venerdì, Ottobre 18, 2024


Diario geostrategico,  15 dicembre 2021

Buona lettura ! 


The Science of Where Magazine’s interviews:

– L’Intelligence tra rischio, cyber e passione. The Science of Where Magazine incontra Adriana Piancastelli Manganelli, OSINT Senior Analyst

– Towards sustainable AI. The Science of Where Magazine meets Abhishek Gupta, Founder and Principal Researcher, Montreal AI Ethics Institute

– The road to the “new normal” and the role of the G20. The Science of Where meets Priyadarshi Dash. Associate Professor at Research and Information System for Developing Countries (RIS), New Delhi, he has 14 years of experience in policy research on trade, investment, infrastructure and fintech issues in the context of G20, IORA, BIMSTEC and Indo-Pacific

– Governo dei dati tra geopolitica e tutela del cittadino. The Science of Where Magazine incontra Ivana Bartoletti, Global Chief Privacy Officer a WIPRO Technologies e Visiting Policy Fellow presso l’ Università di Oxford

– Tecnologia e responsabilità: uno snodo decisivo. The Science of Where Magazine incontra Federico Cabitza, Università di Milano-Bicocca

– Inside the ethics of artificial intelligence: for a decentralized approach. The Science of Where Magazine meets James Brusseau, Philosopher, Pace University

– L’intelligenza artificiale contro le discriminazioni sul lavoro. The Science of Where Magazine incontra Keith Sonderling, Commissioner del U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

– Gathering strenght, gathering storms. Visions on artificial intelligence. The Science of Where Magazine meets Michael Littman and Peter Stone

Today’s Choice

– Patience Wait, Nextgov: Daron Acemoglu thinks that the Luddites of the late 18th and early 19th centuries have been maligned by history. They are widely known for tossing their tools and even shoes into factory equipment to damage and break the machinery, and have become synonymous with those who oppose all technological progress. – Economist Calls for Deeper Examination of AI’s Risks


– Daniel Shats, Peter W. Singer, Defense One: After shocked U.S. leaders decried China’s August flight of a nuclear-capable hypersonic glide vehicle, Beijing’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs tried a head fake, issuing a statement that actually referred to the July test of a reusable spaceplane. Yet even that misdirecting statement contained another attempt at misdirection. While the government described the spaceplane’s flight as a “routine” mission, it was in fact the first successful suborbital flight from launch to landing, a crucial step in the advancement towards a game-changing technology. – Don’t Buy China’s Hypersonic Head-Fake. Its Spaceplanes Are Racing Ahead


– Global Times: When Joe Biden was confirmed President-elect in November 2020, many on both sides of the Pacific Ocean were hopeful for a shift in China-US trade ties that had become mired in a tariff war. But to the disappointment of many, bilateral tensions have only escalated under Biden. Stephen Roach, a senior fellow at Yale University’s Jackson Institute of Global Affairs and former Chairman of Morgan Stanley Asia, was one of them. Why Biden has not moved to roll back the punitive tariffs? What actions need to be taken to ease trade tensions? In an interview with the Global Times’ Song Lin (GT), Roach, whose new book focuses on how to improve the bilateral ties, offered his views. – Biden did nothing to shift US trade policy toward China, a major disappointment: Stephen Roach


– Tom Kington, Defense News: Denmark and Norway are the latest European countries to sign up to a multinational European plan to build a common corvette. The two nations have joined Italy, France, Spain and Greece onboard the the European Patrol Corvette program, boosting ambitions to make the vessel a catalyst for operational and industrial integration on the continent. – Denmark, Norway join European corvette program

Digital Government

– George Ingram and Meagan Dooley, Brookings: If there is any question as to how integral information and communications technology (ICT) is to global development, the evidence is in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Seven of the indicators across four SDGs relate to digital capabilities. Beyond that, to capture the full scope of ICTs as an enabler of development, the Partnership for Measuring ICT for Development has identified another 26 ICT indicators covering 10 of the 17 SDGs. Further, the Digital Impact Alliance (DIAL) and International Telecommunication Union (ITU) developed the

SDG Digital Investment Framework, designed as an introduction to how digital capabilities can advance specific SDGs. – Digital government: Foundations for global development and democracy


– Sergei Kapitonov, Carnegie Moscow Center: Russia has a unique chance to extend existing long-term contracts with Europe for both pipeline natural gas and LNG—and to agree new ones. Moscow’s export strategy, however, must be more flexible, more open, and accompanied by more friendly rhetoric if it is to seize the opportunity. – Why LNG Didn’t Save Europe From an Energy Crisis


– Toshiya Takahashi, East Asia Forum: Economic security is becoming crucial to Japan’s national security portfolio. In October 2021, the Kishida government created a ministerial position for economic security. One month later, it decided to subsidise half of the estimated US$7 billion investment by Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company to construct a semiconductor plant in Kumamoto prefecture. – Japan’s opaque economic security policy agenda


– Jaroslaw Adamovski, Defense News: The Romanian Ministry of National Defence has asked the country’s lawmakers to approve the purchase of 32 second-hand F-16 fighter jets from Norway under a contract estimated to be worth about €454 million ($513 million). – Romania eyes Norwegian F-16s under $513 million deal


– Alexander Gabuev, Alena Epifanova, Janis Kluge, Carnegie Moscow Center: Podcast host Alexander Gabuev is joined by Janis Kluge, a senior associate with the SWP research facility in Berlin, and Alena Epifanova, a research fellow at DGAP—also in Berlin—to discuss the ideas of digital sovereignty and a sovereign internet, and the challenges to those concepts. – Podcast: Can Digital Sovereignty Ever Be More Than a Myth in Russia?

– Dumitru Minzarari, The Jamestown Foundation: The December 7 video-conference between Presidents Joseph Biden of the United States and Vladimir Putin of Russia raised many questions, as both sides were scarce with details. The official read-outs of the meeting confirmed the previously voiced positions, leading many observers to conclude that the talks broke little new ground. Nevertheless, the separate statements by US and Russian officials, combined with extensive media coverage, have provided some helpful insights about the content of the talks as well as facilitated a better understanding of the rationale behind the recent Russian military buildup near Ukrainian borders (see EDM, December 89). – The Kremlin’s Logic of Threats and Strategic Ambiguity

– Pavel K. Baev, The Jamestown Foundation: The topics of Russia’s plight and future prospects came up again and again last week, in the December 7 video-conversation between Presidents Joseph Biden and Vladimir Putin, at the Summit of Democracies that the Biden administration organized and hosted on December 9–10, as well as during this year’s Nobel Peace Prize award ceremony, held on December 10, where Dmitri Muratov and Maria Ressa gave traditional lectures. Muratov’s remarks were foreboding for the leadership in the Kremlin: Although the world seems to be turning away from democracy toward dictatorship (Novaya Gazeta, December 10), he recalled Soviet dissident Andrei Sakharov’s assertion in his 1975 Nobel lecture, when the Soviet Union also appeared to be going strong, that dictatorships had no future, because without human rights and civil liberties there could be no progress. The collapse of the Soviet Union in December 1991 delivered positive proof for that thesis. However, in Putin’s Russia, this anniversary only increases Moscow’s urge to reconstitute its position of power, which was undercut three decades ago by that happenstance “geopolitical catastrophe” (Izvestia, December 8). – The Anniversary That Russia Fails to Internalize


– Lyle J. Goldstein, Defense One: It is now quite conceivable that a major war will take place in Europe. Moreover, it is also possible that this war could spread quickly to Asia too, but we will put that grave issue aside momentarily. What are President Vladimir Putin’s war aims? How did it come to the brink of war? Is there anything that can stop this descent into darkness? – How to Avert War in Ukraine

– Volodymyr Havrylov, The Jamestown Foundation: News of an apparent Russian military buildup around Ukraine has been attracting increasingly alarming international headlines since October (see EDM, October 14December 2). These developments prompted regular statements from the leaders of the European Union and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) regarding potential threats of an imminent Russian invasion of Ukraine as well as Western warnings to Putin about the serious consequences such a scenario would bring for Moscow. This message was also conveyed by United States President Joseph Biden during his video-conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin on December 7 (see EDM, December 8). – The Russian Military Buildup Around Ukraine: Bluff Versus Intention

Saudi Arabia

– Agnes Helou, Defense News: Saudi Arabia will spend 171 billion riyals (U.S. $46 billion) on its military in 2022, about a 10% decrease from the 2021 defense budget of 190 billion riyals, according to the kingdom’s budget statement. Abdullah Al Junaid, a Bahraini strategic expert and political researcher, told Defense News that the reason for the decrease is twofold: The move is part of the kingdom’s local production strategy, and the second is due to the near completion of several defense deals. – Saudi Arabia decreases defense spending to $46 billion


– Joseph Versen, Zaruhi Mnatsakanyan, and Johannes Urpelainen, Brookings: Imagine the following scenario: it is the year 2035. One large country, dealing with major issues of global warming, decides to take extreme action. The government begins secret deployment of a geoengineering system for pumping large amounts of reflective particles into the air, a technique designed to mimic the cooling effect of a volcanic eruption, only on a much larger scale and over a much longer time horizon. Although such behavior has been discouraged by the international community, research has continued, largely behind closed doors and without real regulation. Now that the climate situation has become more dire, the country has decided that it can no longer afford to wait; they see geoengineering as their only option. – Preparing the United States for security and governance in a geoengineering future

– Patience Wait, Nextgov: The day after senators grilled Instagram CEO Adam Mosseri on the negative effects of his platform on teen girls during a Senate Commerce subcommittee hearing, another subcommittee heard from witnesses about online platforms’ use of technology to manipulate their users’ experiences. – Senate Hearing Tackles Harms Caused by Social Media Algorithms

– Rachel S. Coen, Defense News: Congress is poised to pass legislation that would demand more oversight of military jet ejection seats and pilot breathing systems, hoping to prevent further related accidents and deaths. The final version of the fiscal 2022 defense policy bill, which passed the House Dec. 8 and awaits a vote in the Senate as soon as this week, would require the Air Force and Navy to report to lawmakers on the state of their ejection seats. – Jet ejection seat, breathing system oversight strengthened in defense bill


– US Department of State: Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken will travel to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, December 14-15 where he will meet with Prime Minister Dato’ Sri Ismail Sabri bin Yaakob and Foreign Minister Saifuddin Abdullah to discuss peace and stability in the Indo-Pacific as well as our strong bilateral relationship rooted in robust security, economic, and people-to-people ties.  While in Kuala Lumpur, Secretary Blinken will also hold a hybrid virtual and in-person townhall with Malaysian Young Southeast Asia Leadership Initiative (YSEALI) alumni, meet with members of the U.S. embassy community, and hold a roundtable discussion on clean energy with Energy Minister Takiyuddin Hassan. – The United States-Malaysia Relationship


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