domenica, Febbraio 23, 2025

Mondi in progress

Mondi in Progress 05-02-2021

Africa (Africa) Long-term strategies for an African recovery from COVID-19: A CEO’s perspective (Brookings) - The Global Eye (Gulf of Guinea) A Transatlantic Approach to Address...

Mondi in Progress 01-02-2021

Africa (Central African Republic) What is behind the renewed violence in CAR? (Al Jazeera) - The Global Eye (Egypt) Policy and Institutional Responses to COVID-19 in...

Mondi in Progress 28-01-2021

Africa (Egypt) Egypt’s suicidal state (Khaled Diab, Al Jazeera) - The Global Eye (Libya) Building peace through subnational governance: The case of Libya (Simona Ross, Stefan...

Mondi in Progress del 25-01-2021

Africa (Africa) Charts of the Week: COVID-19 and Africa (Fred Dews, Brookings) - The Global Eye Azerbaijan (Azerbaijan) Karabakh Victory Transforming Meaning of Black January for Many...

Mondi in Progress 21-01-2021

Brexit/UK (Brexit) Will Brexit Be a Barrier for Retooling the Economy? (Joergen Oerstroem Moeller, The National Interest) - The Global Eye (England/Education/Computer Science) How England implemented...

Mondi in Progress 18-01-2021

America Latina (Latin America) Environmental Rights and Conflicts over Raw Materials in Latin America (Günther Maihold, Viktoria Reisch, SWP) - The Global Eye Arabia Saudita/Qatar (Saudi Arabia/Qatar)...

Mondi in Progress 14-11-2021

Africa (Boko Haram) Boko Haram blocks Lake Chad trade routes (Remadji Hoinathy, ISS) - The Global Eye (Somalia/Kenya) Somalia and Kenya still have a road to...

Mondi in Progress 11-01-2021

Americhe (Argentina) Changing Argentina’s inertia: Is it possible? (Eduardo Levy Yeyati, Brookings) - The Global Eye (Canada) Navdeep Bains on Canada’s Shift to a Digital Economy...

Mondi in Progress 30-12-2020

Antisemitismo BESA Center: ANTISEMITISM - Achievements in 2020 in the Battle Against Antisemitism (Manfred Gerstenfeld, BESA Center) - The Global Eye Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank East Asia Forum: AIIB...

Mondi in Progress 28-12-2020

2020 Atlantic Council: GLOBAL ECONOMY 2020 - The global economy in 2020, by the numbers (Atlantic Council) - The Global Eye 2021 Atlantic Council: RISKS AND OPPORTUNITIES 2021 -...

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