sasakawa Peace Foundation) – The Global Eye

(Ethiopia) The Conflict in Ethiopia’s Tigray Region: What to Know (CFR) – The Global Eye

(Ethiopia) Ethiopia: Unlawful Shelling of Tigray Urban Areas (HRW) – The Global Eye

(Ethiopia/UN) The UN Must Intervene in Tigray (Project-Syndicate) – The Global Eye

(Europe/Digitalisation) Digitalisation surges in Europe during the pandemic (The Economist Intelligence Unit) – The Global Eye

(Europe/Iran) The narrow path to agreement: How Europe should support the Iran nuclear deal (ECFR) – The Global Eye

(Europe/Libya) Plot twist: How Europe should deal with Libya’s new government (ECFR) – The Global Eye

(Europe/Space) La conquête spatiale dans le viseur de l’Europe (Portal de l’Intelligence Economique) – The Global Eye

(Europe/WHO) Europe’s post-pandemic strategy for the WHO (ECFR) – The Global Eye

(Ghada Oueiss/Free Press) Al-Jazeera’s Ghada Oueiss on hacking, harassment, and Jamal Khashoggi (CPJ) – The Global Eye

(Hong Kong) Gauging the fate of Hong Kong civil society (East Asia Forum) – The Global Eye

(Impunity) IFEX-ALC condemns new attempts to obstruct justice after 32 years of impunity in case of journalist Hugo Bustíos (IFEX) – The Global Eye

(India/Japan/France/China) The India-Japan-France trilateral cooperation to tackle the rising Chinese hegemony (ORF) – The Global Eye

(India/Sustainability) Reorienting sustainability in the “post-normal age”: India’s policy imperatives (ORF) – The Global Eye

(India/UK) The UK Shifts to the Indo-Pacific: An Opportunity for India-UK Ties (ORF) – The Global Eye

(India/USA) Assessing the trajectory of India-US ties under Biden (ORF) – The Global Eye

(Indonesia) Indonesia’s modest new sovereign wealth fund (East Asia Forum) – The Global Eye

(Iran/Iraq) Iran’s Resistance Axis Rattled by Divisions: Asaib Ahl al-Haq’s Leader Rejects the Ceasefire in Iraq (The Jamestown Foundation) – The Global Eye

(Iran/USA) Iran’s Intelligence Minister Sends a Clear Signal to the Biden Administration (BESA Center) – The Global Eye

(Israel/UAE) Why Israel Could Soon Arm Gulf State with Top-Tier Military Gear (The National Interest) – The Global Eye

(Italy/Government/Pandemic) Government architecture and the sense of government unpreparedness during the COVID-19 pandemic in Italy (VOXEU) – The Global Eye

(Japan/China/Security Policy) A Security Policy for Japan to Deal with China’s Active Strategy (JIIA) – The Global Eye

(Japan/Economics) An Assessment of Abenomics and Challenges for the Suga Administration (JIIA) – The Global Eye

(Japan/National Security Strategy) SF Prototyping – a Proposal for Building a National Strategy (The Sasakawa Peace Foundation) – The Global Eye

(Kosovo) Kosovo is slowly recovering from Trump’s coup (Al Jazeera) – The Global Eye

(Lebanon/Device Seizures) Device Seizures in Lebanon: Assessing the Legal Framework concerning device seizures (SMEX) – The Global Eye

(Liberia) Q&A: Swiss Trial for Liberia Atrocities: Universal Jurisdiction Paves Path for Justice (HRW) – The Global Eye

(Myanmar) The junta woos Rakhine, banking on anti-NLD sentiment (Frontier Myanmar) – The Global Eye

(Myanmar) Myanmar’s Troubled History: Coups, Military Rule, and Ethnic Conflict (CFR) – The Global Eye

(Myanmar/Free Press) Irrawaddy editor Aung Zaw speaks to fears of a post-coup media crackdown in Myanmar (CPJ) – The Global Eye

(Myanmar) Min Aung Hlaing’s constitutional crisis (Frontier Myanmar) – The Global Eye

(Myanmar) Civil society, businesses condemn junta’s draft Cyber Security Law (Frontier Myanmar) – The Global Eye

(Myanmar) Civil servants increasingly quit their desks to resist the coup (Frontier Myanmar) – The Global Eye

(Myanmar) The genie will not return to the bottle: Understanding the pro-democracy protests in Myanmar (Brookings) – The Global Eye

(New Zealand/Indigenous Foreign Policy) Foreign policy’s “Indigenous moment” is here (The Interpreter) – The Global Eye

(Pakistan/Climate Change) How Pakistan is aiming for a green recovery from the pandemic (WEF) – The Global Eye

(RCEP/Cambodia) How RCEP benefits Cambodia in the long term (East Asia Forum) – The Global Eye

(Russia) Alexei Navalny and Public Dissent in Russia (BESA Center) – The Global Eye

(Russia/Alexey Navalny) What the Navalny Affair Actually Means for Russia (The National Interest) – The Global Eye

(Russia/Alexey Navalny) Can Navalny Take Down Putin? (Project-Syndicate) – The Global Eye

(Russia/Free Press) Meet Mediazona, the punk rock-founded Russian news outlet whose editor was jailed for a tweet (CPJ) – The Global Eye

(Russia/NATO) Russian Aerospace Forces Journal Recommends Preventive Strike Against NATO (The Jamestown Foundation) – The Global Eye

(Saudi Arabia) The case of Saudi Arabia’s Mohammed bin Nayef (Brookings) – The Global Eye

(Saudi Arabia/Children’s Rights) Saudi Arabia Drops Death Sentence Against Child Protestors (HRW) – The Global Eye

(Scotland/British Defense) Scottish independence and the implications for British defence (The Interpreter) – The Global Eye

(Singapore and Malaysia) Singapore and Malaysia backtrack on high-speed rail (East Asia Forum) – The Global Eye

(SolarWinds/Cybersecurity) SolarWinds and the Three Rs (CSIS) – The Global Eye

(South Africa) Solving South Africa’s unemployment: Could tourism, horticulture, agro-processing, or logistics hold the key? (Brookings) – The Global Eye

(South Korea/Renewable Energies) Course à la neutralité carbone en Asie de l’Est, la Corée du Sud en tête du peloton (Portal de l’Intelligence Economique) – The Global Eye

(Tajikistan/Afghanistan/China) Porosity of Tajik-Afghan Border Making Beijing’s Involvement in Region More Ominous (The Jamestown Foundation) – The Global Eye

(UAE/Free Speech) UAE: Jordanian Convicted for Criticizing Jordan on Facebook (HRW) – The Global Eye

(UK/Military Expenditure) Reassessing SIPRI’s military expenditure estimate for the United Kingdom (SIPRI) – The Global Eye

(Ukraine/China) Ukraine’s China Policy: A (Not so) Delicate Balance (The Jamestown Foundation) – The Global Eye

(USA/Afghanistan) Afghan Study Group’s New Report Would Guarantee Failure (1945) – The Global Eye

(USA/Anti Vaccination Conspiracies) Anti-Vaccination Conspiracies: The Dangers to Vaccination Sites (Institute for Strategic Dialogue) – The Global Eye

(USA/Black Americans) Three ways the Biden administration can promote economic security for Black Americans (Brookings) – The Global Eye

(USA/Black Americans) Around the halls: What should the Biden administration prioritize in a policy agenda that promotes equity for Black Americans? (Brookings) – The Global Eye

(USA/China) How Biden will shape the US–China relationship (East Asia Forum) – The Global Eye

(USA/Congress/Donald Trump) Why Congress Is Right to Acquit Donald Trump (The National Interest) – The Global Eye

(USA/Defense Budget) The right way to streamline the US defense budget (Brookings) – The Global Eye

(USA/Democracy) American Democracy: We Have Misread the Signs of the Coming Storm (Fair Observer) – The Global Eye

(USA/Diego Garcia) The power of example: America’s presence in Diego Garcia (The Interpreter) – The Global Eye

(USA/Donald Trump/Joe Biden) The Real Winner of Trump’s Impeachment Trial Is Biden (The National Interest) – The Global Eye

(USA/Economy) How many jobs will Democrats’ $1.9 trillion stimulus plan create? – The Global Eye

(USA/Economy) Larry Summers is right on the economy for the wrong reason (AEI) – The Global Eye

(USA/Economy) Biden’s unemployment checks would harm economy (AEI) – The Global Eye

(USA/Foreign Policy) How Tough Is Biden Prepared to Look? (Fair Observer) – The Global Eye

(USA/India) US-India ties under Biden: Recognising New Delhi’s predispositions (ORF) – The Global Eye

(USA/Iran) The Iran Deal vs. the Logic of History (Fair Observer) – The Global Eye

(USA/JCPOA) The Tired Old Opposition to the Iran Nuclear Accord Rears Its Head (The National Interest) – The Global Eye

(USA/Kurds/Houthis) Kurds Are More Deserving Of Terror Delisting Than Houthis (1945) – The Global Eye

(USA/Myanmar) US puts squeeze on Myanmar generals but sanctions regime needs review (The Strategist) – The Global Eye

(USA/Pandemic) Covid-19 and the Military: Maintaining Operations While Supporting Civil Society (CSIS) – The Global Eye

(USA/Pandemic/Cybersecurity) How the Covid19 emergency response could strengthen US Cybersecurity (ORF) – The Global Eye

(USA/Pentagon/Anti Extremism Campaign) Keep The Pentagon’s “Anti-Extremism” Campaign Short And Discriminate (1945) – The Global Eye

(USA/Politics) After the ballots are counted: Conspiracies, political violence, and American exceptionalism (AEI) – The Global Eye

(USA/Real Estate) The real estate industry is divesting from Donald Trump—but divesting from white supremacy requires more (Brookings) – The Global Eye

(USA/Republican Party) What Happens to the Republican Party After Impeachment? (The National Interest) – The Global Eye

(USA/Republican Party/Nikki Haley) Nikki Haley’s Campaign for the 2024 GOP Nomination Has Begun (The National Interest) – The Global Eye

(USA/Rights) What Biden Needs to Do to Restore Rights at the Border (HRW) – The Global Eye

(USA/Space) A Pentagon strategy for elevating the space mission (Brookings) – The Global Eye

(USA/Trumpism) Trumpism After Trump: The Wrong Person at the Right Time? (Fair Observer) – The Global Eye

(USA/Virginia/Privacy Law) Virginians Deserve Better Than This Empty Privacy Law (Electronic Frontier Foundation) – The Global Eye

(USA/Yemen) Biden’s Yemen policy won’t work any better than Trump’s (AEI) – The Global Eye

(Uzbekistan/Free Speech) Uzbekistan: Blogger Held on Dubious Extortion Charge (HRW) – The Global Eye

(WHO/China) The WHO’s probe into Wuhan needs a dose of common sense (AEI) – The Global Eye

(WTO) The WTO gets its first woman and first African Director General (ORF) – The Global Eye


Temi globali

(Arms Control) Arms control among rivals (AEI) – The Global Eye

(Bitcoin) Schrödinger’s Bitcoin (Project-Syndicate) – The Global Eye

(Blockchain/Digital Markets) Video: A fireside chat about the future of blockchain and digital markets (Brookings) – The Global Eye

(Climate Change) Climate change: Are forests carbon sinks or carbon sources? (WEF) – The Global Eye

(Cyberattacks) Fifth-generation cyberattacks are here. How can the IT industry adapt? (WEF) – The Global Eye

(Data) The disturbing implications of increasingly narrow political ad targeting (Brookings) – The Global Eye

(Democracy/Truth) In the war of fake news versus facts, here’s what the next battle should be (ECFR) – The Global Eye

(Education) It is time to prioritise education for recovery (Al Jazeera) – The Global Eye

(Influence Operations) The Long Tail of Influence Operations: A Case Study on News Front (Institute for Strategic Dialogue) – The Global Eye

(Money Markets, New Basel III Regulations, Central Bank Policies) Supranational rules, national discretion: Increasing versus inflating regulatory bank capital (VOXEU) – The Global Eye

(Ongoing Paradigm) The Ongoing Paradigm Shift under Shifting Geopolitics and Covid-19 (The Sasakawa Peace Foundation) – The Global Eye

(Pandemic/Free Speech) Covid-19 Triggers Wave of Free Speech Abuse (HRW) – The Global Eye

(Research/Development/Innovation/USA) Changes and Trends in Research and Development and Its Impact on Innovation (CFR) – The Global Eye

(Smart Working) Working from home: Too much of a good thing (VOXEU) – The Global Eye

(Trade Imbalances/Protectionism) Trade imbalances and the rise of protectionism (VOXEU) – The Global Eye

(Vaccine Nationalism) Time to Clamp Down on Dangers of Vaccine Nationalism (Chatham House) – The Global Eye

(Worker Representation/Corporate Boards) Benefit to employees of worker representation on corporate boards (VOXEU) – The Global Eye

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