giovedì, Gennaio 30, 2025

Think Tanks

Luiss, il lavoro del futuro passa da nuovi modelli di formazione

Anche le università scommettono sul digitale. Secondo lo studio "The Digital Skills Gap in Europe" effettuato dalla Commissione Europea, 9 lavori su 10 richiederanno...

Mondi in Progress 05-02-2021

Africa (Africa) Long-term strategies for an African recovery from COVID-19: A CEO’s perspective (Brookings) - The Global Eye (Gulf of Guinea) A Transatlantic Approach to Address...

“Best Indipendent Think Tanks”: l’Eurispes nella classifica degli Istituti più importanti al mondo

Anche nell’edizione del 2020, l’Eurispes è stato inserito nella classifica degli Istituti più importanti al mondo nell’elenco dei centri di eccellenza definiti come “indipendenti”...

Strategie/Con l’occhio dei migranti e dei rifugiati: città, sviluppo, tecnologia

The Science of Where Magazine incontra Lucy Earle, principal researcher del gruppo di ricerca sugli insediamenti umani presso l' International Institute for Environment and Development |...

Strategie/Politica climatica, Politica commerciale, Multilateralismo

Il Center for Strategic and International Studies | (, secondo il "Global Go To Think Tank Index" dell'Università della Pennsylvania. è il primo think tank negli...

Mondi in Progress 01-02-2021

Africa (Central African Republic) What is behind the renewed violence in CAR? (Al Jazeera) - The Global Eye (Egypt) Policy and Institutional Responses to COVID-19 in...

Migrations: the Biden Administration and Europe’s policies

The Science of Where Magazine meets Kelly Petillo, programme coordinator for Middle East and North Africa at the think tank European Council on Foreign...

The populists will not win

The Science of Where Magazine meets Charles Hankla, associate professor at the Georgia State University In your article "Will Biden’s America change course on China...

Towards the Digital Stability Board for a digital Bretton Woods

The Science of Where Magazine meets Robert Fay, managing director of digital economy at Centre for International Governance Innovation.  When you write about "divide" with...

The economic value of climate policies

The Science of Where Magazine meets Brent Orrell, resident fellow at the think tank  American Enterprise Institute  Could you explain to our readers the thesis...

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