venerdì, Marzo 14, 2025

Think Tanks

Mondi in Progress 28-12-2020

2020 Atlantic Council: GLOBAL ECONOMY 2020 - The global economy in 2020, by the numbers (Atlantic Council) - The Global Eye 2021 Atlantic Council: RISKS AND OPPORTUNITIES 2021 -...

Lessons from the pandemic

Omar Al-Ubaydli is the Director of Research at Derasat, Bahrain. His research interests include political economy, experimental economics, and the economics of the GCC...

Mondi in Progress 21-12-2021

Brasile, Amapa, cambiamenti climatici Al Jazeera: BRAZIL/AMAPA/CLIMATE CHANGE - The crisis in Brazil’s Amapa state is a warning for the world (Alnoor Ladha, Felipe Viveros, Raissa...

Mondi in Progress 18-12-2020

Amazon e climate change Al Jazeera: AMAZON/CLIMATE CHANGE - Amazon must stop flooding our oceans with plastic waste (Matt Littlejohn - The Global Eye Banca Centrale Europea Project-Syndicate: ECB...

Prospettive strategiche per un nuovo Medio Oriente

> English Version The Science of Where Magazine incontra Rotem Oreg, chief editor del blog Washington Express, su America, Medio Oriente e prospettive strategiche Rotem Oreg...

Mondi in Progress 16-12-2020

Corea del Sud ed Europa IES: SOUTH KOREA/EUROPE - Korea matters for Europe/Europe matters for Korea (IES) - The Global Eye Dayton 25 anni dopo Al Jazeera: DAYTON PEACE...

Strategic Perspectives for a new Middle East

The Science of Where Magazine meets Rotem Oreg, chief editor of the Washington Express blog, on America, the Middle East and strategic perspectives. Rotem Oreg...

Mondi in Progress 11-12-2020

Africa e Biometric ID Systems Al Jazeera, 10 dicembre 2020: Activists sound alarm over African biometric ID projects (Madeleine Speed, Al Jazeera) - The Global Eye Americani...

La guerra nel Caucaso è davvero finita?

> English Version Prof. Anjaparidze, come analista strategico, impegnato a comprendere le dinamiche dei conflitto nel Caucaso ci può dire a che punto siamo dopo...

The Caucasus between internal and international dynamics

> Versione in italiano For us Europeans, the Caucasus is a complex region, a mosaic of ethnic groups and conflicts. We are interested in your...

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