domenica, Settembre 8, 2024


Afghanistan/USA – Afghanistan: Continued Assistance Flows Are Vital as U.S. Troops Leave (CSIS) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Africa – Figure of the Week: Closing the gender gap to reduce food insecurity in Africa (Brookings) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Africa/USA – Linda Thomas-Greenfield on Africa’s most overlooked crises and opportunities – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Africa/USA – Africa is America’s greatest geopolitical opportunity. Does the US know it? (Atlantic Council) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Agriculture/Climate Change – Agricultural insurance: The antidote to many economic illnesses (Brookings) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

AI Governance – How soft law is used in AI governance (Brookings) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Antarctica – Antarctica could reach its climate ‘tipping point’ this century – but we can stop it (WEF) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Armenia/Azerbaijan – Fate of Zangezur Corridor Unclear Amidst Precarious Tensions Between Armenia and Azerbaijan (The Jamestown Foundation) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

ASEAN/Myanmar – ASEAN’s huge gamble on Myanmar (The Interpreter) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

ASEAN/Myanmar – On Myanmar, ASEAN needs to maintain the momentum (East Asia Forum) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

ASEAN/Myanmar – ASEAN’s Myanmar dilemma (East Asia Forum) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Australia – Paying the price: Australians want action on climate change (The Interpreter) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Australia – Protecting Australia beyond its traditional borders: infrastructure and investment (The Strategist) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Australia – Funding on track but strategic circumstances worsening: the cost of Australia’s defence (The Strategist) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Australia – What’s beyond the F-35 for Australia? (The Strategist) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Australia – B-21 bomber could be Australia’s best long-range strike option (The Strategist) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Australia – The case for an Indigenous Australian civil defence force (The Strategist) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Australia/Moon Treaty – Why did Australia sign the Moon Treaty? (The Interpreter) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Australia/Taiwan – Australia’s dangerously inadequate Taiwan policy debate (The Strategist) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

China – Chinese supply chains prove resilient to global shocks and pressure (East Asia Forum) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

China – What I Learned From the PLA’s Latest Strategy Textbook (The Jamestown Foundation) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

China/Saudi Arabia/Iran – Is China angling for a Saudi–Iranian detente? (East Asia Forum) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

China/USA – Beyond Polysilicon: The Ties between China’s GCL-Poly and the United States (CSIS) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Climate Change – Nature and Net Zero (WEF) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Climate Change – How much of Earth is currently protected? (WEF) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Climate Change – How the World Bank is boosting climate resilience (WEF) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Climate Change – The road to net zero in 4 charts (WEF) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Climate Change – These are the breakthroughs we need to achieve a net-zero world (WEF) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Climate Change – The race to net-zero is on. This is how we can cross the finish line (WEF) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Cryptocurrency – Five myths about cryptocurrency (Brookings) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Ethiopia/Tigray Region – Tigray Defense Forces Resist Ethiopian Army Offensive as Sudan, Eritrea, and Ethnic Militias Enter the Fray (The Jamestown Foundation) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Facial Recognition Technology – Mandating fairness and accuracy assessments for law enforcement facial recognition systems (Brookings) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Gaza – Now that the guns are silent, minds turn to reconstruction (Al Jazeera) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Global Health – Invest in nurses to fight the pandemic, rebuild shattered health (Al Jazeera) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Green Transition – A Just Green Recovery from Covid-19 (CSIS) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Health Care Technology – The Future of Health-Care Technology (CFR) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

India – The transformation of India’s tech startups (East Asia Forum) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

India – Why India’s COVID-19 crisis could spell global economic catastrophe (Atlantic Council) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Indonesia/Israel/Palestine – How Gaza occupies Indonesia’s identity wars (The Interpreter) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Infrastructure 4.0 – Infrastructure 4.0: Achieving Better Outcomes with Technology and Systems Thinking (WEF) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Israel/Palestine – Israel’s divide, rule and erase strategy is failing (Al Jazeera) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Israel/Palestine – Experts React: What’s next after the Israel-Hamas ceasefire? (Atlantic Council) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Israel/Palestine – From the Twitter trenches: The Israeli army’s propaganda war (Al Jazeera) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Israel/Palestine – Operation Guardian of the Walls: Two Parallel Dimensions and Three Stark Surprises (INSS) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Israel/Palestine – Hamas’s Relentless Jihad (BESA Center) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Israel/Palestine/Lebanon/Hezbollah – The war on Gaza further exposes Hezbollah’s hypocritical duplicity (Al Arabiya) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Israel/Palestine/USA – The Current Israeli-Palestinian Crisis: Possibilities for New Junctures or a Return to Status Quo? (CFR) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Israel/Palestine/USA – Biden, Palestine, and the buttressing of Christian Zionism (Al Jazeera) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Israel/Palestine/USA/China/Russia – Do China and Russia want to replace the US as mediators in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict? (Atlantic Council) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Israel/USA – As Israel increasingly relies on US evangelicals for support, younger ones are walking away: What polls show (Brookings) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Libya – Libya Turns the Page (Crisis Group) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Misinformation – Misinformation and Trust in Media (CFR) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Myanmar – Myanmar is not the next Syria (The Interpreter) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

New Caledonia – New Caledonia eyes final vote on independence (The Interpreter) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

North Korea/South Korea/USA – “Flexible” is the new North Korea policy buzzword (The Interpreter) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Ocean – These sustainable floats gather vital data about the ocean – while using the water to recharge (WEF) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Ocean – What is ocean literacy and why do we need it? (WEF) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Ocean – This new project will help us understand, monitor, predict and protect the ocean (WEF) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Ocean – Ending harmful fisheries subsidies would improve the health of our ocean. This is why (WEF) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Ocean – 5 things we can do in 2021 that will protect the ocean and change lives (WEF) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Ocean – These 4 start-ups are using seaweed to help save the planet (WEF) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Pakistan/USA – Pakistani FM: ‘Can the US afford to ignore Pakistan?’ (Al Jazeera) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Pandemic – COVID-19 is a developing country pandemic (Brookings) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Pandemic – Pandemic, Inequality and Geopolitics (Valdai Discussion Club) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Papua New Guinea – PNG can’t turn a blind eye to the conflict next door (The Interpreter) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Partnerships for public purpose – The new PPPs for fighting the biggest crises of our time (Brookings) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Russia/Turkey – Leader-Oriented Relations Between Russia and Turkey in Times of Pandemic (The Jamestown Foundation) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Russia/USA – Russia and the USA: In Search of a New Model of Relations (Valdai Discussion Club) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

South Korea – South Korea’s green goals (The Interpreter) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Taxes/Tech Giants – Multilateral agreement on digital service taxes needed to plug unilateral measures (East Asia Forum) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Taxes/Tech Giants – Tech giants must pay their fair share of tax to help tackle COVID (Al Jazeera) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Ukraine – Ukraine’s New Naval Doctrine: A Revision of the Mosquito Fleet Strategy or Bureaucratic Inconsistency? (The Jamestown Foundation) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

USA – The American Families Plan: Too many tax credits for children? (Brookings) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

USA – Why a Commission Should Investigate the U.S. Capitol Attack (CFR) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

USA – Free college? Try Scholarships for Service (Brookings) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

USA – Special education: Beneficial to many, harmful to others (Brookings) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

USA – Strengthening the Child Tax Credit: What comes next? (Brookings) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

USA – Phasing Out Coal from U.S. Electricity Increasingly a Regional Challenge (CSIS) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

USA – New Senate China Bill Needs a Credible Latin American Dimension (CSIS) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

USA – Thinking Small: How the Intelligence Community Can Catalyze Digital Transformation (CSIS) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

USA – Investing in port infrastructure for America’s post-COVID-19 recovery (East Asia Forum) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

USA – Helping residents ‘buy back the block’ with American Rescue Plan funds (Brookings) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

USA – One year after George Floyd’s murder, what is the status of police reform in the United States? (Brookings) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

USA – A grand strategy of resolute restraint (Brookings) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

USA – What’s behind the semiconductor shortage and how long could it last? (Brookings) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

USA – Will births in the US rebound? Probably not (Brookings) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

USA – Our experts annotate Biden’s new executive order on cybersecurity (Atlantic Council) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

USA/Russia – The Arctic Prelude to a ‘Stabilization’ Summit (The Jamestown Foundation) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

USA/South Korea – The U.S.-South Korea Summit: A Relationship Restored? (CFR) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Vaccines – How to Build Trust in Vaccines: Understanding the drivers of vaccine confidence (WEF) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Venezuela – Lessons for negotiations in Venezuela: a roadmap (CSIS) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

Vietnam – Time to upgrade corporate governance in Vietnam (East Asia Forum) – The Global Eye (in The Science of Where)

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