Autocrazie vs democrazie
Sfida decisiva del nostro tempo, quella tra autocrazie e democrazie riguarda anche il controllo delle infrastrutture fisiche e digitali
Kaush Arha scrive per Atlantic Council: The competition between autocracy and democracy is the defining challenge of the twenty-first century—one that will in part play out through control over the digital and physical infrastructure that increasingly binds the world together.
Rischio climatico in Cina
Ted Regencia scrive su Al Jazeera dei rischi climatici nelle città cinesi.
Nota l’Autore: China’s key urban centres, including the capital Beijing and its most populous city, Shanghai, are expected to face hotter and longer summers, as well as wetter rainy months, a new Greenpeace study mapping extreme weather conditions due to climate change warned on Wednesday.
Cina tra capitalismo autoritario e dinamismo economico
Frederick Kempe scrive su Atlantic Council. E’ chiaro il messaggio di Xi Jinping in patria e all’estero su chi è al comando.
Sottolinea l’Autore: This was a clarifying week for global investors—or for anyone concerned about authoritarian capitalism—of just how much the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) would be willing to pay to ensure its dominance. The answer, according to a rough calculation from a new partnership formed by the Rhodium Group and the Atlantic Council, is as much as $45 trillion in new capital flows into and out of China by 2030, if the party were willing to pursue serious reform. It’s an immeasurable loss of economic dynamism.