Problemi per i diritti umani e ambientali nel sistema di arbitrato internazionale sugli investimenti. Gilliam Moon per East Asia Forum: Protecting human and environmental rights in international investment agreements
Pandemia e processo decisionale collettivo. Luigi Zingales per Project-Syndicate: The Political Lessons of COVID-19
Cina, riflessione sullo Shanghai Stock Exchange and Technology Innovation Board (STAR). Roselyn Hsueh per East Asia Forum: Reconciling China’s drive for global ascendency and its desire for state control
Cina, Nord Corea e gli arsenali di missili balistici. Jaganath Sankaran per East Asia Forum: Countering China and North Korea’s mad dash for missiles
Competizione globale e sfide all’intelligence americana. Jake Harrington e Riley McCabe per CSIS: Modernizing Intelligence, Reconnaissance, and Surveillance to ‘Find’ in the Era of Security Competition
Manifestazioni in Iran.
Mordechai Kedar per BESA Center: Dismantle Iran Now
Raz Zimmt per INSS: Iran: No Electricity, No Water, New President
Israel e Iran dopo la fine della Presidenza Netanyahu. Reza Parchizadeh per BESA Center: Israel’s Approach to Iran: The Netanyahu Revolution
850 lavoratori giordani nella Moschea di al-Aqsa. Edy Cohen per BESA Center: Jordan’s “Incitement Force” on the Temple Mount
Il futuro degli USA in Iraq. Anthony H. Cordesman per CSIS: Iraq, the United States, and the “New” Middle East
Rapporti geostrategici in Asia centrale. Emil Advaliani per BESA Center: Russia, China, and the Prospect of US Military Bases in Central Asia
Criticità nel ritiro degli USA dall’Afghanistan. Atlantic Council: Don’t lose Afghanistan
Le sfide delle prossime elezioni in Nicaragua. Ryan C. Berg per CSIS: Nicaragua’s Upcoming Election Highlights Need for Long-Term Forms of Pressure on the Ortega Regime