mercoledì, Febbraio 5, 2025
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M. E.

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Strategies/Multi-dimensional challenges from authoritarian States

The Science of Where Magazine meets Thomas G. Mahnken, President and CEO of the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments | CSBA ( What is the thesis...

Strategies/City, development, technology: the perspective of migrants and refugees

The Science of Where Magazine meets Lucy Earle, a principal researcher in the Human Settlements Research Group at the International Institute for Environment and Development | Linking local...

“Pivot to Asia” between geopolitics and technology

The Science of Where meets Sourabh Gupta, senior Asia-Pacific international relations policy specialist at the Institute for China-America Studies - ICAS, Washington, D.C. Strong is the strategic interest...

Tattiche e strategie nel Golfo Persico 

The Science of Where Magazine incontra Giorgio Cafiero, CEO di Gulf State Analytics, consultancy sul rischio geopolitico con sede a Washington DC specializzata nella penisola...

American, South Asia, technology

The Science of Where Magazine meets Michael Kugelman, the Deputy Director of the Asia Program and Senior Associate for South Asia at theWilson Center The relationship...

Future Combat Air System: per un sistema europeo di difesa

The Science of Where Magazine incontra Dominic Vogel, attualmente Visiting Fellow presso SWP. Le sue aree di competenza sono la politica di difesa tedesca,...

Dall’India, nuove tecnologie per vincere il COVID-19

> English Version The Science of Where Magazine incontra Shoba Suri, Senior Fellow presso il think tank indiano Observer Research Foundation (ORF). Shoba è una nutrizionista con...

Reflections on the liberal order

The Science of Where Magazine meets Alexander Cooley, the Claire Tow Professor of Political Science at Barnard College and Director of Columbia University’s Harriman Institute for the Study of...

Il Pakistan tra traiettore regionali e fake news

> English Version The Science of Where Magazine incontra Imtiaz Gul, tra i principali analisti politici e di sicurezza del Pakistan. È autore di quattro libri tra cui The...

Internet regulation: a transatlantic challenge

The Science of Where Magazine mets Julian Jaursch, head of the project Strengthening the Digital Public Sphere at the Stiftung Neue Verantwortung (SNV) (think...

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