domenica, Febbraio 23, 2025


Il futuro dell’auto (zero-carbon)

(Zero-Carbon Car) Forging Ahead A materials roadmap for the zero-carbon car (WEF) - The Global Eye

USA e India, cooperazione nei campi della difesa e della sicurezza

(USA/India) After the foundational agreements: An agenda for US-India defense and security cooperation (Joshua T. White, Brookings) - The Global Eye

Sud Africa, mercato del lavoro

(South Africa) Employment creation potential, labor skills requirements, and skill gaps for young people: A South African case study (Caitlin Allen, Zaakhir Asmal, Haroon...

Russia e Regione Baltica

(Russia/Baltic Region) Russia's strategic interests and actions in the Baltic Region (Heinrich Brauß, András Rácz, DGAP) - The Global Eye

Difesa UK

(UK) - A New Direction for the Ministry of Defence’s Budget? Implications of the November Spending Review (Malcolm Chalmers, RUSI) - The Global Eye

La politica spaziale russa

(Russia) Russia’s Space Policy: The Path of Decline? (Florian Vidal, IFRI) - The Global Eye

Artico strategico

(Arctic) Deep Dive Debrief: Strategic Stability and Competition in the Arctic (Rebecca Hersman, Eric Brewer, Maxwell Simon, CSIS) - The Global Eye

USA, Cina, Russia

(USA/CHINA/RUSSIA) The Biden Transition and U.S. Competition with China and Russia: The Crisis-Driven Need to Change U.S. Strategy (Anthony H. Cordesman with the assistance...

Le forze militari americane

(USA) U.S. Military Forces in FY 2021: Space, SOF, Civilians, and Contractors (Mark Cancian, CSIS) - The Global Eye

Istituzioni per i diritti umani in Medio Oriente e Nord Africa

(Middle East/North Africa) National human rights institutions: A reason for hope in the Middle East and North Africa? (Turan Kayaoglu, Brookings) - The Global...

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