domenica, Settembre 8, 2024

Mondi in Progress 18-02-2021


(Africa/Economies) Building African economies back, better and stronger than before (Brookings) – The Global Eye

(Antarctica/Australia/China) Eyes on the prize: Australia, China, and the Antarctic Treaty System (Lowy Institute) – The Global Eye

(ASEAN/Europe) The ASEAN–EU Strategic Partnership’s coherence challenge (East Asia Forum) – The Global Eye

(Climate/Energy/Asia) 2021 Climate and Energy Trends in Asia (CSIS) – The Global Eye

(Australia/Defence) Does the Royal Australian Navy need Tomahawk missiles? (The Strategist) – The Global Eye

(Belarus) The All-Belarusian People’s Assembly: A Gathering of Winners? (The Jamestown Foundation) – The Global Eye

(China) Leaping across the ocean: The port operators behind China’s naval expansion (ASPI) – The Global Eye

(China/Domestic Market) How to build a ‘super-sized domestic market’ in China (ThinkChina) – The Global Eye

(China/Mauritius) Here’s why China’s trade deal with Mauritius matters (WEF) – The Global Eye

(China/Pandemic) Chinese academic: Why China’s ‘harsh’ counter-pandemic measures are valid (ThinkChina) – The Global Eye

(China/South China Sea) How China is bending the rules in the South China Sea (The Interpreter) – The Global Eye

(Chinese Coastguard’s Jurisdiction) New law expands Chinese coastguard’s jurisdiction to at least the first island chain (The Strategist) – The Global Eye

(Crimea/Ukraine/Russia) Crimea Platform: Ukraine’s Initiative to Raise the Costs of Russia’s Occupation (The Jamestown Foundation) – The Global Eye

(Europe/Palestine/Israel) To Revive the Two-State Solution, Europe Must Recognize Palestine (Project-Syndicate) – The Global Eye

(Europe/Post-Pandemic) Europe’s Ambitious Parochialism (Project-Syndicate) – The Global Eye

(Europe/Trade and Technology Council) Europe’s Olive Branch? (CSIS) – The Global Eye

(Germany/Indo Pacific) Germany’s Indo-Pacific vision: Building a multilateral world order with ASEAN (ThinkChina) – The Global Eye

(Global Risk/Israel) The Global Risk Map and Implications for Israel (INSS) – The Global Eye

(India) India’s Farm Laws Are a Global Problem (Project-Syndicate) – The Global Eye

(India/Canada/Vaccine Politics) India, Canada and the new vaccine politics (The Interpreter) – The Global Eye

(India/USA) India and the Biden administration (Brookings) – The Global Eye

(Iraq/USA/ISIS/Iran) To save Iraq from economic collapse and fight ISIS, contain Iran’s proxies (Brookings) – The Global Eye

(Israel/Pandemic) Fighting COVID-19 vs. Upholding Civil Rights (BESA Center) – The Global Eye

(Japan/UK/Defence) Japan and UK move towards partnership to develop combat-aircraft systems (The Strategist) – The Global Eye

(Libya) Around the halls: Experts analyze the Libya conflict, 10 years on (Brookings) – The Global Eye

(Myanmar) Lowy Institute Conversations: Aye Min Thant and Melissa Crouch on the coup in Myanmar (Lowy Institute) – The Global Eye

(Myanmar) What makes this Myanmar coup different (The Strategist) – The Global Eye

(New Zealand/Australia) Allies but not friends? New Zealand and Australia (The Interpreter) – The Global Eye

(Pacific Islands Forum) The Pacific Islands Forum can survive this crisis too (The Strategist) – The Global Eye

(Palestine) Is the Phrase “State of Palestine” Catching On? (BESA Center) – The Global Eye

(Quadrilateral Security Dialogue) Why the Quad should focus on collaborative not collective defence (The Strategist) – The Global Eye

(Russia) Moscow’s Delay of 2020 Census Opens Way for Circassian Promotion of Common Identity (The Jamestown Foundation) – The Global Eye

(Russia/Europe) Russia vs the EU (The Interpreter) – The Global Eye

(Russia/Europe) Russia Blackmails and Courts Europe (The Jamestown Foundation) – The Global Eye

(Russia/Gazprom/Dagestan) Gazprom Wants to Abandon Money-Losing Gas Distribution Obligations in Dagestan (The Jamestown Foundation) – The Global Eye

(Second Karabakh War/Georgia) The Second Karabakh War and Georgia’s Threatened Transit Role (The Jamestown Foundation) – The Global Eye

(Space/Mars/International Competition) Will Mars become an object of international competition? (Brookings) – The Global Eye

(UK/British Left) There is still hope for the British left (Al Jazeera) – The Global Eye

(USA) America Is (Sort of) Back (Project-Syndicate) – The Global Eye

(USA/Asia/Economic Policies) US must urgently rethink its economic policies in Asia (Brookings) – The Global Eye

(USA/Australia/China/Trade) No quick fix from Biden for Australia’s China trade woes (East Asia Forum) – The Global Eye

(USA/Australia/International Development) What Biden means for Australia’s aid policy (The Interpreter) – The Global Eye

(USA/China) China, unquarantined (AEI) – The Global Eye

(USA/China/Trade) Will Biden’s America change course on China and trade? (East Asia Forum) – The Global Eye

(USA/Child Care) Stabilizing child care requires more than emergency COVID-19 relief funds (Brookings) – The Global Eye

(USA/Climate Change) Biden’s ‘green jobs’ mirage (AEI) – The Global Eye

(USA/Economic Sanctions/Environment) Economic sanctions are damaging the environment (Al Jazeera) – The Global Eye

(USA/Economics/Climate Change) Getting the Social Cost of Carbon Right (Project-Syndicate) – The Global Eye

(USA/George Shultz) George Shultz’s statesmanship began with good government at home (AEI) – The Global Eye

(USA/Global Governance) Blueprints to strengthen governance in addressing global challenges (Brookings) – The Global Eye

(USA/Great Recession/Recovery) The recovery from the Great Recession: A long, evolving expansion (AEI) – The Global Eye

(USA/Immigration) Breaking Down Biden’s Immigration Actions Through Abbreviations (CFR) – The Global Eye

(USA/Indo Pacific) Virtual Fireside Chat: India, China, and the Quad: The Future of U.S. Strategy in the Indo-Pacific (CNAS) – The Global Eye

(USA/Infrastructure) How Biden can succeed on infrastructure where Trump did not (Brookings) – The Global Eye

(USA/Middle Class) No time to spare: Exploring the middle class time squeeze (Brookings) – The Global Eye

(USA/Pandemic) Preparing for the next pandemic: Early lessons from COVID-19 (Brookings) – The Global Eye

(USA/Politics) Legislators feel caught in a primaries trap (AEI) – The Global Eye

(USA/Politics) Impeachment’s Partisan Doom (Project-Syndicate) – The Global Eye

(USA/Politics) McConnell’s choice is emblematic of the GOP’s rot (AEI) – The Global Eye

(USA/Post Pandemic/Workforce Development System) After COVID-19: Building a more coherent and effective workforce development system in the United States (Brookings) – The Global Eye

(USA/Russia) More Coherence, Greater Tension: Prospects for US Policy toward Russia under Biden (INSS) – The Global Eye

(USA/Small Businesses/Colorado) Overcoming bias in small business relief in Colorado (Brookings) – The Global Eye

(USA/Social Media) Social media censorship: Healing divisions or fomenting divides? (AEI) – The Global Eye

(USA/South Korea/Japan) What to expect from Japan and Korea in a Taiwan contingency (AEI) – The Global Eye

(USA/Subnational Diplomacy) Partnership among cities, states, and the federal government: Creating an office of subnational diplomacy at the US Department of State (Brookings) – The Global Eye

(USA/Unemployment System/Technology) The unemployment system is broken. Technology alone won’t fix it (AEI) – The Global Eye

(USA/USAID) Making USAID a premier development agency (Brookings) – The Global Eye

(USA/Worker Transitions) The search for stability: A review of worker transitions (AEI) – The Global Eye


Temi globali

(Artificial Intelligence/International Cooperation) Strengthening international cooperation on artificial intelligence (Brookings) – The Global Eye

(Economic Policy) The Silent Revolution in Economic Policy (Project-Syndicate) – The Global Eye

(Pandemic) Closing the COVID Trust Deficit (Project-Syndicate) – The Global Eye

(Populism) What’s been the historical impact of populism on economies and political systems? (AEI) – The Global Eye

(Post-Conflit Recovery/Economic Principles) Wanted: Economic principles for post-conflict recovery (Brookings) – The Global Eye

(Post Pandemic) Beyond the Pandemic of 2020 (CIGS) – The Global Eye

(Technology Governance/Post Pandemic World) A blueprint for technology governance in the post-pandemic world (Brookings) – The Global Eye

(WTO) Is plurilateralism making the WTO an institutional zombie? (East Asia Forum) – The Global Eye

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