giovedì, Gennaio 30, 2025

Think Tanks

Le sfide globali (e tecnologiche) dall’area asiatica 

The Science of Where incontra Sourabh Gupta, senior policy specialist (Asia-Pacific international relations) presso l'Institute for China-America Studies - ICAS, Washington, D.C. > English Version Forte è l'interesse strategico...

L’importanza della tecnologia tra USA e Asia del Sud

The Science of Where Magazine incontra Michael Kugelman, vicedirettore dell'Asia Program e Senior Associate per l'Asia meridionale presso il think tank Wilson Center > English...

Mondi in Progress 28-01-2021

Africa (Egypt) Egypt’s suicidal state (Khaled Diab, Al Jazeera) - The Global Eye (Libya) Building peace through subnational governance: The case of Libya (Simona Ross, Stefan...

Noi siamo realtà

Ricordo che queste riflessioni sono parte di un percorso di ricerca sul rapporto tra condizione umana, innovazione, complessità e relazioni internazionali. È importante sottolinearlo...

Strategies/Advancing democracy and the impact of technology

 The Science of Where Magazine meets Patrick Quirk, Senior Director for Strategy, Research, and the Center for Global Impact at the IRI (International Republic...

Mondi in Progress del 25-01-2021

Africa (Africa) Charts of the Week: COVID-19 and Africa (Fred Dews, Brookings) - The Global Eye Azerbaijan (Azerbaijan) Karabakh Victory Transforming Meaning of Black January for Many...

Tecnologia, ordine liberale, sistemi illiberali

The Science of Where Magazine incontra Alexander Cooley, Claire Tow Professor di Political Science al Barnard College e Direttore del Columbia University’s Harriman Institute for the Study of...

La Quarta Rivoluzione Industriale: una sfida complessa

The Science of Where Magazine incontra Julian Jaursch. Julian dirige il progetto Strengthening the Digital Public Sphere presso Stiftung Neue Verantwortung (SNV), think tank...

Strategies/Multi-dimensional challenges from authoritarian States

The Science of Where Magazine meets Thomas G. Mahnken, President and CEO of the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments | CSBA ( What is the thesis...

Mondi in Progress 21-01-2021

Brexit/UK (Brexit) Will Brexit Be a Barrier for Retooling the Economy? (Joergen Oerstroem Moeller, The National Interest) - The Global Eye (England/Education/Computer Science) How England implemented...

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